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Index and Little Dictionary Abbasids 76-8 adl: justice, esp. distributive justice in all its manifestations: social, economic, political, environmental, intellectual and spiritual. 57 Afghani, Jalamuddin 145 Akhra: the Hereafter, life after death, when everyone is asked to account for his/her deeds. Refers to another existence after the life of the world. 50 Allah: literally 'The God". 16, 28 Allah, Shah Wali 143 Arabi, ibn 93 architecture 115, 118-19 art 120 astronomy 99-102, 107, 124 Sanna, Hasan al- 147 Baruni, al- 100 Basri, Rabiah al- 93 Battani, al- 100 Bennabi, Malek 163 Black Stone 9 books banned 130 classification of 87 demand for 84 bookshops 81 British, the 131, 144 Bukhari, Imam 33 chansons de geste 137 colonization 131-5, 136, 163 Crusades, the 138-40 Dawood, N.J. 47 East India Company 134 Elements of Astrology, The 1 04 environment 56, 117, 125 equality 51 Farabi, al- 90 Faruqi, Ismail al- 165-6 fasting see Ramadan fatwa: legal opinion, usually given by a qualified jurist and binding only on him and those who follow his "taqlid". 65 Fihrist al-Nadim, al- 81 fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence. 64-5 French, the 132 fundamentalism 157-9 Ghazzali, al- 87, 91 God see Allah hadith: sayings or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. 31-6, 35-6 hajj: the annual pilgrimage to Makkah. 55 halal: lawful, permitted, good, beneficial and praiseworthy in the broadest sense. Hamdis, ibn 96 haram: unlawful, prohibited, bad, hence blameworthy. 115 Haytham, ibn al- 101 Hayyan, Jabir ibn 103 heaven 16 hijra: Migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Madina in June 622; marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, which is thus referred to as hijra calendar. 18-19 Hilt al-Fudul 8 hima: inviolate zone. 117 holy war see jihad Hudaybia, treaty of 24 hudud: normally refers to the inviolate limits placed by God on man. If they are violated, punishment is handed out according to fixed laws called hudud. 44 Hussain, Saddam 61 ibadah: worship of everything that expresses servitude to God, such as the pursuit of knowledge, living a pious life, helping other people, leading one's community with humility and so on. ijma: consensus of the Muslim community in general and the learned in particular. One of the four bases of Islamic law. More particularly, consensus as political principle. 62, 66, 129 ijtihad: exerting oneself to the utmost degree to reach comprehension and form an opinion. The basic Islamic principle for adjusting to change. 66, 129, 164 lkhwan al Muslimin 147-8 ilm: all varieties of knowledge, revealed as well as acquired. 58, 78, 129 ilm ar-Rijal 32 imam: religious leader; literally an early descendant of the Prophet. 75 Iqbal, Muhammad 146 Iran 72, 73, 155-6 Islam: peace, submission to God, the natural inclination of human beings. birth of 12 denunciation of 137 four pillars of 53-5 fundamentalism 157 future of 170
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meaning 4 modernization of 165-7 spread of 71-3 today 168-9 and the West 136 Islamic law see fiqh; shariah state defined 159 istislah: public interest; a source of Islamic law. 62, 66 Jamaat-e-lslami 147, 148 jamia: universities. 86, 124 Jerusalem attacked 138-40 Jews, slaughter of 139 jihad: struggle; any earnest striving in the way of God, involving personal, physical, intellectual or military effort, for righteousness and against oppression and wrong-doing. 60-1 justice see adl Ka'aba 6, 9, 55 kalam: rational philosophy claiming to demonstrate the existence of God. 89 Karbala, battle of 74 Khaldun, ibn 91 khalifa: trusteeship. In Islam, the earth with all its flora and fauna is a sacred trust from God and we are responsible and accountable to God for its care. 55 Khattab, Umar al- 69 Khazini, al- 104 Khwarizmi, al- 99 Kindi, al- 90 Kitab al-Aghani 83 Khomeini, Ayatollah 156 Koran see Qur'an law see fiqh; shariah libraries 84, 124, 132 literature 30-1, 95-7, 124 Madina Muhammad goes to 18-19 attacked by Makkans 21 madrassah: college. 85, 132 mahdi 75 majlis: parliament. 156 Majriti, al- 103 Makkah 5, 6 defence of 23 fall of 25 hajj 55 rulers 6 Malcolm X 152 manufacturing industry 105 mathematics 98-9 Mawdudi 148 Mawsili, al- 121 Mecca see Makkah medicine 108-10, 124, 132 miraj: ascension. 16 Mongols 126 moon, Muslim calendar 18 mosque 85 Muawiyah 74 mudarabah: profit sharing, one of the principles of Islamic economics. Muhammad born 5 death 28 death of son 1 7 farewell sermon 26-7 followers tortured 12 message of 49-50 parents died 5 persecuted in Makka 14 plot to kill 18 revelation 8 sayings see hadith musharakah: partnership, one of the principles of Islamic economics. music 121-2, 124 Muslim Brotherhood 147-8 calendar 18 civilization, decline of 126-42 cooperation between states 154 minorities 150 society experimented on 135 world, extent 149 Muslim, Imam 33 Muslims 4 black 152 in Europe 151 persecuted 24 Mutazilites 89-90 nafs: soul, desire; the control of one's nafs is "the greater jihad". Nasser, Jamal Abdul 147 numbers 99, 124 oppression 57 optics 101, 110, 124 Opus Astronomicum 102 Orientalism 141 Pakistan 146, 148 paper industry 80-1 , 124 philosophy 89, 124

Index and Little Dictionary

Abbasids 76-8 adl: justice, esp. distributive justice in all its manifestations: social, economic, political, environmental, intellectual and spiritual. 57 Afghani, Jalamuddin 145 Akhra: the Hereafter, life after death, when everyone is asked to account for his/her deeds. Refers to another existence after the life of the world. 50 Allah: literally 'The God". 16, 28 Allah, Shah Wali 143 Arabi, ibn 93 architecture 115, 118-19 art 120 astronomy 99-102, 107, 124

Sanna, Hasan al- 147 Baruni, al- 100 Basri, Rabiah al- 93 Battani, al- 100 Bennabi, Malek 163 Black Stone 9 books banned 130 classification of 87 demand for 84 bookshops 81 British, the 131, 144 Bukhari, Imam 33

chansons de geste 137 colonization 131-5, 136, 163 Crusades, the 138-40

Dawood, N.J. 47

East India Company 134 Elements of Astrology, The 1 04 environment 56, 117, 125 equality 51

Farabi, al- 90 Faruqi, Ismail al- 165-6 fasting see Ramadan fatwa: legal opinion, usually given by a qualified jurist and binding only on him and those who follow his "taqlid". 65 Fihrist al-Nadim, al- 81 fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence. 64-5 French, the 132 fundamentalism 157-9

Ghazzali, al- 87, 91 God see Allah hadith: sayings or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. 31-6, 35-6 hajj: the annual pilgrimage to Makkah. 55 halal: lawful, permitted, good, beneficial and praiseworthy in the broadest sense. Hamdis, ibn 96 haram: unlawful, prohibited, bad, hence blameworthy. 115 Haytham, ibn al- 101 Hayyan, Jabir ibn 103 heaven 16 hijra: Migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Madina in June 622; marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, which is thus referred to as hijra calendar. 18-19 Hilt al-Fudul 8 hima: inviolate zone. 117 holy war see jihad Hudaybia, treaty of 24 hudud: normally refers to the inviolate limits placed by God on man. If they are violated, punishment is handed out according to fixed laws called hudud. 44 Hussain, Saddam 61

ibadah: worship of everything that expresses servitude to God, such as the pursuit of knowledge, living a pious life, helping other people, leading one's community with humility and so on. ijma: consensus of the Muslim community in general and the learned in particular. One of the four bases of Islamic law. More particularly, consensus as political principle. 62, 66, 129 ijtihad: exerting oneself to the utmost degree to reach comprehension and form an opinion. The basic Islamic principle for adjusting to change. 66, 129, 164 lkhwan al Muslimin 147-8 ilm: all varieties of knowledge, revealed as well as acquired. 58, 78, 129 ilm ar-Rijal 32 imam: religious leader; literally an early descendant of the Prophet. 75 Iqbal, Muhammad 146 Iran 72, 73, 155-6 Islam: peace, submission to God, the natural inclination of human beings.

birth of 12 denunciation of 137 four pillars of 53-5 fundamentalism 157 future of 170

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