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Index Absolute, The 16-17 Adorno, T.W. 129, 134 agonistic pluralism 168 alienation 61-5 false consciousness 120 media 125, 132, 141 falsificationism 73 Mensheviks 90-91, 98 Fascism 17, 119 modernism 32 fetishism 65 feudalism 38-9 money 68 Mouffe, C. 159-62, 168-70 Feuerbach, Ludwig 7 Althusser, L. 125, 138-40 First International 77-9 anarchism 82 Foucault, Michel 125 nationalism 113 Nomenklatura 106 antagonisms 162-5, 169-71 Frankfurt School 129-31 antithesis 23 Fukuyama, Francis 149-54 Paris Commune (1871) 78 apparatchiks 106 Plekhanov, George 88-9 Aristotle 20, 143 Gramsci, A. 119-21, 127-9 Popper, Karl 73 Axelrod, P.B. 88 gravity 20 post-Marxism 159 Bakunin, Mikhail 8, 79 Hall, Stuart 125, 141 postmodernism 140, 142-8 production, conscious 63 Baudrillard, Jean 146, 156 Hegel, G.W.F. 7, 15-30, 151 productive forces 36-7, 41 Bebel, August 85 hegemony 121-7 productive relations 37, 41 Blanqui, L.A. 69, 79 historical change 5 profit 48-9, 55 Bolshevism 90 history 149-55 proletariat 50 bourgeois revolution 39 Ho Chi Minh 116 Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 8 bourgeoisie 47 Horkheimer, M. 129, 134-6 Bukharin, N.I. 102, 104 humanism 138 rationality 16 capital Hyndman, Henry 80 religion 105 revolution 24, 94 concentration 57 fixed 51, 56 variable 51-2, 56 capitalism 9, 39 Castro, Fidel 116 idealism 30 ideology 120, 139 imperialism 93-5 interpellation 139 Ricardo, David 43, 45 Russian Civil War 107-8 Russian revolutions 95-7 Second International 80-83, Categorical Imperative 66 Jameson, Fredric 146 China 116-17 87 self-realization 35 civil society 166-7 Kamenev, L.B. 102, 104 slavery 38 class antagonisms 5, 38-9 Kant, Immanuel 65-6, 143 Social Democracy 75, 80 class consciousness 60 Kautsky, Karl 85 social research 134-5 Cold War 115 Kollontai, Alexandra 108 Soviet Bloc 112 commodity 44-5 species-nature 34-5 Communism 69 labour, amount of 45 Stalin, Joseph 91, 100-114 Communist Manifesto 3-5, labour power 49, 51 substructure 40 12, 76, 171 labour theory of value 43 superstructure 40-41 Communist Party 69, 90, 99 Lacan,Jacques 144 surplus value 52-5 Critical Theory 130 Laclau, Ernesto 159-62, synthesis 23 culture 124-5, 128, 136-7 168-70 laissez-faire 74 text 140 Derrida, J. 144, 153-8, 161 language 144-5 Descartes, Rene 143 Laws, Hegel's 24-7 thesis 23 trade unionism 75, 84 dialectic 19-22 Lenin, V.I. 14, 87, 89-102, Trotsky, Leon 90-91, 100, Marxian 28-9 107-12 102, 104, 113 dialectical materialism 33 liberal democracy 149-53 Tsars of Russia 110 differance 161 Liebknecht, Karl 85 Duhring, Eugen 12 Luxembourg, Rosa 85 use value 44 economic determinism 118 Mao Tse-tung 116-17 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 144 economism 84 Engels, F. 3, 8-9, 11 Enlightenment 33 essentialism 138 exchange value 44, 67 Marcuse, H. 129, 132-3, 136 Marx, Karl, brief life 6-11 Zasulich, Vera 88 materialism 30-31 Zinoviev, G.Y. 102, 104 materialistic determinism 147 means of production 46-7 176
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Absolute, The 16-17

Adorno, T.W. 129, 134

agonistic pluralism 168

alienation 61-5

false consciousness 120 media 125, 132, 141 falsificationism 73 Mensheviks 90-91, 98

Fascism 17, 119

modernism 32

fetishism 65

feudalism 38-9

money 68

Mouffe, C. 159-62, 168-70

Feuerbach, Ludwig 7

Althusser, L. 125, 138-40 First International 77-9

anarchism 82

Foucault, Michel 125

nationalism 113

Nomenklatura 106

antagonisms 162-5, 169-71 Frankfurt School 129-31 antithesis 23 Fukuyama, Francis 149-54 Paris Commune (1871) 78 apparatchiks 106 Plekhanov, George 88-9 Aristotle 20, 143 Gramsci, A. 119-21, 127-9 Popper, Karl 73 Axelrod, P.B. 88 gravity 20 post-Marxism 159

Bakunin, Mikhail 8, 79

Hall, Stuart 125, 141

postmodernism 140, 142-8

production, conscious 63

Baudrillard, Jean 146, 156 Hegel, G.W.F. 7, 15-30, 151 productive forces 36-7, 41 Bebel, August 85 hegemony 121-7 productive relations 37, 41 Blanqui, L.A. 69, 79 historical change 5 profit 48-9, 55 Bolshevism 90 history 149-55 proletariat 50 bourgeois revolution 39 Ho Chi Minh 116 Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 8 bourgeoisie 47 Horkheimer, M. 129, 134-6 Bukharin, N.I. 102, 104 humanism 138 rationality 16


Hyndman, Henry 80

religion 105

revolution 24, 94

concentration 57

fixed 51, 56

variable 51-2, 56

capitalism 9, 39

Castro, Fidel 116

idealism 30

ideology 120, 139

imperialism 93-5

interpellation 139

Ricardo, David 43, 45

Russian Civil War 107-8

Russian revolutions 95-7

Second International 80-83,

Categorical Imperative 66 Jameson, Fredric 146

China 116-17


self-realization 35

civil society 166-7

Kamenev, L.B. 102, 104 slavery 38

class antagonisms 5, 38-9 Kant, Immanuel 65-6, 143 Social Democracy 75, 80 class consciousness 60 Kautsky, Karl 85 social research 134-5 Cold War 115 Kollontai, Alexandra 108 Soviet Bloc 112 commodity 44-5 species-nature 34-5 Communism 69 labour, amount of 45 Stalin, Joseph 91, 100-114 Communist Manifesto 3-5, labour power 49, 51 substructure 40

12, 76, 171

labour theory of value 43 superstructure 40-41

Communist Party 69, 90, 99 Lacan,Jacques 144

surplus value 52-5

Critical Theory 130

Laclau, Ernesto 159-62, synthesis 23

culture 124-5, 128, 136-7 168-70

laissez-faire 74

text 140

Derrida, J. 144, 153-8, 161 language 144-5

Descartes, Rene 143

Laws, Hegel's 24-7

thesis 23

trade unionism 75, 84

dialectic 19-22

Lenin, V.I. 14, 87, 89-102, Trotsky, Leon 90-91, 100,

Marxian 28-9


102, 104, 113

dialectical materialism 33 liberal democracy 149-53 Tsars of Russia 110 differance 161 Liebknecht, Karl 85 Duhring, Eugen 12 Luxembourg, Rosa 85 use value 44

economic determinism 118 Mao Tse-tung 116-17

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 144

economism 84

Engels, F. 3, 8-9, 11

Enlightenment 33

essentialism 138

exchange value 44, 67

Marcuse, H. 129, 132-3, 136

Marx, Karl, brief life 6-11 Zasulich, Vera 88

materialism 30-31

Zinoviev, G.Y. 102, 104

materialistic determinism 147

means of production 46-7


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