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3-Stage Method, 85

aggression, 12, 158

Ainsworth, 147

Aristotle, 27, 30, 60

Asch, 149, 153

Associationism, 31, 60, 62-3, 71

attitudes, 31 , 152

Bandura, 88-91, 155

Binet, 161

Bowlby, 145-8

BPS, 7, 166-7, 169

brain, 14, 34, 44, 99, 105, 115-

122, 125 Broca, 34, 116

Bruner, 104

Classical Conditioning, 64, 67-8,

76, 155 Comte, 33

consciousness, 29, 43-4, 46, 73,

92, 115, 171

correlation, 10, 15-6, 39, 41

criminals, 170

culture, 131-2

Darwin, 35-7, 43

Dawkins, 38

Descartes, 28-30

Dewey, 45-6

DNA, 128

Ebbinghaus, 42

education, 45, 86, 91, 101, 111,

170, 172

EEG, 119

Endocrine System, 124

ethics, 166

ethnocentrism, 134

Eysenck, 130, 160-2, 164

Feminism, 165

Field Theory, 102

Freud, 14, 48-55, 57-9,

Freud and Dann, 147

Functionalism, 43, 46-7, 92, 93

Gaitan, 39, 40, 41, 161

gender, 12, 27, 56, 117, 126,


genetics, 128-9

Gestalt, 6, 47, 92-5, 97, 99-101,

104, 107, 109

Goodall, 158

health, 39, 51, 68, 108, 159,

160, 168, 170

Hebb, 115, 122

Hofstede, 133

hormones, 124,


horoscopes, 20

Hume, 30-1, 60

Hutt, 126

illusions, 100

intelligence, 15,

18, 129, 130,

159, 161

IQ, 15, 18, 130,

151, 161-3

James, 44-6, 87, 107

Jensen, 162

Jones, 75

Kamin, 130

Kant, 30-1 , 94

Kelley 149


Kohler, 93, 97-98, 102

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