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currentcurrent archaeologycurrent CONTENTS issue 288 (Vol.XXIV, No.12) | March 2014 UP FRONT Letters Your comments, complaints, and compliments 4 4 News 6 6 Roman coffins and rinderpest at Dickens Square, London; Lost Viking loot at the British Museum; Broxmouth hillfort: earliest evidence of steelmaking in Britain; HMS Amethyst: lost and found off Plymouth Sound; A burning question: Pentrefelin’s Medieval mound; Expanding Silchester’s Iron Age hallmarks at the British Museum; Broxmouth hillfort: earliest I s s u e 2 8 8 | M a r c h 2 0 1 4 current current THE UK’S BEST SELLING ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE March 2014 Issue 288 | £4.30 March 2014 Issue 288 | £4.30 A l f r e d t h e G r e a t | O n e Million Years e x h i b i t i o n | S t o n e h e n g e Vi s i t o r C e n t r e | D o r n i e r D o 1 7 | R o m a n h e a d h u n t e r s c u r r e nt a r c h a e ol o g y Million Years Million Years Million Years OneMillion Years Million Years Million Years Million Years Rewriting the human story in Britain Rewriting the human story in Britain Searching for Alfred the Great Alfred the Great Alfred the Great A missing monarch and an unmarked grave Headhunters in Roman London? The mystery of the Walbrook skulls Headhunters in Headhunters in Roman London? Roman London? The mystery of the Walbrook skulls Issue 288 001_CA288_Cover_FINAL_SC.indd 1 23/01/2014 12:38 ON THE COVER A reconstructed Neanderthal and Homo sapiens from the Britain:One Million Years of the Human Story exhibition. CREDIT: Natural History Museum Photo Unit Special Report The search for Alfred the Great 10 FEATURES COLONISING BRITAIN One million years of our human story When did our early ancestors first arrive in Britain? The latest findings from a 13-year investigation suggest hominins could have reached these shores twice as long ago as previously thought. 14 REGULARS 48 WELCOME TO THE NEW STONEHENGE Making a Neolithic circle fit for purpose Twenty years after the monument was declared a ‘national disgrace’ by the House of Commons, we visit the brand-new Stonehenge Visitor Centre to learn about how the site’s presentation has been transformed for modern visitors. 22 LAST OF THE MANY 30 Raising the Goodwin Sands Dornier Do17 The chance discovery of the sunken wreck of a German Second World War bomber presented a rare opportunity to archaeologists and conservators. What light can it shed on this dynamic period of aviation history? ROMAN HEADHUNTERS IN LONDON? The mystery of the Walbrook skulls Once interpreted as victims of the Boudiccan revolt, the human skulls recovered from London’s Walbrook river have long been a subject of archaeological speculation. We explore the latest thinking on the origin of 39 skulls excavated in 1988. 38 Conference 42 Further details of Current Archaeology Live! 2014 Reviews The Ruin of Roman Britain;Living and Working in the Roman World; The Emergent Past 44 Sherds Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 46 22 30 38 38 Last Word 48 Andrew Selkirk reflects on his recent trip to the new Stonehenge Visitor Centre Odd Socs The West Gallery Music Association 50 2 current archaeology | January 2014 | March 2014 |

currentcurrent archaeologycurrent

CONTENTS issue 288

(Vol.XXIV, No.12) | March 2014



Your comments, complaints, and compliments






Roman coffins and rinderpest at Dickens Square, London; Lost Viking loot at the British Museum; Broxmouth hillfort: earliest evidence of steelmaking in Britain; HMS Amethyst: lost and found off Plymouth Sound; A burning question: Pentrefelin’s Medieval mound; Expanding Silchester’s Iron Age hallmarks at the British Museum; Broxmouth hillfort: earliest

I s s u e

2 8 8 |

M a r c h 2 0 1 4

current current


March 2014 Issue 288 | £4.30

March 2014 Issue 288 | £4.30

A l f r e d t h e

G r e a t |

O n e Million Years e x h i b i t i o n | S t o n e h e n g e

Vi s i t o r

C e n t r e |

D o r n i e r

D o 1 7 | R o m a n h e a d h u n t e r s c u r r e nt a r c h a e ol o g y

Million Years Million Years Million Years OneMillion Years Million Years Million Years Million Years

Rewriting the human story in Britain Rewriting the human story in Britain

Searching for Alfred the Great

Alfred the Great Alfred the Great

A missing monarch and an unmarked grave

Headhunters in Roman London? The mystery of the Walbrook skulls

Headhunters in Headhunters in Roman London? Roman London? The mystery of the Walbrook skulls

Issue 288

001_CA288_Cover_FINAL_SC.indd 1

23/01/2014 12:38

ON THE COVER A reconstructed Neanderthal and Homo sapiens from the Britain:One Million Years of the Human Story exhibition.

CREDIT: Natural History Museum Photo Unit

Special Report

The search for Alfred the Great




One million years of our human story When did our early ancestors first arrive in Britain? The latest findings from a 13-year investigation suggest hominins could have reached these shores twice as long ago as previously thought.





Making a Neolithic circle fit for purpose Twenty years after the monument was declared a ‘national disgrace’ by the House of Commons, we visit the brand-new Stonehenge Visitor Centre to learn about how the site’s presentation has been transformed for modern visitors.




Raising the Goodwin Sands Dornier Do17 The chance discovery of the sunken wreck of a German Second World War bomber presented a rare opportunity to archaeologists and conservators. What light can it shed on this dynamic period of aviation history?


The mystery of the Walbrook skulls Once interpreted as victims of the Boudiccan revolt, the human skulls recovered from London’s Walbrook river have long been a subject of archaeological speculation. We explore the latest thinking on the origin of 39 skulls excavated in 1988.




Further details of Current Archaeology Live! 2014


The Ruin of Roman Britain;Living and Working in the Roman World; The Emergent Past



Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues






Last Word


Andrew Selkirk reflects on his recent trip to the new Stonehenge Visitor Centre

Odd Socs

The West Gallery Music Association



current archaeology |

January 2014 |

March 2014 |

My Bookmarks

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