Sycorax Whoops
‘I’ th’ commonwealth I would, by contraries, Execute all things […]’ – Shakespeare, The Tempest II. i.
121 VII
Mother! plague of angels in the house – thinkin stranglin, oh shit, applied bakin soda remedies instead, witherin final refrigerator angels cloggin language like they’d free us from knowin it’s true further Father Zeus airdrops party favours, fractures syntax, gettin the glitter out of war where we’re struck stuck livin, sex existin, plane to sea. Mother, our cities! cold called on Aphrodite, AIDS worker, to blonde bond us again with triage ties of love. Maa! Thinkin writin. Turned over a new leaf to indict science silence siloed whiteness witness; was a portal, no paper; near as narnia, fell in; this darling darkling plain! It’s rainin in Ilium. There’s somethin classic about this situation which eye must not, nor heart, articulate, though bearin it, we do, and have sung songs whose vibration slips the mascara from those gods, though a man lookin down on us dogs us with kind thoughts he kind of attributes to us as tributes to him. Mother! plunge your tongue where ever with brokenness we’re deafen’d defend fed. Take apart our part. Launch in sighted darkness our pack of languages, fluid as hounds, all ready: bathed: riteful: already intending chase: