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page 8
Brief Encounter The Day after Armistice Day The Mirror in the Toilet Essential Engineering Works The er Barnsley Seascapes 1. Goldthorpe er Seascape 2. M1 Seascape near Hoyland: er it’s a rough day 3. er Darfield Seascape 4. Little Houghton Seascape er like 5. An Old Seadog er Speaks 6. er from a Learned Paper about Seascapes 7. Seaview Video, Barnsley: Er Latest Offers 8. Seascape Could er Be Anywhere around here The Christmas Tree’s Press Conference The Grimness Modernism: The Umbrella Girl Forgets What She is Talking About Burst Pipe with ‘A Level’ Notes Halifax! Rotherham Snails on the West Shore, August 1991 Three Boring Miles on the Exercise Bike Smoke Bosnia Festival: Your Full Guide by our Arts Reporter 85 The 70 86 Frog Dream 87 Dear Mr McMillan 88 A Cliché Defines the Moment in a Poem about Language and Oppression Mining Town A Discussion on Modern Poetry with Example: Postman Pat’s Suicide Note Bar Wars Sonny Boy Williamson is Trying to Cook a Rabbit in a Kettle The Scream on Stockport Station My Caravan’s Got a Bontempi Organ in it The Ice House Epic, I Mean an Epic Feel to it 64 65 66 67 68 69 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 73 76 77 78 80 81 83 84 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 98 99 vi To Fold the Evening Star
page 9
Grace 100 Top Row/Low Row, Woolley Colliery Village 101 George and Joe on a Bench: Wind-Symmetry 102 Brisk Coffee 103 Sunset Ovver Barnsley 104 The Next Poem I Write 105 Postmodernist Summer Nights in the Dearne Valley 105 The Literary Life 106 The Continuity Girl has Died 108 Great Dogs of History 109 The Veins in my Neck 110 Beethoven was Deaf, You Know 111 In a West Yorkshire Bus Queue 113 November 1963 in a Scotland of the Mind 114 The Making of the English Working Class 115 I’d Better Not My Dog Self Portrait from I Found This Shirt (1998) 119 120 121 Tuesdays and Wednesdays 121 Home Support 122 Poem Containing Several R.E.M. Song Titles 123 Endless Shedness 124 Poem Is a City 125 Happiness on the First Train from Barnsley to Huddersfield 126 Free Improvising Musician Drops Frying Pan 127 from Perfect Catch (2000) Malvern Link, Early Morning Branwell Brontë is Reincarnated as a Vest Lumb Bank, 1978 A House of Bricks Body and Bone: The Fat Man in the Bath Slip of a Man The Mexico Poems 131 131 132 132 133 135 143 Contents vii

Brief Encounter

The Day after Armistice Day

The Mirror in the Toilet

Essential Engineering Works

The er Barnsley Seascapes

1. Goldthorpe er Seascape

2. M1 Seascape near Hoyland: er it’s a rough day

3. er Darfield Seascape

4. Little Houghton Seascape er like

5. An Old Seadog er Speaks

6. er from a Learned Paper about Seascapes

7. Seaview Video, Barnsley: Er Latest Offers

8. Seascape Could er Be Anywhere around here

The Christmas Tree’s Press Conference

The Grimness

Modernism: The Umbrella Girl Forgets What She is

Talking About

Burst Pipe with ‘A Level’ Notes



Snails on the West Shore, August 1991

Three Boring Miles on the Exercise Bike


Bosnia Festival: Your Full Guide by our Arts Reporter 85 The 70 86 Frog Dream 87 Dear Mr McMillan 88 A Cliché Defines the Moment in a Poem about Language and Oppression

Mining Town

A Discussion on Modern Poetry with Example:

Postman Pat’s Suicide Note

Bar Wars

Sonny Boy Williamson is Trying to Cook a Rabbit in a Kettle

The Scream on Stockport Station

My Caravan’s Got a Bontempi Organ in it

The Ice House

Epic, I Mean an Epic Feel to it































vi To Fold the Evening Star

My Bookmarks

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