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tpm the philosophers’ magazine Issue 46 • 3rd quarter 2009 Contents … ACTIONS & EVENTS 4 5 11 12 14 19 From the editor News From Liverpool to Athens Mediawatch Philosophy and philosophers in the mass media Word of Mouse Going to cyberwar Namibian justice Teaching jurisprudence in Africa Threads Ophelia Benson’sregular look at the blogs THOUGHTS 21 28 36 40 The Interview Alain Badiou stays radical The TPM Essay Ray Tallis on evolution and mind Letter from… Axel Gelfert in Singapore Sci-Phi The million pound physicist 5 FORUM 46 53 59 65 Introducing On Liberty Jonathan Riley on the 150-year-old classic In its time Alan Haworth bridges the years Free thinking John Skorupski on thought and speech The true liberal Richard Reeves keeps faith with liberalism 71 78 83 78 The second author Jo Ellen Jacobs on the role of Harriet Taylor Mill Barry’sview Alex Voorhoeve on the late Brian Barry The state of freedom John Kampfner assesses liberty’s health today THE LOWDOWN 90 94 Snapshot: Ernst Cassirer The last philosopher of culture? Pop culture Stoic Watchmen I tpm3RD QUARTER 2009
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tpm the philosophers’ magazine 94 REVIEW 99 114 116 118 New books Reviews of new books, including de Botton, Singer and McDowell Author Q&A AC Grayling in the hot seat Imagine that Tweet tweet! Review of reviews What the critics said LAST WORD 120 127 My philosophy Tony Wright MP The Skeptic No laughing matter 114 Philosophy Press, Dunstan House, 14a St Cross Street, London, EC1N 8XA UK Tel: 020 7841 1959 Fax: 020 7242 1474 Editors Associate editor Reviews editor Julian Baggini (print edition) Jeremy Stangroom (new media) Ophelia Benson Nina Power Production editor Matthew Humphrys Publisher Edward Milford Editorial Advisory Board Miranda Fricker, Simon Glendinning, Susan James, David Papineau, Nina Power, Anthony Price, Jonathan Rée, Richard Schoch, Barry C Smith, Jonathan Wolff Design Paul Cooper Layout John Perkins Illustrations/Graphics Felix Bennett (cover), Pipo di Bressana, Gareth Southwell. Contributors Sara R. Farris, Luciano Floridi, Axel Gelfert, Wendy Grossman, Mark Hannam, Alan Haworth, Mathew Iredale, Jo Ellen Jacobs, John Kampfner, Jean Kazez, Brooke Lewis, Douglas Murphy, Richard Reeves, Jonathan M Riley, Michael Sayeau, Richard Schoch, John Skorupski, Barry C Smith, Edward Skidelsky, Ray Tallis, Andrew Terjesen, Tim Thornton, Alex Voorhoeve, Jonathan Wolff Contributors’ Notes Contact the editor to submit proposals. Please do not send unsolicited manuscripts. Distribution by (UK) Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 020 8986 4854 (North America) Source Interlink, 27500 Riverview Center Blvd., Bonita Springs, Florida 34134; Tel: (239) 949-4450 Ubiquity Distributors Inc., 607 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Tel: (718) 875 5491 Printed by Warwick Printing Tel: 01926 883355 With thanks toDenis Collins and Raymond S Mackintosh Subscriptions UK: +44 (0) 1442 879097 North America: 1 800 444 2419 See page 18 for full details © 2009, The Philosophy Press Ltd and contributors ISSN 1354-814X All views expressed in TPM represent those of the authors of each article and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers. Cover: Original artwork by Felix Bennett. Design by Paul Cooper. 3RD QUARTER 2009 tpmI

tpm the philosophers’ magazine

Issue 46 • 3rd quarter 2009

Contents …


4 5 11 12 14 19

From the editor News From Liverpool to Athens

Mediawatch Philosophy and philosophers in the mass media

Word of Mouse Going to cyberwar

Namibian justice Teaching jurisprudence in Africa

Threads Ophelia Benson’sregular look at the blogs


21 28 36 40

The Interview Alain Badiou stays radical

The TPM Essay Ray Tallis on evolution and mind

Letter from… Axel Gelfert in Singapore

Sci-Phi The million pound physicist



46 53 59 65

Introducing On Liberty Jonathan Riley on the 150-year-old classic

In its time Alan Haworth bridges the years

Free thinking John Skorupski on thought and speech

The true liberal Richard Reeves keeps faith with liberalism

71 78 83


The second author Jo Ellen Jacobs on the role of Harriet Taylor Mill

Barry’sview Alex Voorhoeve on the late Brian Barry

The state of freedom John Kampfner assesses liberty’s health today


90 94

Snapshot: Ernst Cassirer The last philosopher of culture?

Pop culture Stoic Watchmen

I tpm3RD QUARTER 2009

My Bookmarks

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