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The Edge of Reason A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World Julian Baggini In this eloquent book a philosopher offers an urgent defense of reason, exploring its power and value, and calls for a ‘community of reason’ where disagreements are settled by rational debate and discussion in place of brute force or political intimidation. Hardback £16.99 The Long, Long Life of Trees Fiona Stafford ‘Elegant, engaging, impeccably written and packed with interest.’ – John Carey, The Sunday Times A lyrical tribute to the diversity of trees, their physical beauty, their special characteristics and uses and their ever-evolving meanings. Hardback £16.99 Henry V The Conscience of a King Malcolm Vale ‘Here is a book that pushes out the boundaries. We will never know what went on in Henry’s mind. But as a study of how he worked and what one can infer about his thoughts, Malcolm Vale’s book is unlikely to be surpassed.’ – Jonathan Sumption, Literary Review Hardback £20.00 AUTUMN HIGHLIGHTS Psychology, Art, and Antifascism Ernst Kris, E. H. Gombrich, and the Politics of Caricature Louis Rose A vivid portrait of E. H. Gombrich and Ernst Kris – two remarkable 20th century thinkers – and their landmark collaboration on the use and abuse of caricature and propaganda in the modern world. Hardback £35.00 Play All A Bingewatcher’s Notebook Clive James In this enlightening, entertaining analysis, an esteemed media and social critic explores how quality TV programming like The West Wing, The Sopranos and Breaking Bad has influenced modern society and created a vast audience of unabashed bingewatchers. Hardback £14.99 Decoding Chomsky Science and Revolutionary Politics Chris Knight At once provocative, fearless and engaging, Chris Knight’s anthropological study explains the enigma of Noam Chomsky – political activist, pioneer of linguistic science and one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. Hardback £18.99 YaleBooks tel: 020 7079 4900

The Edge of Reason A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World Julian Baggini In this eloquent book a philosopher offers an urgent defense of reason, exploring its power and value, and calls for a ‘community of reason’ where disagreements are settled by rational debate and discussion in place of brute force or political intimidation. Hardback £16.99

The Long, Long Life of Trees Fiona Stafford ‘Elegant, engaging, impeccably written and packed with interest.’ – John Carey, The Sunday Times A lyrical tribute to the diversity of trees, their physical beauty, their special characteristics and uses and their ever-evolving meanings. Hardback £16.99

Henry V The Conscience of a King Malcolm Vale ‘Here is a book that pushes out the boundaries. We will never know what went on in Henry’s mind. But as a study of how he worked and what one can infer about his thoughts, Malcolm Vale’s book is unlikely to be surpassed.’ – Jonathan Sumption, Literary Review Hardback £20.00


Psychology, Art, and Antifascism Ernst Kris, E. H. Gombrich, and the Politics of Caricature Louis Rose A vivid portrait of E. H. Gombrich and Ernst Kris – two remarkable 20th century thinkers – and their landmark collaboration on the use and abuse of caricature and propaganda in the modern world. Hardback £35.00

Play All A Bingewatcher’s Notebook Clive James In this enlightening, entertaining analysis, an esteemed media and social critic explores how quality TV programming like The West Wing, The Sopranos and Breaking Bad has influenced modern society and created a vast audience of unabashed bingewatchers. Hardback £14.99

Decoding Chomsky Science and Revolutionary Politics Chris Knight At once provocative, fearless and engaging, Chris Knight’s anthropological study explains the enigma of Noam Chomsky – political activist, pioneer of linguistic science and one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. Hardback £18.99

YaleBooks tel: 020 7079 4900

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