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Fo1111ded b1· 1lte Earl of I /are11·ood June 1992 Edi1or !953-86 Harold Rose111ltal. OBE Volume 43 No 6 Rodney Milnes Edi1or Max Loppert Associa1e Edi1or John Allison Assis1a111 Edi1or Alan Blyth. Hugh Canning. Andrew Clark. Andrew Clements. Edi1orial Board Richard Fairman. Elizabeth Forbes. Noel Gooch1·in. rthur Jacobs. Charles Osborne. Andrew Porter. Desmond Shawe-Taylor. John Warrack Deidre Tillev Ad111i11is11·a1il'e Direc1or la Mo11111gro1·e Road. Lo11do11 N-2LU Edi1orial 0/fices Telephone: 071-359 1037 FAX: 071-35~ 2700 Bicentennial ·Magpie· br Rodney Milnes 639 Rossini Quiz: answers and winners 6-1-2 In the News 6-J.3 People 181: Julia Varady by Alan Blyrlz 6-1-6 ·Kullervo·-a child of our time bv Rodney Milnes 652 Readers· Letters 655 Handel on CD by Hugh Canning 657 Tex-mix in Houston by Rodney Milnes 666 Obituary 669 Our Critics Abroad: reports from America. Australia. Austria. Canada. Finland. France. Germany. Italy. Norwav. Switzerland 671 COMI G EVENTS SUPPLEMENT including plans for the new seasons at Covent Garden. Opera North. Scottish Opera and Welsh ational Opera: BBC Proms. Opera Bastille. Santiago Festivals: ·w e hear that . . . · 681-696 British Opera Diary. with review of ·The Fiery Anger. ·Guillaume Tell' and ·Hoffmann· at Covent Garden: ·Don Carlos· and ·Butterfly' at the Coliseum: D'Oyly Carte in Birmingham; Scottish Opera·s ·Don Giovanni· 718 Fringe Performances 73..J. Student Performances 739 In Concert 7-J.l Record Reviews 7-1-3 Classified Advertisements 752 Front cover: Arwel Huw Morgan (Fabrizio). Barry Banks (Giannetto). Andrew Shore (Mayor) and Anne Dawson ( i netta) in Opera North ·s new production of ·The Thieving Magpie' (photo: Hanson)

Fo1111ded b1· 1lte Earl of I /are11·ood June 1992 Edi1or !953-86 Harold Rose111ltal. OBE Volume 43 No 6

Rodney Milnes Edi1or

Max Loppert Associa1e Edi1or John Allison Assis1a111 Edi1or

Alan Blyth. Hugh Canning. Andrew Clark. Andrew Clements. Edi1orial Board Richard Fairman. Elizabeth Forbes. Noel Gooch1·in. rthur Jacobs.

Charles Osborne. Andrew Porter. Desmond Shawe-Taylor.

John Warrack Deidre Tillev Ad111i11is11·a1il'e Direc1or la Mo11111gro1·e Road. Lo11do11 N-2LU Edi1orial 0/fices Telephone: 071-359 1037 FAX: 071-35~ 2700

Bicentennial ·Magpie· br Rodney Milnes 639

Rossini Quiz: answers and winners 6-1-2

In the News 6-J.3

People 181: Julia Varady by Alan Blyrlz 6-1-6 ·Kullervo·-a child of our time bv Rodney Milnes 652

Readers· Letters 655

Handel on CD by Hugh Canning 657 Tex-mix in Houston by Rodney Milnes 666

Obituary 669

Our Critics Abroad: reports from America. Australia.

Austria. Canada. Finland. France. Germany. Italy.

Norwav. Switzerland 671


including plans for the new seasons at Covent Garden. Opera North. Scottish Opera and Welsh ational Opera: BBC Proms. Opera Bastille. Santiago Festivals: ·w e hear that . . . ·


British Opera Diary. with review of ·The Fiery Anger. ·Guillaume Tell' and ·Hoffmann· at Covent Garden: ·Don

Carlos· and ·Butterfly' at the Coliseum: D'Oyly Carte in

Birmingham; Scottish Opera·s ·Don Giovanni· 718

Fringe Performances 73..J. Student Performances 739

In Concert 7-J.l Record Reviews 7-1-3 Classified Advertisements 752

Front cover: Arwel Huw Morgan (Fabrizio). Barry Banks

(Giannetto). Andrew Shore (Mayor) and Anne Dawson

( i netta) in Opera North ·s new production of ·The

Thieving Magpie' (photo: Hanson)

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