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ROGERS MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE < S L b r i a r w h e e l s supplies limited the kiln and equipment specialists The easiest way to buy all your specialist craft hand tools through the post Send today for your own catalogue and by return of post you will receive the most comprehensive range of specialist woodcraft hand tools available. Tools for cabinet making, carpentry, woodcarving, woodturning, veneering and instrument making plus the necessary sharpening equipment. For those who wish to learn from Messrs. Stokes, Heywood etc, or indulge in the warmth of writers such as Krenov, there is a book section. Simply the easiest way to buy all your hand and power tools. For your Mail Order Catalogue send £1.45 inc. p&p for UK &Eire. Overseas £2.50 in sterling. (Please do not send remittance III As the major stockist and distributor for « III Harrison Mayer Ltd., we provide their full range of clays and materials etc at their current price list ex works Education only Fordingbridge, Hants. As Agents we also offer their educational ‘Pottery Card System’ free with all orders of £50.00 minimum. 2 Roger’s Department C, 47, Walsworth Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 9SU Telephone: Hitchin (0462)4177 Send for our catalogue & delivery charges. We can transport with our own vehicles to any distance. ARCH FARM IND. ESTATE, WHITSBURY RD, FORDINGBRIDGE, HANTS.(STD)0425 52991\J Crafts May/June 1981
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any 3 books for only 75Feach save up to £32.60 when you join the Craft Book Society The Craft Book Society is for everyone . . . the professional, the amateur, the expert, the beginner . . . no matter what the craft. Those illustrated here are typical o f the range supplementing our enormous variety o f country, gardening and helpful craft books. Your skills in pottery, restoration, knitting and crochet, spinning and weaving, soft-toy making, painting, and country crafts, can all be improved with this unbeatable wealth o f new and traditional Readers Union The Different Book Service Firstly discover more about us without obligation —ten day approval of your introductory package. The best books available —selected from many publishers. Enormous choice —well over 500 titles a year. All books are publishers' editions. New titles offered immediately on publication. Minimum discount of 25% plus unique arrangements to increase your savings to a minimum of 35%, and of course often much more. Your only commitment is to buy ANY four titles ( in addition to the introductory offer) in your first year of membership. You may resign on amonth's notice any time thereafter. All books count towards your commitment whether chosen from your specialist book society programme, our superb catalogue, or from special money saving sales —which present the choicest books available from all our different clubs and societies. Personal service. A letter addressed to a director will be answered by one. Personal integrity. For instance, members names are not released to any other company for extra commercial mailings. Overseas members are always welcome. The Craft Book Society is part of Readers Union, founded in 1937, the book club group owned by David & Charles, renowned for their specialist enterprise and quality service. Readers Union, Brunei House, Newton Abbot, Devon. Reg in England N o 8 4 3 9 4 6 Crafts May/June 1981 ! ideas and advice contained in original publishers’works. The list is endless. AND THE CHOICE IS YOURS. From the free monthly magazine Craft N ew s you choose whatever booksy/ow want from the dozens reviewed. If you keep your three in troductory books all we ask is that you select four further titles in your first year o f membership. BDK Craft Book Society, PO Box 6, Newton Abbot, Devon I would like to join the Craft Book Society and claim the 3 introductory books for only 75p each (plus 96p towards post and packing). If I keep the books I will automatically become a member and agree to take 4 books (in addition to the introductory offer) during my first year of membership, and will pay upon receipt for any books I choose. If I am not satisfied with the introductory books I may return them within 10 days and owe nothing. PLEASE SEND BOOK NOS (A llow up to 21 days fo r delivery) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY □ □ □ Mr/Mrs/Miss______________________ Address- Postcode - Signature . (or i f under 18, signature o f Parent/Guardian) SEND NO MONEY POST TODAY CRAFTBook Society I


< S L b r i a r w h e e l s supplies limited the kiln and equipment specialists

The easiest way to buy all your specialist craft hand tools through the post Send today for your own catalogue and by return of post you will receive the most comprehensive range of specialist woodcraft hand tools available.

Tools for cabinet making, carpentry, woodcarving, woodturning, veneering and instrument making plus the necessary sharpening equipment. For those who wish to learn from Messrs. Stokes, Heywood etc, or indulge in the warmth of writers such as Krenov, there is a book section.

Simply the easiest way to buy all your hand and power tools.

For your Mail Order Catalogue send £1.45 inc. p&p for UK &Eire. Overseas £2.50 in sterling. (Please do not send remittance

III As the major stockist and distributor for « III Harrison Mayer Ltd., we provide their full range of clays and materials etc at their current price list ex works

Education only

Fordingbridge, Hants.

As Agents we also offer their educational ‘Pottery Card System’

free with all orders of £50.00 minimum.


Roger’s Department C, 47, Walsworth Road, Hitchin,

Hertfordshire SG4 9SU Telephone: Hitchin (0462)4177

Send for our catalogue & delivery charges. We can transport with our own vehicles to any distance. ARCH FARM IND. ESTATE, WHITSBURY RD, FORDINGBRIDGE, HANTS.(STD)0425 52991\J

Crafts May/June 1981

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