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Index human nature 11-12, 104 postmodernism 111-15 Bentham 71 121-5 absolutism 19-24 Ancient Greece 25-47 humanism 51 genes 16-17, 62-3 prescriptivism 96-7 Prince, The 52-3 animals 146-55 Hume, David 88-94, 111 anthropic principle 173 Hutton , Will 131 rationalism 37 Antisthenes 45 Aquinas , St. Thomas 49-50 imagination 86, 97 see also Kant, Immanuel Rawls, John 125-7 Aristotle 4 , 40-4, 49, 128 individualist philosophy 5 realism 19 Ayer, A.J . 95 instinct 63 reason 111 "is-ought" gap 89, 92 reciprocity rule 9 Barthes, Roland 117 relativism 17-18, 23-4 Bauman, Zygmunt 119, Kant, Immanuel 79-86, 146 religion 10, 28 euthanasia 166 see also Christianity 121 , 123 Kohlberg , Lawrence 137 Republic, The 35-6 belief systems 8 Bentham , Jeremy 68-74 knowledge 37 right vs . wrong 34 167 Kristeva, Julia 135 Kropotkin, Peter 60 capitalism 65, 115-16, 127 categorical imperative 84 Lacan , Jacques 108 Christianity 9, 11-12, 48-9 language 114 rights 147-9 Romantic Movement 57-9 Rorty, Richard 118 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 57-9 civilization 57 class 66-7 Language of Morals, The rules 9, 19-21 , 84-5 96 communitarian philosophy 5 Language, Truth and Logic Sartre, Jean-Paul 98-102 cultures 20-1, 23 95 Second World War 1 09-11 Cynics, the 45 Lyotard, Jean-Franc;ois 111 slavery 29 social democracy 26-7 Machiavelli, Niccolo 52-4 being, man as 4 deontologism 81-2, 85 Macintyre, Alasdair 128-31 ethics 125 Derrida, Jacques 111 Marcuse, Herbert 116 gene 62 Descartes, Rene 146 Marx, Karl 64-7, 116-17 justice 127 duty 81-3 mathematics 37 Social Contract, the 55 Mill , J .S. 68, 74-7, 79, 167 Socrates 4 , 10, 30-5 modernism 119-20 State, the 4 emotivism 95 Stoics 46 environment 15-17, 140-5 moral Epicureans 47 euthanasia 156-69 evil 114 existentialism 98, 122 autonomy 106-7 imagination 86 morality 3 , 5 , 8 subjectivists 93, 104 teleological view 32 Ancient Greece 25-4 7 Treatise of Human Nature, Plato 39 A88 false consciousness 66 and religion 9 feminist approach 134-9 murder 8 tribal society 123-4 truth 22, 85 Forms, the 38 Foucault, Michel 117 Natural Law 46, 50 unconscious, the 106-7, free will 15, 115, 121-3 Nietzsche, Friedrich 113, 118 108 see also Sartre Freud, Sigmund 105-7 Nussbaum, Martha 134 universalism 19 objectivists 93 Utilitarianism 68-77 animals 149, 151-3 genetic determinism 14 the environment 143-5 genetics, role of 13-17 pain-pleasure principle see euthanasia 167-8 Gramsci , Antonio 116 Bentham Greek philosophy 128-9 persons argument 154-5 virtue theory 128, 169 philosophy 5, 27, 29 happiness 71-2, 75, 78-9 Philosophy of Moral Hare, Richard 96 Development 137 Hobbes, Thomas 54-7 Plato 35-9 Holocaust, the 109 pluralism 77 Williams, Bernard 78 Wilson, Edward 0 . 60 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 146 Wollstonecraft, Mary 135

Index human nature 11-12, 104 postmodernism 111-15

Bentham 71


absolutism 19-24

Ancient Greece 25-47 humanism 51

genes 16-17, 62-3 prescriptivism 96-7

Prince, The 52-3

animals 146-55

Hume, David 88-94, 111

anthropic principle 173 Hutton , Will 131

rationalism 37

Antisthenes 45

Aquinas , St. Thomas 49-50 imagination 86, 97

see also Kant, Immanuel

Rawls, John 125-7

Aristotle 4 , 40-4, 49, 128 individualist philosophy 5 realism 19 Ayer, A.J . 95 instinct 63 reason 111

"is-ought" gap 89, 92 reciprocity rule 9

Barthes, Roland 117

relativism 17-18, 23-4

Bauman, Zygmunt 119, Kant, Immanuel 79-86, 146 religion 10, 28

euthanasia 166

see also Christianity

121 , 123

Kohlberg , Lawrence 137 Republic, The 35-6

belief systems 8

Bentham , Jeremy 68-74 knowledge 37

right vs . wrong 34


Kristeva, Julia 135

Kropotkin, Peter 60

capitalism 65, 115-16, 127

categorical imperative 84 Lacan , Jacques 108

Christianity 9, 11-12, 48-9 language 114

rights 147-9

Romantic Movement 57-9

Rorty, Richard 118

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques


civilization 57

class 66-7

Language of Morals, The rules 9, 19-21 , 84-5


communitarian philosophy 5 Language, Truth and Logic Sartre, Jean-Paul 98-102 cultures 20-1, 23 95 Second World War 1 09-11 Cynics, the 45 Lyotard, Jean-Franc;ois 111 slavery 29

social democracy 26-7

Machiavelli, Niccolo 52-4 being, man as 4

deontologism 81-2, 85 Macintyre, Alasdair 128-31 ethics 125 Derrida, Jacques 111 Marcuse, Herbert 116 gene 62 Descartes, Rene 146 Marx, Karl 64-7, 116-17 justice 127 duty 81-3 mathematics 37 Social Contract, the 55

Mill , J .S. 68, 74-7, 79, 167 Socrates 4 , 10, 30-5

modernism 119-20

State, the 4

emotivism 95

Stoics 46

environment 15-17, 140-5 moral

Epicureans 47

euthanasia 156-69

evil 114

existentialism 98, 122

autonomy 106-7

imagination 86

morality 3 , 5 , 8

subjectivists 93, 104

teleological view 32

Ancient Greece 25-4 7 Treatise of Human Nature, Plato 39 A88

false consciousness 66 and religion 9

feminist approach 134-9 murder 8

tribal society 123-4

truth 22, 85

Forms, the 38 Foucault, Michel 117 Natural Law 46, 50

unconscious, the 106-7,

free will 15, 115, 121-3 Nietzsche, Friedrich 113, 118 108

see also Sartre

Freud, Sigmund 105-7

Nussbaum, Martha 134 universalism 19

objectivists 93

Utilitarianism 68-77

animals 149, 151-3

genetic determinism 14

the environment 143-5

genetics, role of 13-17 pain-pleasure principle see euthanasia 167-8 Gramsci , Antonio 116 Bentham Greek philosophy 128-9 persons argument 154-5 virtue theory 128, 169

philosophy 5, 27, 29

happiness 71-2, 75, 78-9 Philosophy of Moral

Hare, Richard 96

Development 137

Hobbes, Thomas 54-7 Plato 35-9

Holocaust, the 109

pluralism 77

Williams, Bernard 78

Wilson, Edward 0 . 60

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 146

Wollstonecraft, Mary 135

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