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Index Adorno, Theodor 126 Alexander the Great 38 anarchists 36, 38, 95-7 Antisthenes 40 Aquinas, St T. 42-3, 53 Aristotle 21-6, 37, 104 assembly, legislative 81 Athens 9-12, 98 Augustine, St 41 Bakunin, Mikhail 95, 96 Bentham. Jeremy 136-9 Berlin, Isaiah 162-3 Burke, Edmund 110-12 capitalism 116-19, 125, 139, 172 Christian dualism 40 citizenship 1 o, 171, 172 City States 44 class 90, 123 Communism 120-1, 158 conscience 143 consciousness 104-5, 108 false 119, 163 consent 73-4 consequences 140 conservatism 110-11 constitution 102, 133 consumers 172 contractualism 154 democracy 11, 20, 94, 145-6, 173 determinism, economic 1 t5 dialectic, the 105-6 Diogenes 40 distribution 135, 149-51, 156-7 egoists, psychological 50 environmental politics 168-9 equality 25, 149 of opportunity 132, 151 essentialism 28 evolution 30-2 Fascism 158, 159 feminism 170-1 "Forms" 16-17 Foucault, Michel 167 Fourier, Charles 92, 122 franchise 72, 133 176 I freedom 80, 162·3 rational 1 06 French Revolution 88-9, 110 Fukuyama, Francis 129 game theory 33, 36 Geneva 75, 86 Glaucon 14 Godwin, William 95 government 67-9, 72 by experts 17 Gramsci, Antonio 128 Greece, ancient 8 Habermas, Jurgen 172 happiness 137, 139, 147, 149 Hegel, G.W.F. 98-110, 114, 160 hegemony 128 Hobbes, Thomas 48-58 human nature 22, 26, 58 Hume, David 74, 137 ideologies 27, 119, 126, 128, 161 imperialism 38 individuals 4, 11 inequality, right of 63 justice, economic 132 153-7 Kant, Immanuel 154 knowledge 18, 167 Kropotkin, Peter 31, 95, 96 labour, congealed 118, 150 law natural 43, 64, 65, 138 rule of 71 liberalism 130-5 libertarianism 151, 154, 157 Locke, John 59-73, 100, 116 Lyotard, Jean-Fran~ois 166 Machiavelli, Niccolo 45-7 Macintyre, Alasdair 165 Marcuse, H. 126-7, 161, 163 marketplace 131 , 135 Marx, Karl 114-25, 158, 160 Milgram, Stanley 159 Mill, J.S. 143-6, 153 minority interests 148 monarchy, absolute 56, 66 morals, science of 138 natural law 43, 64, 65, 138 Nozick, Robert 150-4, 157 Owen, Robert 93-4 Paine, Thomas 112-13 philosophy, origins of 12 Plato 13, 15-21, 146, 160 pluralism 161 politics as ethics 85 Popper, Karl 160 postmodernism 1 66 power71, 167 prejudice 110 property 62, 72, 78, 150 Proudhon, Pierre 95, 96 Rawls, John 154-7, 171 reason, pragmatic 23 Renaissance , the 44 Ricardo, David 116, 118 rights human 113, 148 natural 111 , 113, 138 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 75-87, 116, 160 Saint-Simon, C.·H. 90, 122 Sartre, Jean-Paul 29 science of man 49 Ship of Fools 19 Ship of State 146 Smith, Adam 116, 131 socialism 90-1, 93 societ y 4-6, 65 stateless 124 Socrates 13, 15, 19 Sophists 13 sovereign power 56· 7 State all-powerful 103 collectivist 84-5 definition of 6 minimal 152 organic 101 State morality 46, 87 State of Nature 51 , 53, 64, 75, 77, 155 teleology 21 , 165 totalitarian states 158-61 Utilitarianism 136-49 veil of ignorance 155, 156 vendettas 64 Will, General 82, 83, 85 Wollstonecraft, Mary 170 women 25, 146, 170-1

Index Adorno, Theodor 126 Alexander the Great 38 anarchists 36, 38, 95-7 Antisthenes 40 Aquinas, St T. 42-3, 53 Aristotle 21-6, 37, 104 assembly, legislative 81 Athens 9-12, 98 Augustine, St 41 Bakunin, Mikhail 95, 96 Bentham. Jeremy 136-9 Berlin, Isaiah 162-3 Burke, Edmund 110-12 capitalism 116-19, 125,

139, 172 Christian dualism 40 citizenship 1 o, 171, 172 City States 44 class 90, 123 Communism 120-1, 158 conscience 143 consciousness 104-5, 108

false 119, 163 consent 73-4 consequences 140 conservatism 110-11 constitution 102, 133 consumers 172 contractualism 154 democracy 11, 20, 94,

145-6, 173 determinism, economic 1 t5 dialectic, the 105-6 Diogenes 40 distribution 135, 149-51,

156-7 egoists, psychological 50 environmental politics 168-9 equality 25, 149

of opportunity 132, 151 essentialism 28 evolution 30-2 Fascism 158, 159 feminism 170-1 "Forms" 16-17 Foucault, Michel 167 Fourier, Charles 92, 122 franchise 72, 133 176 I freedom 80, 162·3

rational 1 06 French Revolution 88-9, 110 Fukuyama, Francis 129 game theory 33, 36 Geneva 75, 86 Glaucon 14 Godwin, William 95 government 67-9, 72 by experts 17 Gramsci, Antonio 128 Greece, ancient 8 Habermas, Jurgen 172 happiness 137, 139, 147,

149 Hegel, G.W.F. 98-110, 114,

160 hegemony 128 Hobbes, Thomas 48-58 human nature 22, 26, 58 Hume, David 74, 137 ideologies 27, 119, 126, 128,

161 imperialism 38 individuals 4, 11 inequality, right of 63 justice, economic 132 153-7 Kant, Immanuel 154 knowledge 18, 167 Kropotkin, Peter 31, 95, 96 labour, congealed 118, 150 law natural 43, 64, 65, 138 rule of 71 liberalism 130-5 libertarianism 151, 154, 157 Locke, John 59-73, 100, 116 Lyotard, Jean-Fran~ois 166 Machiavelli, Niccolo 45-7 Macintyre, Alasdair 165 Marcuse, H. 126-7, 161, 163 marketplace 131 , 135 Marx, Karl 114-25, 158, 160 Milgram, Stanley 159 Mill, J.S. 143-6, 153 minority interests 148 monarchy, absolute 56, 66 morals, science of 138 natural law 43, 64, 65, 138 Nozick, Robert 150-4, 157

Owen, Robert 93-4 Paine, Thomas 112-13 philosophy, origins of 12 Plato 13, 15-21, 146, 160 pluralism 161 politics as ethics 85 Popper, Karl 160 postmodernism 1 66 power71, 167 prejudice 110 property 62, 72, 78, 150 Proudhon, Pierre 95, 96 Rawls, John 154-7, 171 reason, pragmatic 23 Renaissance , the 44 Ricardo, David 116, 118 rights human 113, 148 natural 111 , 113, 138 Rousseau, Jean Jacques

75-87, 116, 160 Saint-Simon, C.·H. 90, 122 Sartre, Jean-Paul 29 science of man 49 Ship of Fools 19 Ship of State 146 Smith, Adam 116, 131 socialism 90-1, 93 societ y 4-6, 65

stateless 124 Socrates 13, 15, 19 Sophists 13 sovereign power 56· 7 State all-powerful 103

collectivist 84-5 definition of 6 minimal 152 organic 101 State morality 46, 87 State of Nature 51 , 53, 64,

75, 77, 155 teleology 21 , 165 totalitarian states 158-61 Utilitarianism 136-49 veil of ignorance 155, 156 vendettas 64 Will, General 82, 83, 85 Wollstonecraft, Mary 170 women 25, 146, 170-1

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