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August 1997 Vo lume 48 No 8 Edi1or Rodnev Mi ln es Associa1e Ediwr Max Loppe n Assis1r1111 Edi1or John Alliso n Ad111 i1 1is1 raror Alice Lindsay Ediwrial Board Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Ri cha rd Fa irman roe! Goodwin Charl es Osborne Andrew Porter John Warrack Editorial Offices la Mountgrove Road London N5 2LU Tel ephone: 0171 -359 1037 Fax: 0171 -354 2700 Advertising orders and copy to Jackson-Rudd & Associates (London orth East) Ltd 2 Luke St reet London EC2A 4NT Tel:017 1-6 13 0717 Fax: 017 1-613 ll08 Ad1·er1isem e111 Manager Bri an R. Hook Fru111 Cover: Keel Watso n as The Elder in the premiere ofTurna ge ·s The Country of the Blin d· at Aldebu rgh (Photo: Keith Saunders) Founded b,· 1/i e Earl of /-far eivood Edi1or 1953-86 Harold Rose111hal. 08£ era 891 892 896 904 909 9 11 919 921 Profe sional s v amate urs Th e Editor Twice through Turnage Andrew Clements People 23 1: Jea n Rigby Rod11ev Milnes Nymph of th e marsh R onald Crich ro 11 o n ·Pl a tee· Opera ewsdesk What ·s in a name? Frederic Spotrs o n a Wagner autobiograp hy Obituary Opera Around th e World: reports from America. Austri a . Be lgium. Croa ti a. France. G erm any. It a ly. Lebanon. Monaco. Sweden 937- 951 COM I G EVENTS SUPPLEME T including E o ·s plans fo r th e 1997-8 season: Prague. Copenhagen . Strasbourg. Berlin (D e utsche Oper and Komische Oper). Amsterdam . Stockholm, Zurich: ·we hea r th a t .. .': Opera calenda r home and abroad 951 Opera books 970 British Opera Diary: Maxwe ll Davies·s ·Resurrection·: ·Simon Boccanegra ·. 'From th e H o use of th e Dead· and 'Th e Barbe r of Sevill e · a t W O ; ·Cos1 fa n tutt e · a t Opera orth; ·Ka tya Kabanova· and 'Elektra· a t Covent Garden; ENO 's 'Carm e n· and 'L'a ll gro, ii pe nseroso. ed ii moderato·: ·The Cunning Litt le Vixe n· a t Scottish Opera 988 Opera on th e frin ge 992 In concert 1000 On te lev isio n 1001 Opera o n radi o 1003 Opera o n disc 1008 C lass ifi ed advertisements

August 1997 Vo lume 48 No 8

Edi1or Rodnev Mi ln es Associa1e Ediwr Max Loppe n Assis1r1111 Edi1or John Alliso n Ad111 i1 1is1 raror Alice Lindsay Ediwrial Board Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Ri cha rd Fa irman roe! Goodwin Charl es Osborne Andrew Porter John Warrack

Editorial Offices la Mountgrove Road London N5 2LU Tel ephone: 0171 -359 1037 Fax: 0171 -354 2700

Advertising orders and copy to Jackson-Rudd & Associates (London orth East) Ltd 2 Luke St reet London EC2A 4NT Tel:017 1-6 13 0717 Fax: 017 1-613 ll08 Ad1·er1isem e111 Manager Bri an R. Hook

Fru111 Cover: Keel Watso n as The Elder in the premiere ofTurna ge ·s The Country of the Blin d· at Aldebu rgh (Photo: Keith Saunders)

Founded b,· 1/i e Earl of /-far eivood Edi1or 1953-86 Harold Rose111hal. 08£






909 9 11

919 921

Profe sional s v amate urs Th e Editor Twice through Turnage Andrew Clements People 23 1: Jea n Rigby Rod11ev Milnes Nymph of th e marsh R onald Crich ro 11 o n ·Pl a tee· Opera ewsdesk What ·s in a name? Frederic Spotrs o n a Wagner autobiograp hy Obituary Opera Around th e World: reports from America. Austri a . Be lgium. Croa ti a. France. G erm any. It a ly. Lebanon. Monaco. Sweden 937- 951 COM I G EVENTS SUPPLEME T

including E o ·s plans fo r th e 1997-8 season: Prague. Copenhagen . Strasbourg. Berlin (D e utsche Oper and Komische Oper). Amsterdam . Stockholm, Zurich: ·we hea r th a t .. .': Opera calenda r home and abroad 951 Opera books 970 British Opera Diary: Maxwe ll

Davies·s ·Resurrection·: ·Simon Boccanegra ·. 'From th e H o use of th e Dead· and 'Th e Barbe r of Sevill e · a t W O ; ·Cos1 fa n tutt e · a t Opera orth; ·Ka tya Kabanova· and 'Elektra· a t Covent Garden; ENO 's 'Carm e n· and 'L'a ll gro, ii pe nseroso. ed ii moderato·: ·The Cunning Litt le Vixe n· a t Scottish Opera 988 Opera on th e frin ge 992 In concert 1000 On te lev isio n 1001 Opera o n radi o 1003 Opera o n disc 1008 C lass ifi ed advertisements

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