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CARMEN-BIZET Victoria de los Angele, and Nicolai Gedda Sir Thomas Beecham/French National Radio Orchestra and Chorus H.M.V. ASD331-3 (stereo) or ALP 1762-4 (mono) LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR - DO.\'IZETTI Maria Callas Tullio Serafin/Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus Columbia SAX2316-7 (stereo) or 33CX1723-4 (mono) LA GIOCONDA- PO.\'CHJELLT Maril Callas .-\n ,onino 1·ouo Orchestra and Chorus of La Sea la Opera House. ~Iilan Columbia S.-\X2353-31 (srereo> or 33C.\1703-8 c mono) DER FLIEGENDE HOLLANDER -\\'AG.\'ER Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Marianne Schech. Gottlob Frick, Rudo!! SchJck Franz Kon\vitschnv Choru5 anj Orchc.::;t..ra of the German State Oper<t. Berlin H.M.V. ASD385-7 (stereo) or ALP1806-8 (mono) MADAMA BUTTERFLY-Pl;cCJ\'/ Victoria de los Angeles and Jussi Bj orling Gabriele Santini Ot·chestra and Chorus of the Opera House. Rome H.M.V. ASD373-5 (stereo) or ALP 1795-7 (mono) DER FREISCHUTZ -1rnarn Rudolf Schock and Elisab3th Gr ummer Joseph Keilberth Berlin Philha.rmo:iic Orchestra. Chat us of the :1-luni .:: ipal Opera. Berli !l H.M. v. ASD319-2l (stereo) or ALP1752-l (mono, E.M.I. 1-P 33! rpm records E .M.I. RECORDS Lii\IITSD , E .)r.I . HOUSE. 20. MA:\TCHESTER SQUARE, LO::\DO'-.". \V 1. Kindly mention OPERA when communicating with advertisers
page 9
OPERA (Founded by the EARL OF HAREWOOD) Vol 11 No 12 DECEMBER 1960 Editor: HAROLD ROSENTHAL Assistant Editor : JOHN WARR.-\CK Associate Editors: PH ILIP HOPE-WALi.ACE. WILLIAM MA~1'. A ORE\\. PORTER. DESM01 D SH.-\\VE-TAYLOR Contents Cover : Regine Crespin as the Marscha ll in Photo Guy Gravell Comment In and Out of Britten ·s ·Dream· by Donald Mitchell The New Leipzig Opera : The Building by Siegmund W o ffi ng The Opening Events by Alan Bush and Ossia Trillin g Bel Strepito by T om Shearer ews Tncluding contributions froi/1 Richard R ePa.H. Roger Dettmer, Alfred Frankenstein, Eduardo Arnosi, Joseph Wechsberg, H. H. Stuckenschmidt, Andrew M cCredie. Greville R o th on. and M arcel Senecha11d Gramophone Record Book Reviews Opera Diary Reader ' Letters Christmas Competition Opera Calendar page 796 797 S02 806 8 12 c 14 42 846 847 856 858 860 OPERA published monthly fo r Harold Rosenthal by Roll House Publishing Company Ltd ., '2 Breams Building, Londo:! , E.C.4 (HOLborn 5708). Subscription ra te 40s. (Inland and Foreign) for twelve issues, plus the special Fe tival number, and the annual Index; U .S.A. S6.50. Single copie 2. 6d.-by po L 3 . Editorial Office : 6 Woodland Rise, London, N .10; Tel. TUDor 441 5. Adverti ing Agent: D. G . Merson, 2 Breams Buildings, London, E.C.4 (HOLborn 5708).


Victoria de los Angele, and Nicolai Gedda Sir Thomas Beecham/French National Radio Orchestra and Chorus H.M.V. ASD331-3 (stereo) or ALP 1762-4 (mono)


- DO.\'IZETTI Maria Callas Tullio Serafin/Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus Columbia SAX2316-7 (stereo) or 33CX1723-4 (mono)


Maril Callas .-\n ,onino 1·ouo Orchestra and Chorus of La Sea la Opera House. ~Iilan Columbia S.-\X2353-31 (srereo> or 33C.\1703-8 c mono)


-\\'AG.\'ER Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Marianne Schech. Gottlob Frick, Rudo!! SchJck Franz Kon\vitschnv Choru5 anj Orchc.::;t..ra of the German State Oper


Victoria de los Angeles and Jussi Bj orling Gabriele Santini Ot·chestra and Chorus of the Opera House. Rome H.M.V. ASD373-5 (stereo) or ALP 1795-7 (mono)


Rudolf Schock and Elisab3th Gr ummer Joseph Keilberth Berlin Philha.rmo:iic Orchestra. Chat us of the :1-luni .:: ipal Opera. Berli !l H.M. v. ASD319-2l (stereo) or ALP1752-l (mono,

E.M.I. 1-P

33! rpm records

E .M.I. RECORDS Lii\IITSD , E .)r.I . HOUSE. 20. MA:\TCHESTER SQUARE, LO::\DO'-.". \V 1.

Kindly mention OPERA when communicating with advertisers

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