July 2002 Volume 53 No 7
Editor John lli son Marketing Director A li ce Lind ay Assistant Editor Erica Jeal ub cription Manager Angela Kipling
Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Hugh anning Rupert hri tian en Andrew lark Andr w I ment Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddock Rodney Milnes ( hai rman) Roger Parker Andrew Porter
Editorial Office 36 Bl ack Lion Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 8563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: edit r@operamag.clara.co.uk Web ite: http://www.opera.co.uk dverti ing order and copy to Jane toggles Cabbell Publishing Ltd Woodman Work 204 Durnsford Road London SW 19 8DR Tel : 020 897 1 8450 Fax: 020 8971 8480
Front cover: Li a Saffer in the title ro le of Richard Jone ' new production of Lulu at ENO (photo: Neil Libbert)
era Founded by the Earl of Harewood
Past Editors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes
779 Cheek by Jowell
By the Editor 780 Reader ' letter 785 People 286: Galina Yi shnev kaya
John Allison 790 ew de k 792 Facing up to the pa t
Shirley Apthorp on the ydney Opera House' new plan 79 Great aint Bernard
Tribute t the Royal Opera' outgoing Mu ic Director from Sir George hri tie , John ox, Jane Clover ir Jeremy Isaacs, Rodney Milne , Sir imon Rattle, John Tomlinson and Sir John Tooley 805 Carmen' children
Gerald Larner on the enduring fa cination of Bizet' core 808 la menagerie
John Alli on on O' fir t 'Lulu ' 811 Herbert Wern icke, 1946-2002
ir Peter Jonas 13 Obituary 815 Opera around the world 838 Opera in Britain 864 Opera on di c 875 Opera books 876 Coming event including plan for the UK house , Vienna (Staat oper), Bru el , Antwerp, Ghent, Liege, Copenhagen, Munich (Staat oper), Chicago, San Diego; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad 895 Cla ified adve1tisement 896 I can't live without . .. new pera
Michael Berkeley
Opera, July 2002