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August 2003 Volume 54 No 8 Editor John Alli on Marketing Director Alice Lind ay A sistant Editor Erica Jeal ubscriptions Manager Angela Kipling Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Hugh anning Rupert Chri tiansen ndrew Clark ndrew Clements Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Rodney Milne ( hairman) Roger Parker ndrew Porter Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane Lond n W6 9BE Telephone: 020 8563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mai I: Web ite: dvertising orders and copy to Jane Stoggle abbell Publi hing Ltd Woodman Work 204 Durn ford Road Lond n SW 19 8DR Tel: 020 897 I 450 Fax: 020 897 1 8480 Front cover: Nina lemme a l olde at Glyndebourne ( ee pp. I 004-7) (photo: Mike Hoban) era Founded in 1950 by the Earl of Harewood Past Editors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes 915 Languag barrier By the Editor 916 Reader ' letters 918 A fertile modernism Stephen Pettitt introduces Henze'!; new opera 923 People 298: hri topher Ventri Tim mith 92 ewsd k 930 Puccini full tature Rich.arc/ Bradshaw welcomes two new biographies 934 Luciano Beri , 1925-200 Graham Vick, Andrew lements 938 t Bru cantini, 1919-2003 Giorgio Gualerzi 940 Obituary 943 Opera around the world 985 Opera in Britain I OJ I Opera on CD JO 19 Opera books I 021 Coming events including plan for the UK houses, ntwerp and Ghent Hel inlci Bordeaux, Berlin (Deutsche Oper), m terdam, tockh Im, Geneva, Lausanne; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad I 035 Cla ified adverti ement 1036 My fir t opera: ' ida' Speight Jenkins Opera, August 2003 909

August 2003 Volume 54 No 8

Editor John Alli on Marketing Director Alice Lind ay A sistant Editor Erica Jeal ubscriptions Manager Angela Kipling

Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Hugh anning Rupert Chri tiansen ndrew Clark ndrew Clements Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Rodney Milne ( hairman) Roger Parker ndrew Porter

Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane Lond n W6 9BE Telephone: 020 8563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mai I: Web ite: dvertising orders and copy to Jane Stoggle abbell Publi hing Ltd Woodman Work 204 Durn ford Road Lond n SW 19 8DR Tel: 020 897 I 450 Fax: 020 897 1 8480

Front cover: Nina lemme a l olde at Glyndebourne ( ee pp. I 004-7) (photo: Mike Hoban)

era Founded in 1950 by the Earl of Harewood

Past Editors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes

915 Languag barrier

By the Editor 916 Reader ' letters 918 A fertile modernism

Stephen Pettitt introduces Henze'!; new opera 923 People 298: hri topher Ventri

Tim mith 92 ewsd k 930 Puccini full tature

Rich.arc/ Bradshaw welcomes two new biographies 934 Luciano Beri , 1925-200

Graham Vick, Andrew lements 938 t Bru cantini, 1919-2003

Giorgio Gualerzi 940 Obituary 943 Opera around the world 985 Opera in Britain I OJ I Opera on CD JO 19 Opera books I 021 Coming events including plan for the UK houses, ntwerp and Ghent Hel inlci Bordeaux, Berlin (Deutsche Oper), m terdam, tockh Im, Geneva, Lausanne; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad I 035 Cla ified adverti ement 1036 My fir t opera: ' ida'

Speight Jenkins

Opera, August 2003


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