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Special offer. Join now and your 'annual ' subscription will carry you through until the end of December 1967. Privileges Rehearsals and Special Performances of opera and ballet , Lectures. Ballet Demonstrations, Parties,,Glossy Magazine, cu rrent Royal Opera House programme. Subscriptions normally run for the calendar year.Fu ll member £5 .5.0. Student member (under 26) £1.10.0. Send cheque1 postal order now with your name and address to THE FRIENDS, Royal Opera House. W.C.2. Kindly mention OPERA 11·!,en crmzn11111ic(f[i11 g 11·i1/1 odvcrrisers
page 7
Founded by 1/1 e Earl of Hareirood Vol IJ No. 9 SEPTEMBER I 966 Ed ito r : HAROLD ROS E THAL Deputy Editor: A RT H u R J Ac o B Over5eas Tews Editor: ALAN BLYTH Editorial Boa rd : PHI LIP HOPE-\\'ALLACE. \\'I LUAM 1AN:', .'\ 1 DRE\\' PORTER. DESMO. D SHAWE-TAYLOR. JOH \\'ARR,\CK: CONTENTS Editor's Comment : Forwa rd to 1970! Luigi Lablache by Herbert Weinstock The acts of Life by John Coast Vi ll a SanfAgata by Lotte Meitner-Graf Film and 'Lulu' by orbert Weis Covent Garden Stati tic , 196 - 6 COMI G EVENT - UPPL ME T including plans for adler' Well s, Welsh ational Opera and English Opera Group ; 'We hear that . . .'; and Home Opera House alendar, September-October Gramophone Records by Alan Blyth & Harold Rosenthal The First Boulez-Wagner production by Hildegard Weber and overseas reports from Germany, America, Belgium, Canada, Me ico, Poland Brief Chronicle from America, Austria Czechoslovakia. Eire. F rance, German (We t), Germany (East), Ital y, weden Obituary Opera Twenty-Five Year Ago Book Re iews by Philip Hope-Wallace and Harold Rosenthal London Opera Diary including reviews of 'Orlando' at Sadler·s Well and 'Mose and Aaron' at Covent Garden Student Performance Readers· Letters page 688 689 696 699 707 713- 25 726 73 1 43 747 4 7-+9 Classified adver1ise11 1e11 ts are on p. 760

Founded by 1/1 e Earl of Hareirood

Vol IJ No. 9



Deputy Editor: A RT H u R J Ac o B

Over5eas Tews Editor: ALAN BLYTH

Editorial Boa rd : PHI LIP HOPE-\\'ALLACE. \\'I LUAM 1AN:',



Editor's Comment : Forwa rd to 1970! Luigi Lablache by Herbert Weinstock The acts of Life by John Coast

Vi ll a SanfAgata by Lotte Meitner-Graf Film and 'Lulu' by orbert Weis Covent Garden Stati tic , 196 - 6 COMI G EVENT - UPPL ME T

including plans for adler' Well s, Welsh ational Opera and English Opera Group ; 'We hear that . . .'; and Home Opera House alendar, September-October Gramophone Records by Alan Blyth & Harold Rosenthal The First Boulez-Wagner production by Hildegard Weber and overseas reports from Germany, America, Belgium, Canada, Me ico, Poland Brief Chronicle from America, Austria Czechoslovakia. Eire.

F rance, German (We t), Germany (East), Ital y, weden Obituary Opera Twenty-Five Year Ago Book Re iews by Philip Hope-Wallace and Harold Rosenthal London Opera Diary including reviews of 'Orlando' at Sadler·s Well and 'Mose and Aaron' at Covent Garden Student Performance Readers· Letters page 688

689 696 699 707

713- 25

726 73 1

43 747

4 7-+9

Classified adver1ise11 1e11 ts are on p. 760

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