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Coward, Rosalind 155 Index Guattari, Felix 117-20 critical Gubar, Susan, 145, 148 realism 33 gynocriticism 145 Absolute Spirit, the 17 theory defined 39 academic study 8, 1 O criticism, politics of 5 Habermas, Jurgen 102 Ackroyd, Peter 116 cultural Hamlet analysed 62-3 Adorno, Theodor 39-41, materialism 134 46-8 alienation 16-17, 23, 34, 52, 55 Althusser, Louis 78-9 aphasia 59 architecture 115 art 49-51 studies 3 Dali, Salvador 69 Haraway, Donna 108-9 Hartmann, Heidi 143 Hegel, G.W.F. 16-17, 31 hegemony 36-8, 41, 91, 124 deconstruction 48, 88-90 heroinism 150 defamiliarization 55 heteroglossia 57 Deleuze, Gilles 117-20 historicism, new 132-3 Derrida, Jacques 88-90, history and Communism 26-9 127-9 of ideas 24-5 defamiliarization 55 desire 118 and logic 1 6-17 and formalism 53 dialectical materialism homosexuality 93 and postmodernism 116 15-16 hooks, bell 162-3 aura, theory of 49-51 dialectics 47-8 Horkheimer, Max 39-41 author, the 72-3, 74 differance 89 humanism 95 authoritarianism 87 differends 97 humanities 8-1 O avant-garde 45-6 Dollimore, Jonathan 134 hybridity 139 double coding 115-16 hyperreality 112-13 Bakhtin, Mikhail 56 Barrow, John D. 100 Eco, Umberto 77 Barthes, Roland 54, 70-4, economic determinism 22 98 Baudrillard, Jean 110-13 96-102 Enlightenment project, the 130 Beauvoir, Simone de 154 epic theatre 52 Beckett, Samuel 35 Benjamin, Walter 35, 49-51 Fanon, Frantz 138 Bentham, Jeremy 104-5 Faulkner, William 35 Bhabha, Homi K. 139 feminism 108-9, 141-57 ideas, history of 24-5 ideology 9, 21, 37-8, 78-9 imaginary, the (Lacan) 68 infrastructure 21 intertextuality 76, 77 lrigaray, Luce 153 Iser, Wolfgang 84 binary oppositions 90 black criticism 160-1 feminism 162-3 bourgeoisie 19 Brecht, Bertolt 35, 52 Breton, Andre 69 Bronte, Charlotte 81 Butler, Judith 158-9 capitalism 18-21 attacked 122 ideology 38 Marcuse 42-5 162-3 Fish, Stanley 84 formalism 53 Jakobson, Roman 58 Jameson, Fredric 106 Jencks, Charles 114-15 Foucault, Michel 37, 91-5, Joyce, James 35 134 Frankfurt School 39, 49 justice 104-5 French feminism 151-4 Kafka, Franz 34 Freud, Sigmund 60-3, 146-7 Fukuyama, Francis 129 Kristeva, Julia 57, 155 Kuhn, Thomas 11, 101 Lacan, Jacques 67-9, 76 Gates, Henry Louis 161-2 Laclau, Ernesto 122-4 genetic structuralism 82-3 language 75, 76 Gilbert, Sandra 145, 148 and structuralism 64-9 and postmodernism 106 Goldmann, Lucien 82-3 Lenin, V.I. 31 chaos theory 12 Gorz, Andre 125 Levi-Strauss, Claude 58-9, Cixous, Helene 151-2 grammar of narrative 54 71 class Gramsci, Antonio 36-7 linguistics 65 and Marxism 43-4 grand narrative 4, 40, 101, literary analysis struggle 18-19, 144 106 aesthetics 58-9 Communist Manifesto, The see also narrative 18-21 defamiliarization 55 Greenblatt, Stephen 133 formalism 53-4 complexity theory 12 consensus 102 Greer, Germaine 154 Greimas, A.J. 54 plurality of meaning 56-7 174

Coward, Rosalind 155


Guattari, Felix 117-20


Gubar, Susan, 145, 148

realism 33

gynocriticism 145

Absolute Spirit, the 17

theory defined 39

academic study 8, 1 O

criticism, politics of 5

Habermas, Jurgen 102

Ackroyd, Peter 116


Hamlet analysed 62-3

Adorno, Theodor 39-41, materialism 134


alienation 16-17, 23, 34, 52,


Althusser, Louis 78-9

aphasia 59

architecture 115

art 49-51

studies 3

Dali, Salvador 69

Haraway, Donna 108-9

Hartmann, Heidi 143

Hegel, G.W.F. 16-17, 31

hegemony 36-8, 41, 91, 124

deconstruction 48, 88-90 heroinism 150

defamiliarization 55

heteroglossia 57

Deleuze, Gilles 117-20 historicism, new 132-3

Derrida, Jacques 88-90, history and Communism 26-9 127-9

of ideas 24-5

defamiliarization 55

desire 118

and logic 1 6-17

and formalism 53

dialectical materialism homosexuality 93

and postmodernism 116 15-16

hooks, bell 162-3

aura, theory of 49-51

dialectics 47-8

Horkheimer, Max 39-41

author, the 72-3, 74

differance 89

humanism 95

authoritarianism 87

differends 97

humanities 8-1 O

avant-garde 45-6

Dollimore, Jonathan 134 hybridity 139 double coding 115-16 hyperreality 112-13

Bakhtin, Mikhail 56 Barrow, John D. 100

Eco, Umberto 77

Barthes, Roland 54, 70-4, economic determinism 22


Baudrillard, Jean 110-13 96-102

Enlightenment project, the 130

Beauvoir, Simone de 154 epic theatre 52

Beckett, Samuel 35

Benjamin, Walter 35, 49-51 Fanon, Frantz 138

Bentham, Jeremy 104-5 Faulkner, William 35

Bhabha, Homi K. 139

feminism 108-9, 141-57

ideas, history of 24-5

ideology 9, 21, 37-8, 78-9

imaginary, the (Lacan) 68

infrastructure 21

intertextuality 76, 77

lrigaray, Luce 153

Iser, Wolfgang 84

binary oppositions 90

black criticism 160-1

feminism 162-3

bourgeoisie 19

Brecht, Bertolt 35, 52

Breton, Andre 69

Bronte, Charlotte 81

Butler, Judith 158-9

capitalism 18-21

attacked 122

ideology 38

Marcuse 42-5


Fish, Stanley 84

formalism 53

Jakobson, Roman 58

Jameson, Fredric 106

Jencks, Charles 114-15

Foucault, Michel 37, 91-5, Joyce, James 35


Frankfurt School 39, 49

justice 104-5

French feminism 151-4 Kafka, Franz 34

Freud, Sigmund 60-3,


Fukuyama, Francis 129

Kristeva, Julia 57, 155

Kuhn, Thomas 11, 101

Lacan, Jacques 67-9, 76

Gates, Henry Louis 161-2 Laclau, Ernesto 122-4

genetic structuralism 82-3 language 75, 76

Gilbert, Sandra 145, 148 and structuralism 64-9

and postmodernism 106 Goldmann, Lucien 82-3 Lenin, V.I. 31 chaos theory 12 Gorz, Andre 125 Levi-Strauss, Claude 58-9, Cixous, Helene 151-2 grammar of narrative 54 71 class Gramsci, Antonio 36-7 linguistics 65

and Marxism 43-4

grand narrative 4, 40, 101, literary analysis struggle 18-19, 144


aesthetics 58-9

Communist Manifesto, The see also narrative


defamiliarization 55

Greenblatt, Stephen 133 formalism 53-4

complexity theory 12

consensus 102

Greer, Germaine 154

Greimas, A.J. 54

plurality of meaning 56-7


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