Index abstraction 26-9, 32
Halliday, M.A. K. 94
Harris, James 50
Harris, Zellig S. 123
philosophy 60
phonology 23
Piaget, Jean 92-3
American structuralism 21 head words 103-5
political economy 60
anarchism see humanistic approach 60-2 poverty, and class 144--7
libertarianism animals 12
Humboldt, Wilhelm 130 poverty of the stimulus 46
Hume, David 39
Prague School, the 23
antecedents 88-9
principle of economy 95
ahthropologfcal linguistics idealization 21>-7, 30--5 principles and parameters
I-language 16-19
imitation 51
98--105, 110
behaviourist theory 42-5 indoctrlnation 165-70 questions 86-7 Bloomfield, Leonard 21 insertion rule 74 body see mind-body reciprocal expression 88-9
problem brain
Japan 152
recursive grammar 65
Jespersen, Otta 24-5 rotten apple theory 165
and language 15--16 Jewish life, Chomsky 121 Rules and Representation see also mlnd„body Jung, Carl 81 27
problem capitalism 142-7
Lakoff, George 94
Russell, Bertrand 171
Russia see Soviet Empire,
fall of
Cartesians see Descartes and anarchism 129 Chomsky, Noam biological attribute 11 Sapir, Edward 59
background 121-4
born 120
Jewish life 121
social issues 125-6
class, USA 144--7
characteristics 11-13 Saussure, Ferdinand de environment 57, 61-3 22--3
infinity of 63, 65
scientific theories 90-1
innate 3, 24, 46
Skinner, Burrhus F. 42--5
knowledge of 7-9, 52-5 Smith, Adam 132-3
collective unconscious 80 learning 41-5, 47, 56, socialism 147 commissars 168-9 92-3 sociology 59, 120 control, capitalists 135 and mind 36 Soviet Empire, fall of deletion rule 73
perfect design 112-19 148--57
restrictions 50, 83
structuralism 70
Descartes, Remi 37-40, 47 socio-political 20
Dewey, John 131
and sound 5, 25
structure 12-13, 21
American 21
structure dependence 13
East Timar 158--61
uses, 12
of language 12-13, 21
E-language 14--15, 19
variations 7, 104-9 Syntactic Structures 21
environment and language Leibniz, Gotttried 46
liberalism 138--7
libertarianism 129, 13()-5
syntax 5
systemic approach 94
Firth, Jahn R. 94
Freud, Sigmund 91
full interpretation 95
linguistics defined 64 transformational grammar
Lippman, Walter 140
London school 94
Turning the Tide 171
Galileo's method 26--8 Marx, Karl 32-3
Marxism 146-7
unions 142-3
Universal Grammar 30,
grammar 68-70
semantics 94
grammar 29
recurslve 65
rules 72-5
two kinds 66-7
see also Universal
MacNamara, Robert 153 77-9,83--93, 101-2
mind-body problem 37-41, USA 138--9
minimalism 95-100,
110-11, 115--19
molherese 57
class 144--7
war crimes 152-65
Vietnam 154--7, 170
Nicaragua 162-4
Weber, Max 31 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 10