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November 2004 Volume 55 No 11 Editor John Allison Marketing Director Alice Lindsay Assistant Editor Erica Jcal Subscriptions Manager Megan Jackson Editorial Board Martin Bcrnhcimcr Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Rupert Christiansen Andrew Clark ndrew lement. Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Rodney Milnes ( hairman) Roger Parker ndrcw I oner Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: Website: hup:// Aclverti. ing rclers and copy to Jane toggles Cabbell Publishing LL I Woodman Work. 204 Durn. ford Road London SW 19 8DR Tel: 020 8971 450 Fax: 020 897 1 8480 Front cover: Janice Watson in the title r le of WNO's new 'Ariadne auf axo. '-sec J p. 1383-5 (photo: Clive Barcia) era Founded in 1950 b_,. the Ellrl of Hllrell'ood Pllst £di/Ors Hllrold Rosenthal llnd Rodney Milnes 1303 It's good to talk By the Ediror 1304 Winds of change Nicholas Payne discusses Opera Europa 1l'ifh John Allison 1309 Readers' letters 13 11 Facing the music Luigi Ferrari ralks ro ndre11• Clark abour Wexford and beyond 13 16 ewsdesk 1318 The phoenix rises-again Max Lopperr on the reopening o_/Venice's opera house 1324 11 thaldoe n't gli Ler Harvey E. Phillips explores trends in Srockhol111 's operatic life 133 1 bituary 1333 Opera around the world 1369 Opera in Britain 1396 Opera on D 1400 Opera on DVD 1402 Opera book 1405 Coming events including I Ian r r the K house , Berlin (Deutsch Oper), Ore den, Bologna, aples, Venice, Lockholm (Royal Opera); 'Wi hear that ... '; Opera calendar horn and abroad 1423 Clas ified adverli em nt 1424 My fir Lopera: 'Wozzeck' flan Volkov Opera, t/\'e111her 200-1 1297

November 2004 Volume 55 No 11

Editor John Allison Marketing Director Alice Lindsay Assistant Editor Erica Jcal Subscriptions Manager Megan Jackson

Editorial Board Martin Bcrnhcimcr Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Rupert Christiansen Andrew Clark ndrew lement. Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Rodney Milnes ( hairman) Roger Parker ndrcw I oner

Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: Website: hup://

Aclverti. ing rclers and copy to Jane toggles Cabbell Publishing LL I Woodman Work. 204 Durn. ford Road London SW 19 8DR Tel: 020 8971 450 Fax: 020 897 1 8480

Front cover: Janice Watson in the title r le of WNO's new 'Ariadne auf axo. '-sec J p. 1383-5 (photo: Clive Barcia)

era Founded in 1950 b_,. the Ellrl of Hllrell'ood

Pllst £di/Ors Hllrold Rosenthal llnd Rodney Milnes

1303 It's good to talk

By the Ediror 1304 Winds of change

Nicholas Payne discusses Opera Europa 1l'ifh John Allison 1309 Readers' letters 13 11 Facing the music

Luigi Ferrari ralks ro ndre11• Clark abour Wexford and beyond 13 16 ewsdesk 1318 The phoenix rises-again

Max Lopperr on the reopening o_/Venice's opera house 1324 11 thaldoe n't gli Ler

Harvey E. Phillips explores trends in Srockhol111 's operatic life 133 1 bituary 1333 Opera around the world 1369 Opera in Britain 1396 Opera on D 1400 Opera on DVD 1402 Opera book 1405 Coming events including I Ian r r the K house , Berlin (Deutsch Oper), Ore den, Bologna, aples, Venice, Lockholm (Royal Opera); 'Wi hear that ... '; Opera calendar horn and abroad 1423 Clas ified adverli em nt 1424 My fir Lopera: 'Wozzeck'

flan Volkov

Opera, t/\'e111her 200-1


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