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page 178
Index human nature 11-12, 104 postmodernism 111-15 Bentham 71 121-5 absolutism 19-24 Ancient Greece 25-47 humanism 51 genes 16-17, 62-3 prescriptivism 96-7 Prince, The 52-3 animals 146-55 Hume, David 88-94, 111 anthropic principle 173 Hutton , Will 131 rationalism 37 Antisthenes 45 Aquinas , St. Thomas 49-50 imagination 86, 97 see also Kant, Immanuel Rawls, John 125-7 Aristotle 4 , 40-4, 49, 128 individualist philosophy 5 realism 19 Ayer, A.J . 95 instinct 63 reason 111 "is-ought" gap 89, 92 reciprocity rule 9 Barthes, Roland 117 relativism 17-18, 23-4 Bauman, Zygmunt 119, Kant, Immanuel 79-86, 146 religion 10, 28 euthanasia 166 see also Christianity 121 , 123 Kohlberg , Lawrence 137 Republic, The 35-6 belief systems 8 Bentham , Jeremy 68-74 knowledge 37 right vs . wrong 34 167 Kristeva, Julia 135 Kropotkin, Peter 60 capitalism 65, 115-16, 127 categorical imperative 84 Lacan , Jacques 108 Christianity 9, 11-12, 48-9 language 114 rights 147-9 Romantic Movement 57-9 Rorty, Richard 118 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 57-9 civilization 57 class 66-7 Language of Morals, The rules 9, 19-21 , 84-5 96 communitarian philosophy 5 Language, Truth and Logic Sartre, Jean-Paul 98-102 cultures 20-1, 23 95 Second World War 1 09-11 Cynics, the 45 Lyotard, Jean-Franc;ois 111 slavery 29 social democracy 26-7 Machiavelli, Niccolo 52-4 being, man as 4 deontologism 81-2, 85 Macintyre, Alasdair 128-31 ethics 125 Derrida, Jacques 111 Marcuse, Herbert 116 gene 62 Descartes, Rene 146 Marx, Karl 64-7, 116-17 justice 127 duty 81-3 mathematics 37 Social Contract, the 55 Mill , J .S. 68, 74-7, 79, 167 Socrates 4 , 10, 30-5 modernism 119-20 State, the 4 emotivism 95 Stoics 46 environment 15-17, 140-5 moral Epicureans 47 euthanasia 156-69 evil 114 existentialism 98, 122 autonomy 106-7 imagination 86 morality 3 , 5 , 8 subjectivists 93, 104 teleological view 32 Ancient Greece 25-4 7 Treatise of Human Nature, Plato 39 A88 false consciousness 66 and religion 9 feminist approach 134-9 murder 8 tribal society 123-4 truth 22, 85 Forms, the 38 Foucault, Michel 117 Natural Law 46, 50 unconscious, the 106-7, free will 15, 115, 121-3 Nietzsche, Friedrich 113, 118 108 see also Sartre Freud, Sigmund 105-7 Nussbaum, Martha 134 universalism 19 objectivists 93 Utilitarianism 68-77 animals 149, 151-3 genetic determinism 14 the environment 143-5 genetics, role of 13-17 pain-pleasure principle see euthanasia 167-8 Gramsci , Antonio 116 Bentham Greek philosophy 128-9 persons argument 154-5 virtue theory 128, 169 philosophy 5, 27, 29 happiness 71-2, 75, 78-9 Philosophy of Moral Hare, Richard 96 Development 137 Hobbes, Thomas 54-7 Plato 35-9 Holocaust, the 109 pluralism 77 Williams, Bernard 78 Wilson, Edward 0 . 60 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 146 Wollstonecraft, Mary 135
page 179
Are humans really selfish and greedy, or generous and kind? Does anyone have the right to tell you what ‘good’ and ‘bad’ mean? Is morality about obeying a set of rules or thinking about consequences? Ethics affects everyone. Moral dilemmas can be big or small, from whether to keep pets or recycle assiduously to how to use your vote, or whether it’s right to assist someone who wants to die. We all have our own ideas about what is right and what is wrong, but is this something we can know rather than merely believe? Introducing Ethics traces the arguments of great moral philosophers including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes and Kant, and explores what more modern thinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, John Rawls and Richard Rorty have brought to the debates. This enjoyable graphic guide may not answer all of your moral dilemmas – but it will make you better equipped to think about them. Icon Books UK £6.99 Canada $12.50 USA $9.95 Philosophy Cover design & illustration by Hook up with Introducing at win prizes, review the books, browse the full list and connect with Introducing fans across the world

Index human nature 11-12, 104 postmodernism 111-15

Bentham 71


absolutism 19-24

Ancient Greece 25-47 humanism 51

genes 16-17, 62-3 prescriptivism 96-7

Prince, The 52-3

animals 146-55

Hume, David 88-94, 111

anthropic principle 173 Hutton , Will 131

rationalism 37

Antisthenes 45

Aquinas , St. Thomas 49-50 imagination 86, 97

see also Kant, Immanuel

Rawls, John 125-7

Aristotle 4 , 40-4, 49, 128 individualist philosophy 5 realism 19 Ayer, A.J . 95 instinct 63 reason 111

"is-ought" gap 89, 92 reciprocity rule 9

Barthes, Roland 117

relativism 17-18, 23-4

Bauman, Zygmunt 119, Kant, Immanuel 79-86, 146 religion 10, 28

euthanasia 166

see also Christianity

121 , 123

Kohlberg , Lawrence 137 Republic, The 35-6

belief systems 8

Bentham , Jeremy 68-74 knowledge 37

right vs . wrong 34


Kristeva, Julia 135

Kropotkin, Peter 60

capitalism 65, 115-16, 127

categorical imperative 84 Lacan , Jacques 108

Christianity 9, 11-12, 48-9 language 114

rights 147-9

Romantic Movement 57-9

Rorty, Richard 118

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques


civilization 57

class 66-7

Language of Morals, The rules 9, 19-21 , 84-5


communitarian philosophy 5 Language, Truth and Logic Sartre, Jean-Paul 98-102 cultures 20-1, 23 95 Second World War 1 09-11 Cynics, the 45 Lyotard, Jean-Franc;ois 111 slavery 29

social democracy 26-7

Machiavelli, Niccolo 52-4 being, man as 4

deontologism 81-2, 85 Macintyre, Alasdair 128-31 ethics 125 Derrida, Jacques 111 Marcuse, Herbert 116 gene 62 Descartes, Rene 146 Marx, Karl 64-7, 116-17 justice 127 duty 81-3 mathematics 37 Social Contract, the 55

Mill , J .S. 68, 74-7, 79, 167 Socrates 4 , 10, 30-5

modernism 119-20

State, the 4

emotivism 95

Stoics 46

environment 15-17, 140-5 moral

Epicureans 47

euthanasia 156-69

evil 114

existentialism 98, 122

autonomy 106-7

imagination 86

morality 3 , 5 , 8

subjectivists 93, 104

teleological view 32

Ancient Greece 25-4 7 Treatise of Human Nature, Plato 39 A88

false consciousness 66 and religion 9

feminist approach 134-9 murder 8

tribal society 123-4

truth 22, 85

Forms, the 38 Foucault, Michel 117 Natural Law 46, 50

unconscious, the 106-7,

free will 15, 115, 121-3 Nietzsche, Friedrich 113, 118 108

see also Sartre

Freud, Sigmund 105-7

Nussbaum, Martha 134 universalism 19

objectivists 93

Utilitarianism 68-77

animals 149, 151-3

genetic determinism 14

the environment 143-5

genetics, role of 13-17 pain-pleasure principle see euthanasia 167-8 Gramsci , Antonio 116 Bentham Greek philosophy 128-9 persons argument 154-5 virtue theory 128, 169

philosophy 5, 27, 29

happiness 71-2, 75, 78-9 Philosophy of Moral

Hare, Richard 96

Development 137

Hobbes, Thomas 54-7 Plato 35-9

Holocaust, the 109

pluralism 77

Williams, Bernard 78

Wilson, Edward 0 . 60

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 146

Wollstonecraft, Mary 135

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