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Hall, Stuart 24, 35-8, 140 Haraway, Donna 104-5 Haggart, Richard 24, 27-8 homosexuality 148-53 see also lesbians and feminism Hong Kong 137 hooks, bell 128 Ibrahim, Anwar 167 identity 68-70, 125, 126-8 imperialism 106 see also colonialism Indian colonial history 79-83 Englishmen left behind 119 Spivak 116-17 intellectualism and culture 36 Islam 107 Jews in exile 133 Kuhn, Thomas 93-4 Lal, Vinay 74 language 11, 30, 83 Leavis, F.R. 27 lesbians and feminism 141 Lyotard, Jean-Frani;:ois 59 markets, liberalization of 162 Marxism 29 , 34, 37 , 54-5 American cultural studies 59 Bhabha 120 and feminism 143 South Asia 81 Mead, Margaret 5 media representation 154-61 studies 57 middle classes and culture 26 multi-cultumlism 123 Muzaffar, Chandra 166 Nandy, Ashis 84-9 Oriental, stereotype 86 Orientalism 106-15 Others 13-14 France 70 parochialism in British culture 52 politics 9, 56, 58 Popper, Karl 92, 95 popular mass culture 28, 33 post-colonial discourse 115 postmodernism 59, 60 post-structuralism 10 power relationships, exposing 9 "profit in legitimacy" 73 queer theory 146-7, 152-3 race 37, 122 see also black issues racialization 125 Rattansi, Ali 125 religion and class 32 , 37 Said, Edward 106-14 Saussure, Ferdinand de 11 science and cultural studies 90-9 self image 87 semiotics 10-11 sex and gender 140 signified/signifier 10 signs 10-11 example 14-22 meaning see representation Sokal, Alan 98 South Asia cultural studies 74-89 Marxism 81 Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 116 Structuralism 10, 34 Subaltern Studies Collective 79-81 Suleri, Sara 121 technoculture theory 100-3 Teen Murti 78 television 53, 156 Thatcher government 56 Thompson, E.P. 24, 31-4 Tibawi, Abdul Lafit 11 O, 111 Tylor, E.B. 4 upper classes and culture 26 Vienna Circle 92 Weber, Max 146 West, Cornel 126 Western culture bias 52-3, 88-9, 161, 164 hybridization 165 Other 13 Williams, Raymond 8, 24, 29-30 women and gender 138-45 working class 25 Bourdieu 71 Haggart 27-8 Thompson 32

Hall, Stuart 24, 35-8, 140 Haraway, Donna 104-5 Haggart, Richard 24, 27-8 homosexuality 148-53

see also lesbians and feminism Hong Kong 137 hooks, bell 128

Ibrahim, Anwar 167 identity 68-70, 125, 126-8 imperialism 106

see also colonialism Indian colonial history 79-83

Englishmen left behind 119 Spivak 116-17 intellectualism and culture 36 Islam 107

Jews in exile 133

Kuhn, Thomas 93-4

Lal, Vinay 74 language 11, 30, 83 Leavis, F.R. 27 lesbians and feminism 141 Lyotard, Jean-Frani;:ois 59

markets, liberalization of 162 Marxism 29 , 34, 37 , 54-5

American cultural studies 59 Bhabha 120 and feminism 143 South Asia 81 Mead, Margaret 5 media representation 154-61 studies 57 middle classes and culture 26 multi-cultumlism 123 Muzaffar, Chandra 166

Nandy, Ashis 84-9

Oriental, stereotype 86 Orientalism 106-15 Others 13-14

France 70

parochialism in British culture 52 politics 9, 56, 58 Popper, Karl 92, 95 popular mass culture 28, 33 post-colonial discourse 115 postmodernism 59, 60

post-structuralism 10 power relationships, exposing 9 "profit in legitimacy" 73

queer theory 146-7, 152-3

race 37, 122

see also black issues racialization 125 Rattansi, Ali 125 religion and class 32 , 37

Said, Edward 106-14 Saussure, Ferdinand de 11 science and cultural studies 90-9 self image 87 semiotics 10-11 sex and gender 140 signified/signifier 10 signs 10-11

example 14-22 meaning see representation Sokal, Alan 98 South Asia cultural studies 74-89 Marxism 81 Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 116 Structuralism 10, 34 Subaltern Studies Collective 79-81 Suleri, Sara 121

technoculture theory 100-3 Teen Murti 78 television 53, 156 Thatcher government 56 Thompson, E.P. 24, 31-4 Tibawi, Abdul Lafit 11 O, 111 Tylor, E.B. 4

upper classes and culture 26

Vienna Circle 92

Weber, Max 146 West, Cornel 126 Western culture bias 52-3, 88-9, 161, 164 hybridization 165 Other 13 Williams, Raymond 8, 24, 29-30 women and gender 138-45 working class 25

Bourdieu 71 Haggart 27-8 Thompson 32

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