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June 1998 Volume 49 No 6 Ediror Rodney Milnes Co-Editor John Alli son Marketing Director Alice Lindsay Editorial Assistant Stefanie Bri.iggemann Edirorial Board Martin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Ian Brunskill Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman Noel Goodwin Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Charles Osborne Andrew Porter John Warrack Edirorial Offices la Mountgrove Road London 5 2LU Telephone: 0171-359 1037 Fax: 0171-354 2700 e-mail: WEBSITE: Advertising orders and copy to Catherine Hawkins Cabbell Publishing Ltd 31 Hartfield Crescent London SW19 3SG Tel: 0181-395 3808 Fax: 0181-395 3999 Fronr Cover: Andrew Shore and Richard Angas in 'Gianni Schicchi' at ENO (Photo: Bill Rafferty) Founded by the Earl of Harewood Editor 1953-86 Harold Rosenthal, OBE era 635 636 642 647 648 649 655 659 668 658-696 , 751 731 738 740 743 745 748 752 An open letter From the Editor ·111e key is the contrast' Andrew Clark on E O 's 'Trittico' People 243: Andreas Scholl A lan Blyth Reader's Letter Opera Newsdesk Making a play out of Schiller Ian Brunski/1 on 'I masnadieri' Tales of the unexpected Gavin Bryars talks to Nick Kimberley High standards a ll round A lan Blyth on Wagner and Strauss re-issues Opera Around the World: reports from America, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Monaco, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa COMING EVENTS SUPPLEMENT including plans for the new season at the Royal Opera; Opera North; New York (Metropolitan Opera), San Diego, Seattle, Paris (Opera National and Theatre des Champs Elysees), Munich (Bavarian State Opera); Festivals; 'We hear that .. . '; Opera calendar home and abroad British Opera Diary: 'Ariadne auf Naxos' at Scottish Opera; ETO's 'Cenerentola'; 'TI1e Adventures of Vixen Sharp-Ears' in Birmingham; 'Hoffmann' at the Coliseum; Opera Factory's 'And the Snake Shed its Skin'; 'Tosca' at WNO Opera on the fringe Opera at the colleges Opera in concert Opera on di sc Opera books Class ified advertisements

June 1998 Volume 49 No 6

Ediror Rodney Milnes Co-Editor John Alli son Marketing Director Alice Lindsay Editorial Assistant Stefanie Bri.iggemann Edirorial Board Martin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Ian Brunskill Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman Noel Goodwin Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Charles Osborne Andrew Porter John Warrack

Edirorial Offices la Mountgrove Road London 5 2LU Telephone: 0171-359 1037 Fax: 0171-354 2700 e-mail: WEBSITE:

Advertising orders and copy to Catherine Hawkins Cabbell Publishing Ltd 31 Hartfield Crescent London SW19 3SG Tel: 0181-395 3808 Fax: 0181-395 3999

Fronr Cover: Andrew Shore and Richard Angas in 'Gianni Schicchi' at ENO (Photo: Bill Rafferty)

Founded by the Earl of Harewood Editor 1953-86 Harold Rosenthal, OBE


635 636


647 648 649




658-696 ,



738 740 743 745 748 752

An open letter From the Editor ·111e key is the contrast' Andrew Clark on E O 's 'Trittico' People 243: Andreas Scholl A lan Blyth Reader's Letter Opera Newsdesk Making a play out of Schiller Ian Brunski/1 on 'I masnadieri' Tales of the unexpected Gavin Bryars talks to Nick Kimberley High standards a ll round A lan Blyth on Wagner and Strauss re-issues Opera Around the World: reports from America, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Monaco, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa COMING EVENTS SUPPLEMENT including plans for the new season at the Royal Opera; Opera North; New York (Metropolitan Opera), San Diego, Seattle, Paris (Opera National and Theatre des Champs Elysees), Munich (Bavarian State Opera); Festivals; 'We hear that .. . '; Opera calendar home and abroad British Opera Diary: 'Ariadne auf Naxos' at Scottish Opera; ETO's 'Cenerentola'; 'TI1e Adventures of Vixen Sharp-Ears' in Birmingham; 'Hoffmann' at the Coliseum; Opera Factory's 'And the Snake Shed its Skin'; 'Tosca' at WNO Opera on the fringe Opera at the colleges Opera in concert Opera on di sc Opera books Class ified advertisements

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