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Cover: A momentfrom 'Grain Maroq', Brian Eno, computer-generated image using Bliss software, 2000 EDITORIAL Telephone: 020 7806 2538 Fax: 020 7837 0858 ISDN: 020 7713 1681 EDITOR: Geraldine Rudge SUBEDITOR:Mark Sinker NEWSANDSHORTFORMEDITOR: Diana Woolf EDITORIALBOARD: Edmund de Waal, Lesley Jackson, Rosemary Hill, Alan Powers SPECIALCORRESPONDENT: Margot Coatts PATOCRAFTS/STOCKISTS: April Fairhurst CALENDAR: Natalie Cahill/Adrienne Ridsdale CONTRIBUTINGEDITOR(SCOTLAND): Philippa Swann Telephone/fax: (01887) 840785 CONTRIBUTINGEDITOR(WALES): Hugh Adams Telephone: (01173) 301065 Fax: (01179) 243790 DESIGN Keith Grosvenor ADVERTISINGANDMARKETING 020 7806 2541 SALESANDMARKETINGMANAGER: Charlotte Bond CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING: Stanley Enright Telephone: (01522) 778362 Fax: (01522) 778608 SUBSCRIPTIONS 020 7806 2542 CIRCULATIONCLERK: Natalie Cahill/Adrienne Ridsdale PUBLISHER 020 7806 2540 Jane Tonkin Crafts magazineispublishedbi-monthlyby theCraftsCouncil,44aPentonvilleRoad,LondonN19BY,UK.RegdCharityNo.280956Telephone:02072787700Internet:,LondonandFriaryPress,Dorchester.DistributionbyComagSpecialistDivision,(01895)433687.PeriodicalsPostagepaidatRahwayNJ.Postmaster:SendaddresscorrectionstoCrafts, c/oMercuryAirfreight, 2323RandolphAvenue,Avenel,NJ07001.Crafts doesnotacceptresponsibilityfor unsolicitedmanuscriptsorphotographs.TheviewsexpressedinCrafts arenot necessarilythoseoftheCraftsCouncil arts ^rCOUNCIL F OF ENGLAND THE SCOTTISH ARTS COUNCIL CraftsgratefullyacknowledgesthefinancialsupportoftheScottishArtsCouncil JULY/AUGUST2002 Pattern blooms (page 28) Monumental achievement (page 32) Fashion rules (page 40) Pattern crazy (page 24) 1 3 Shortform Thenewsinbrief:MakingitClear:NewMuseum ofGlassinTakoma;LettingitFlow: Robert Kilvington’sValeParkinstallation;HuntingitOut; TapestryintheRenaissance 18 Commissions NewworkforfashionableLondonstores 2 2 W r iters and Thinkers AlanPowersexaminestheideasandinfluenceof JoanEvans 2 4 P a ttern r e p e a t s JacquelinePonceletandCarolMcNicoll discusstheirexhibitionPatten? Crazy 2 8 W ho's a f r a id off pattern d e s ign ? Abriefhistoryofpatterninthe20thcentury anditspotentialinthe21st 3 2 P e te r Voulkos (1 9 2 4 - 2 0 0 2 ) Anappreciation, byRonKuchta 3 6 Sources o f in sp ira t io n ____ IkatWeaverMaryRestieauxdiscussesher lifeandwork 4 0 Comment ParttwoofRosemary11 endofcraftscriticism 4 6 C ritic's Choice l’slectureonthe Inathefirstofanewseriesof features,Malcolm HaslamvisitstheSchmuckmuseumPforzheim 4 8 R eview s Exhibitionsandbooksreviewed 6 2 C r a f t n o t e s ____________ LouiseTaylor,newDirectorof theCrafts Council, interviewed;obituariesofRobert GooddenandDerekTopp;reporton theCutting Edge studyday,plusawards, commissions,opportunities,andgallery andwebsitenews 6 6 C a lendar Aguidetocraftshowsandevents 7 2 S to ck ists ___ Outletsforworkfeaturedinthisissue 1 1 2 Subscriptions ___ Competitionsandhowtosubscribe CRAFTS1

Cover: A momentfrom 'Grain Maroq', Brian Eno, computer-generated image using Bliss software, 2000

EDITORIAL Telephone: 020 7806 2538 Fax: 020 7837 0858 ISDN: 020 7713 1681 EDITOR: Geraldine Rudge SUBEDITOR:Mark Sinker NEWSANDSHORTFORMEDITOR: Diana Woolf EDITORIALBOARD: Edmund de Waal, Lesley Jackson, Rosemary Hill, Alan Powers SPECIALCORRESPONDENT: Margot Coatts PATOCRAFTS/STOCKISTS: April Fairhurst CALENDAR: Natalie Cahill/Adrienne Ridsdale CONTRIBUTINGEDITOR(SCOTLAND): Philippa Swann Telephone/fax: (01887) 840785 CONTRIBUTINGEDITOR(WALES): Hugh Adams Telephone: (01173) 301065 Fax: (01179) 243790 DESIGN Keith Grosvenor ADVERTISINGANDMARKETING 020 7806 2541 SALESANDMARKETINGMANAGER: Charlotte Bond CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING: Stanley Enright Telephone: (01522) 778362 Fax: (01522) 778608 SUBSCRIPTIONS 020 7806 2542 CIRCULATIONCLERK: Natalie Cahill/Adrienne Ridsdale PUBLISHER 020 7806 2540 Jane Tonkin Crafts magazineispublishedbi-monthlyby theCraftsCouncil,44aPentonvilleRoad,LondonN19BY,UK.RegdCharityNo.280956Telephone:02072787700Internet:,LondonandFriaryPress,Dorchester.DistributionbyComagSpecialistDivision,(01895)433687.PeriodicalsPostagepaidatRahwayNJ.Postmaster:SendaddresscorrectionstoCrafts, c/oMercuryAirfreight, 2323RandolphAvenue,Avenel,NJ07001.Crafts doesnotacceptresponsibilityfor unsolicitedmanuscriptsorphotographs.TheviewsexpressedinCrafts arenot necessarilythoseoftheCraftsCouncil arts ^rCOUNCIL F OF ENGLAND




Pattern blooms (page 28)

Monumental achievement (page 32)

Fashion rules (page 40)

Pattern crazy (page 24)

1 3 Shortform

Thenewsinbrief:MakingitClear:NewMuseum ofGlassinTakoma;LettingitFlow: Robert Kilvington’sValeParkinstallation;HuntingitOut; TapestryintheRenaissance

18 Commissions

NewworkforfashionableLondonstores 2 2 W r iters and Thinkers

AlanPowersexaminestheideasandinfluenceof JoanEvans

2 4 P a ttern r e p e a t s

JacquelinePonceletandCarolMcNicoll discusstheirexhibitionPatten? Crazy

2 8 W ho's a f r a id off pattern d e s ign ?

Abriefhistoryofpatterninthe20thcentury anditspotentialinthe21st 3 2 P e te r Voulkos (1 9 2 4 - 2 0 0 2 )

Anappreciation, byRonKuchta 3 6 Sources o f in sp ira t io n ____

IkatWeaverMaryRestieauxdiscussesher lifeandwork

4 0 Comment

ParttwoofRosemary11 endofcraftscriticism 4 6 C ritic's Choice l’slectureonthe

Inathefirstofanewseriesof features,Malcolm HaslamvisitstheSchmuckmuseumPforzheim

4 8 R eview s

Exhibitionsandbooksreviewed 6 2 C r a f t n o t e s ____________

LouiseTaylor,newDirectorof theCrafts Council, interviewed;obituariesofRobert GooddenandDerekTopp;reporton theCutting Edge studyday,plusawards, commissions,opportunities,andgallery andwebsitenews

6 6 C a lendar

Aguidetocraftshowsandevents 7 2 S to ck ists ___

Outletsforworkfeaturedinthisissue 1 1 2 Subscriptions ___



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