Stocks held fo r immediate delivery Also, the beautiful wools from Berga,
in a large range of fast dyed colours in the spinning section of the plain and
Swedish Handicraft mercerised cottons, fancy yarns in Associations fo r whom we are cottons and man- holding stocks in made fibres, chenille yarns in 25 96 colours of rug wools together fashion shades,
w ith a varied range wools in plain and of wool fo r all space dyed fabrics. Suppliers to colourings and county education many other types authorities of unusual novelty th roughout the yarns fo r hand British Isles and loom weaving, overseas. knitting, crotchet Send £3-50 fo r a and embroidery. collection of shade Sole agents and cards or £1 ■ 50 fo r d is tributors of the the Hall collection, well known pure and £1 -00 each fo r linen yarns the Holma or Berga produced fo r hand ranges if ordered loom weavers by separately. A Holma-Helsinglands comprehensive AB of Forsa, coverage fo r Sweden. In 48 fast permanent colours and a variety of counts reference added to at intervals as new including fine lace yarns are yarns.
William Hall & Co
(Monsall) Ltd
S u p p l i e r s o f p r o c e s s e d a n d f a n c y y a r n s s i n c e 1 8 7 4 f o r t h e t e x t i l e c r a f t s
William Hall &- Co (Monsall) Ltd
177 S tanley Road, Cheadle Hulme.
CHEADLE, Cheshire SK8 6RF
New American Gas and Electric Kilns. New Portable Wheels obtainable from
J65 Electric Kiln 6.5 cu ft Cone 10 £458 ex works plus VAT
N ye t im ber Pottery 251b Pagham Road, Nye t im b e r
B ognor Regis Telephone Pagham 5845
A s to n Pottery
Remenham Lane, H enley-on-Tham es Telephone H enley-on-Tham e s 2603
S outhern & Redfern Ltd W oodhead Road, B radford Telephone B radford 33333
J N icholas
99 Cambus Park, The C leaves T u l lib ody, C la ckm annanshire
Telephone A llo a 213047
Anna Cheyne 30 Railw ay S treet, L is burn
N. Ire land Telephone L isburn 2497
Rosemary Batt B r ic khouse C rafts Cock G reen, Felsted
Telephone G reat D u nm ow 820502
AG40 Gas Kiln LPG or Natural 4 cu ft Cone 10
£450 ex works plus VAT
POTCLAYS -----------------------------------L IM ITED----------------------------------
or write to us at Brickkiln Lane Etruria
Stoke-on-Trent England
Tel C378S 2SS1B telex 3BB11
Crafts May /June 1981