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July 1970

Vol 21

Founded by th e Earl of Harewood

No 7

Editor Associate Editors Edit o rial Board

HAROLD ROSENTHAL Alan Blyth and Arthur Jacobs Philip Hope-Wallace, William Mann, Andrew Porter, Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack

Edit orial Offices : 6 Woodland Rise, London N JO

Contents Farewell to Sir David by the Editor David Webster at Covent Garden, 1945- 1970 by L ord Harewood Tributes to Sir David by Boris Christoff, Sir G eraint Evan s, Tito Gobbi. John To oley Twenty-Five Memorable Even in gs at Covent Garden - chosen by the Edit or Maw's Irish Opera by St ephen Walsh In the ews Aida as Ethiopian by R odney M. Bennett Our Critics Abroad COMI G EVENTS - SUPPLEME T including plans for Covent Garden , Sadler's Well s; ·we hear that . . .'; Opera Calendar Records reviewed by Harold R osenthal and A lan Blyth Brief Chro nicles from France, Germany, Ital y, USSR Obituary London Opera Diary including rev iews of 'Carmen' at the roJiseum and the Camden Fest ival performances Scotti h Opera 's 'Fidel io ' by Harold Rosenthal




608 616 620 622 625

641- 652

65 3 669 672

674 689

At Ca rdiff: The Beno is Traditi on by K enneth Loveland 692 On th e Radio 694 Read ers Letters 695 Front cover: Ann Howard and David Hughes as Carmen and Don Jose at th e L ondon Coliseum

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