Delacroix, Eugene 153-5 Hume, David 57, 86 determinism 9
aesthetics 36, 45, 70, 86, 90 dialectic 71 , 73
Keats 120
Diderot, Denis 9, 10
idealism 27-8, 72, 73
imagination 31 , 45, 77-80,
American Rebellion 8, 12 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 131 81, 110 anarchism individual, the 66, 164
Proudhon 160
P. Shelley 11 o ego, the 65-7
electricity 113-14
Ingres, J.-A.-D. 151
intellect, the 7- 9
Thoreau 169
Emerson, Ralph Waldo intuition, creative 67
anti-Semitism 141 , 163 158, 168
irony 81-6, 93, 98, 119
antithesis 65, 71 - 2
empiricism 9, 13
architecture, Gothic 18, 35 Engels, Friedrich 162 Jacobins 49-50 art14-16, 70, 90-100 Enlightenment, the 7ff, 47, Johnson, Samuel 4, 5
as language 90
see also aesthetics artists see painters
Austen , Jane 10
epistemology 27
Faraday, Michael 114
feminism 116, 159
joy 46, 48, 79
Kant, Immanuel 8, 27-31,
64, 65, 82, 86
Keats , John 58, 78, 88,
Babeuf, Gracchus 128 Fichte, J.G. 64-6, 71 , 141 108, 114, 117-20 Balzac, Honore de 148-9 Foscolo, Ugo 134 Kleist, Heinrich von 29 Baudelaire, Charles 163 Fourier, Charles 158 knowledge, completion of Beethoven, Ludwig van freedom 52, 71 71
46, 59, 139
French Revolution, the 8,
Bentham, Jeremy 106
11, 47-53, 59-60, 105 Lake School, the 55-6, 122
Berlioz, Hector 138
Freud, Sigmund 115
Blake, William 101-4 Friedrich, G.D. 92-4
landscape painting 95-8
language 33
Blanc, Louis 159
Fukuyama, Francis 171 and art 90
Blanqui, L.-A. 159, 162 Fuseli, J.H . 18
Latin America 62-3
Bolfvar. Simon 63
Leitmotiv 1 38, 148
Burke, Edmund 30, 86 Galvani, Luigi 113
Lermontov, Mikhail 131
Burns, Robert 53
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 133 Liszt, Franz 138
Byron, Lord 55, 59, 108, Gericault, Theodore 152 Locke, John 7
113, 120, 121-5, 130, Gesamtkunstwerk 91 , 141 Lorrain , Claude 96, 99 154, 155 Ginsberg , Allen 171 L'Ouverture, Toussaint 62
capitalism 4 7, 163
Girodet, A.-L 150
Godwin, William 109
Luddism 127
Lyrical Ballads 53-5
Carbonari, the 132-3 Goethe, J.W. von 36-42, Castlereagh, Viscount 126 56, 111, 122 Macpherson, James 57 Chatterton, Thomas 58 Gogol, Nikolai 131 Manzoni, Alessandro 134 Chomsky, Noam 171 Gothic revival 1 7 Marx, Karl 73, 128, 149, Chopin, Frederic 138 Goya, Francisco de 61 161-3 classicism, Weimar 40, 75 Gray, Thomas 20 materialism 9, 28, 73, 123, Cockney School, the 120 Greek art 70 161 Coleridge, Samuel T. 53, Mazzini, Giuseppe 133
55 , 58, 67, 79, 81, 87, Hamann, Johann G. 33 Melville, Herman 167 88, 105-6, 110, 142 Hawthorne, Nathaniel Mendelssohn, Felix 140 communism 159-63 158, 166- 7 Mesmer, Franz 115 Communist Manifesto 162 Hazlitt, Wi ll iam 26, 56, 99, Metternich, Prince 126 Constable, John 76, 97-9 120 monism 72 Cooper, J. Fenimore 165 Hegel, G.W.F. 48, 51, music 91, 135- 141 Cozens, Alexander 95 70-3, 74, 84, 86, 89 classical/Romantic 139 Crevecoeur, Jean de 165 Heine, Heinrich 29 , 50 opera 135- 6 criticism , literary 87- 8 Herder, J .G. von 33- 7 programme music 138
hermeneutics 86
mysticism, Blake 101-3
David, J.-L 143, 150
history 71
Davy, Sir Humphry 19, 114 H61derlin, Friedrich 74-5, 82 Napoleon 39, 5 1, 57, Decembrists, the 129 Hugo, Victor 144-5, 156 59- 63, 66, 70