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CRAFTSat G A T C O M B E P A R K (Minchinhampton near Stroud) Heldinthe Grounds by kindpermission of H.R.H. ThePrincess Royal Hand made goods on sale to the public buy direct from the makers at bargain prices! VISITINGCRAFTSPEOPLE FROMALLOVERTHECOUNTRYWITH DISPLAYS, DEMONSTRATIONSAND PUBLICADMISSIONTOTHE CRAFTMARQUEES Inoaccess to theHouse) GOODSFORSALE AWIDEVARIETYOFWORKINCLUDES... GEMTREES*FISHINGFLIES*JIGSAWSftDOUGHCRAFT6 PAINTINGS*LEATHER*RESINFIGURES*POTTERY* KNITWEARftCLOCKS*SHOES*PRINTSftCHOCOLATESft CERAMICSftSOFTTOYSftWOODTOYSftJEWELLERYft PUPPETSftWOODTURNINGft3DPICTURESftCANDLESft PYROGRAPHYftMIRRORSftSCISSORSftBONSAIftHAND-DYEDYARNSftAROMATHERAPYftMACRAMEft CORDIALSftEGGCRAFTftLACEMAKINGftROCKINGHORSESft CRAFTSMANMAGAZINEandMUCH,MUCHMORE!! ADULTS £2.00 OAPC1.50 CHILD 50p 10.30 am. to 5.00 pm. HistoricCostume Refreshments Saturday, Sunday & Monday May 2nd, 3rd & 4th ☆ OVER200 STANDS ☆ Telephone:0529414793 NOWINOURSEVENTHYEAR...BIGGERMARQUEESTOAVOIDOVERCROWDING E V E N T S 1 9 9 2 ‘Organised by Rainbow Fair (Barbican) Ltd and Rainbow Fair’ FEBRUARY15/16 FEBRUARY22/23 MARCH14/15 APRIL4/5 APRIL11/12 APRIL18/19/20 APRIL25/26 MAY2/3/4 MAY23/24/25 JUNE20/21 JUNE27/28 JULY4/5 JULY25/26 AUGUST1/2 AUGUST7/8/9 AUGUST22/23 ROYALHIGHLANDSHOWGROUND,EDINBURGH BRISTOLEXHIBITIONCENTRE WINDSORRACECOURSE,BERKSHIRE ENGLISHRIVIERACENTRE,TORQUAY CAPESTHORNEHALL,CHESHIRE THORESBYPARK,N.NOTTINGHAMSHIRE ARBURYHALL,NUNEATON,WARWICKSHIRE GATCOMBEPARK,GLOUCESTERSHIRE BURGHLEYHOUSE,STAMFORD,LINCOLNSHIRE NEWBYHALL,RIPON,YORKSHIRE ROCKINGHAMCASTLE,CORBY,NORTHANTS BODELWYDDANCASTLE,CLWYD,WALES DALEMAIN,PENRITH,CUMBRIA SHERBORNECASTLE.DORSET THEQUEENSHOUSE,GREENWICH,LONDON ARBURYHALL,NUNEATON,WARWICKSHIRE AUGUST28/29/30/31 SANDRINGHAMPARK,NORFOLK SEPTEMBER12/13 LEIGHTONHALL,CARNFORTH,LANCASHIRE SEPTEMBER19/20 NEWBYHALL,RIPON,YORKSHIRE SEPTEMBER26/27 CAPESTHORNEHALL,CHESHIRE OCTOBER3/4 BURTONCONSTABLE,HULL,HUMBERSIDE OCTOBER17/18 THORESBYPARK,N.NOTTINGHAMSHIRE OCT.31/NOV.1 WINDSORRACECOURSE,BERKSHIRE NOVEMBER14/15 ENGLISHRIVIERACENTRE,TORQUAY NOVEMBER21/22 ROYALHIGHLANDSHOWGROUND,EDINBURGH DECEMBER5/6 BRISTOLEXHIBITIONCENTRE RAINBOWFAIR,NAVIGATIONWHARF,CARRESTREET,SLEAFORD,LINCOLNSHIRENG347TW. City of Cardiff and the Evans Town &Country Markets Limited propose the Crafts Fair Event of 1992. Cardiff In ternational Summer Festival is on e o f Europe s most p opular and v ivacious Street Festivals and is h e ld at the h eart o f h er y oungest Capital. Located at the c en t r e o f the Street Festival the Crafts Fair will o f fer on e w eek s trading hacked by ex tensive advertising and p rom o tion with the opportunity to market to both the public a n d the trade sectors alike. Open 12 hours a dav f o r 6 days, the Fair w ill be the fo c a l point o f a h igh quality even t with a ttractions in c lu d in g Bands, Parades, Competitions, Street Entertainers, Dance, Music a n d Food. High standard stalls, d isplay boards a n d on-site th ree p h a se e lectricity and 24 h ou r secu r ity w ill com p lem en t this sp ecia l o cca s ion . I f y ou a r e in terested in p re-registerin g f o r the Crafts Fair Event o f 1992 which will b e com e the c en t r e p i e c e o f an annual p rogram m e o f s ea sonal City Centre Carnivals, then s en d a la rge stam ped addressed A4 envelope a n d a co lo u r photograph o f your wares to: The Evans Town & Country Markets Limited, 7 Serpentine Road, Newport, Gwent, NP9 4PF Tel 0633 246788 o r 0633 216065-
page 3
EDITORIAL EDITOR GeraldineRudge NEWS/SUBEDITOR: ElizabethHoggard CONTRIBUTINGEDITOR RosemaryHill FREELANCEFEATURESWRITER: Margot Coatts PATOCRAFTS/STOCKISTS: April Fairhurst CALENDAR: CharlesBourne ART DIRECTION: EstersonLackersteen ADVERTISING AND MARKETING SALESANDMARKETING MANAGER: SarahCook CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING: StanleyEnright(052277) 362 FAX(052277)608 CIRCULATIONCLERK: MatHamshaw PUBLISHER: AndrewRyan Contributorstothisissueinclude: DeannaPetherbridge. artist, writerandlecturer, curator ol theSouthBankexhibition. The PrimacyolDrawing: JeremyMyerson. foundingeditorolDesignWeek, authorandcritic Cover: Deep conical bowl by Lucie R ie Photograph by David C ripps (page 22) Deciphering the jew e lle ry of C lara V ichi (page 42) S itting pretty d ecorative furniture (page 34) Cralls magazineIspublishedsix timesayear bytheCraftsCouncil, 44aPentonville Road, London N19BY, England(071)2787700. Fax:(071)8376891. ISSNNo.0306610X Typesetting: Boldface Colour Reproduction: Minervascan Printing: Garnett Dickinson Print UKnewstradedistributionby UMD, 1Benwell Road. LondonN7 (071)7004600 Secondclasspostagepaidat RahwayNJ. Postmaster: Sendaddresscorrectionsto Cralls, c/oMercuryAirfreight International LtdInc, 2323RandolphAvenue, Avenel, NJ07001 Cralls magazinedoesnotaccept responsibility for unsolicited manuscriptspr photographs. It would greatly assist us in improving deliveries of subscription if UK subscribers would complete and return the Royal Mail questionnaire included w ith this issue. No stamp is needed and all replies will be treated in confidence. The views expressed in Crafts Magazine are not necessarily those of the Crafts Council Thought for food Robert Welch designer (page 44) 9 S H O R T F O R M The news in brief: A rts and crafts h is to ry makes a play; g lass-m aker S im on M oore makes a move; costum e jewellery makes a show 1 3 C R A F T N O T E S Crafts on the political agenda; Conservation fo r Romania; obituary o f potter Philip W adsworth; report from the In ternational Textile Competition in Kyoto 1 8 C O M M E N T Deanna Petherbridge questions the in d iv is ib ility of ta len t and skill and d raws her own conclusions 2 0 T H E C R I T I C ’ S E Y E G riselda G ilroy appreciates a ceram ic p iece by Jacqueline Poncelet 2 2 G R A C E U N D E R P R E S S U R E A p ro file of the potter Dame Lucie Rie 2 6 A B S O L U T E S T A N D A R D S S ir Ernst G om b r ich d iscusses h is v iew s on art and c ra ft 3 0 M A K I N G W A V E S The m oving world of autom a tis t Peter Markey 3 4 C O N V E R S A T I O N P I E C E S Decorated fu rn itu re in d iverse guises 4 0 T H E G O O D T H E B A D A N D T H E U G L Y S tephen Bayley’s new book Taste reviewed 4 2 W O M A N O F L E T T E R S C lara V ic h i ’s enigm a tic , callig raphic jewellery 4 4 S O U R C E S O F I N S P I R A T I O N Designer and s ilv e rsm ith Robert W e lch reveals the major in flu ences on h is life and work 4 8 I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E V I E W S A lison B r itto n 's re tro spective exhibition in Rotterdam 4 9 R E V I E W S E xhibitions and books assessed 5 9 L E T T E R S 6 1 C A L E N D A R A guide to c ra ft shows and events 6 4 S T O C K I S T S Outlets fo r work featured in th is issue

CRAFTSat G A T C O M B E P A R K (Minchinhampton near Stroud) Heldinthe Grounds by kindpermission of H.R.H. ThePrincess Royal

Hand made goods on sale to the public buy direct from the makers at bargain prices!







ADULTS £2.00 OAPC1.50

CHILD 50p 10.30 am. to 5.00 pm.

HistoricCostume Refreshments

Saturday, Sunday & Monday

May 2nd, 3rd & 4th




E V E N T S 1 9 9 2 ‘Organised by Rainbow Fair (Barbican) Ltd and Rainbow Fair’



































City of Cardiff and the Evans Town &Country Markets Limited propose the Crafts Fair Event of 1992.

Cardiff In ternational Summer Festival is on e o f Europe s most p opular and v ivacious Street Festivals and is h e ld at the h eart o f h er y oungest Capital.

Located at the c en t r e o f the Street Festival the Crafts Fair will o f fer on e w eek s trading hacked by ex tensive advertising and p rom o tion with the opportunity to market to both the public a n d the trade sectors alike.

Open 12 hours a dav f o r 6 days, the Fair w ill be the fo c a l point o f a h igh quality even t with a ttractions in c lu d in g Bands, Parades, Competitions, Street Entertainers, Dance, Music a n d Food. High standard stalls, d isplay boards a n d on-site th ree p h a se e lectricity and 24 h ou r secu r ity w ill com p lem en t this sp ecia l o cca s ion .

I f y ou a r e in terested in p re-registerin g f o r the Crafts Fair Event o f 1992 which will b e com e the c en t r e p i e c e o f an annual p rogram m e o f s ea sonal City Centre Carnivals, then s en d a la rge stam ped addressed A4 envelope a n d a co lo u r photograph o f your wares to: The Evans Town & Country Markets Limited, 7 Serpentine Road, Newport, Gwent, NP9 4PF Tel 0633 246788 o r 0633 216065-

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