It's All Proven (and Classical) ...
During the 18th and 19th centuries, Newton's laws of motion had been scrutinized and confirmed by reliable tests.
MY GRAVl1"A1"10N l...AW HM 13-i;:i;:N t.JGW 1"0 PRWIC.1" Me:MlJRW
MOVe:Me:N-r G OF 1"He: Pl...ANe:1"G Wl1"H GRe:A-r
AC.C.IJRAC.Y • • •
J: PRWIC.1"W -rHi::: i:::x1G-re:Na OF INVIG113-L..i::: 11 1...IGH-r" WAVe:G IN MY e:L..i:::C.1"ROMAGNi:::1"1C. WAVe:-rHe:ORY OF !E>671 ANl? HEINRICH HERTZ
(ff!:>f;-7-9~) l?i:::1"e:C.1"W 1"He: GIGNAl...G IN f~
IN HIG 13-e:RL-IN l...Al3-0RA1"0RY. NOW 1"He:Y 'Re: C.AL..L..W RAPIO WAVES.
No wonder these classical physicists were confident in what they knew!