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December 2001 Volume 52 No 12 era Fo1111ded by the Earl of Hare,rood Past Editors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes Editor John Iii on Marketing Director lice Lind ay s istant Editor Erica Jeal ub cription Manage,· ngela Kipling Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer Ian Blyth Hugh anning Rupert hristian en Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Madd ck Rodney Milne (Chairman) Roger Parker Andrew Porter Editorial Office 36 Black Lion Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 8563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: edi u k Web ite: Advertising order and copy to Jane Stoggle Cabbell Publi hing Ltd Woodman Work 204 Durnsford Road London SW l 9 SOR Tel: 020 897 I 8450 Fax: 020 897 l 8480 Front cover: Simon Rattle (photo: Sim n Fowler) 14 19 Opera politico By the Editor 1420 People 279: imon Rattle Nichola Kenyon 1428 Reader 'Letter J 430 Verdi in the Third Reich Gundula Kreuzer 1437 ewsde k 1438 'Amahl'-Fifty year young Rebecca Paller 1444 ew op ra on parade Andrew Clement review six recent recordings 1450 Opera Around the World 1465 Coming Events including plan for the UK hou es, Prague ( ational Theatre), Montpellier, Berlin (Komi che Oper), Pari (Opera-Comique), Hanover, Leipzig, Genoa, Turin, Madrid, an Diego; 'We hear that. . . '; Opera calendar h me and abroad 1479 Opera books 1516 British Opera Diary 1525 Opera on the fringe 1528 Opera at the college 1529 Opera on di c 1535 Cla sified advertisement 1536 I can't live without ... L'Enfantetlessortileges Gerald La.,ner Opera, December 2001 1409

December 2001 Volume 52 No 12

era Fo1111ded by the Earl of Hare,rood

Past Editors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes

Editor John Iii on Marketing Director lice Lind ay s istant Editor Erica Jeal ub cription Manage,· ngela Kipling

Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer

Ian Blyth Hugh anning Rupert hristian en Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Madd ck Rodney Milne (Chairman) Roger Parker Andrew Porter

Editorial Office 36 Black Lion Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 8563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: edi u k Web ite:

Advertising order and copy to Jane Stoggle Cabbell Publi hing Ltd Woodman Work 204 Durnsford Road London SW l 9 SOR Tel: 020 897 I 8450 Fax: 020 897 l 8480

Front cover: Simon Rattle (photo: Sim n Fowler)

14 19 Opera politico

By the Editor 1420 People 279: imon Rattle

Nichola Kenyon 1428 Reader 'Letter

J 430 Verdi in the Third Reich

Gundula Kreuzer 1437 ewsde k 1438 'Amahl'-Fifty year young

Rebecca Paller 1444 ew op ra on parade

Andrew Clement review six recent recordings 1450 Opera Around the World 1465 Coming Events including plan for the UK hou es, Prague ( ational Theatre), Montpellier, Berlin (Komi che Oper), Pari (Opera-Comique), Hanover, Leipzig, Genoa, Turin, Madrid,

an Diego; 'We hear that. . . '; Opera calendar h me and abroad

1479 Opera books 1516 British Opera Diary 1525 Opera on the fringe 1528 Opera at the college

1529 Opera on di c 1535 Cla sified advertisement

1536 I can't live without ... L'Enfantetlessortileges

Gerald La.,ner

Opera, December 2001


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