Index adaptations of S. 11 4-15
Addison. Joseph 65
Althusser, Louis 140
anti-Semiti sm 147
Arden, Mary 5
As You Like It 16
Aubrey, John 15, 23
aL 158-67 autobiographical sonnets 81-2 cryptograms 163 Hamnet, son of S. 14, 40 Cultural Materialism 140-3 Hardinge, George 102 Dark Lady, the 87 Harris, Frank 105 Harvey, Gabriel 39 Davenant, William 51 De Quincey, Thomas 67 de Vere, Edward 166 Dickens, Charles 57 Donoghue, Denis 133 Donnelly, Ignatius 162 Dowden, Edward 103 Droeshout, Martin 45 Dryden, John 68 Hathaway, Anne 13 Hawkes, Terence 168 Hazlitt, William 90-1 Henry IV 26, 34 Herder, Johann Gottfried 109 Historicism see New Historicism history, S.'s interest in 25 homosexuality 154 Bacon Delia 160 Francis 159-67 Eagleton, Terry 142 Earl of Southampton see W riothesley, Henry editors of S. 70 Irel and, William Henry 55 Jarman, Derek 121 Johnson, Samuel 72, 76 Baker, Kenneth, MP 134-5 Eliot, TS. 61 , 98-9 bardolatry 125 Barnum, P.T. 57 Bate, Jonathan 74 Beaumont, Francis 62 Benson, John 81 Bible, King James 163 biography 12, 79 Black Adder, The 123 black characters 153 see also race Blackfrlars Theatre 45 Bliss, William 11 English history, S.'s interest Jonson, Ben 10, 15 , 24, 58·9, i n 25 68, 77 Englishness of S. 127 Essex Rebellion 43-4 Keats, John 90-1, 100-1 ethnicities, S.'s interest i n 25 Kemp, Will 22 European S. 129 Kermode. Frank 169 King Lear 152 Farmer, Richard 77 King's Men theatre company feminist criticism 148-53
f ilms see cinema
Knights, LC. 112
Fletcher, John 46, 75
forgeries 55
Kott, Jan 131 -2
Kyd, Thomas 1 o. 42
Bloom, Harold 42, 157, 168 Foucault, Michel 140 Brandes, Georg, crit ic 105 Freud, Sigmund 155, 166 Lacan, Jacques 155 Brecht, Bertolt 13 1 Looney, J. Thomas 166 Bristol , Michael 143 Garrick, David 53, 108 lost years. the 11 Browning, Robert 82 Gastrell, Rev. Francis 56 bubonic plague 5 Gay criticism 154 Macbeth67 Burbage, Richard 23 Geertz, Clifford 140 curse of 110 Burgess, Anthony 12 genius. S. as 58, 62, 65, 68 Macready, William 57 Burke, Edmund 101 German translation 83 Malone, Edmond 72, 79 Byron, Lord 94-8 Germany and S. 128 Manningham, John 23
capitalism 142
Carlisle, Thomas 160
Chambers, E.K. 36
Chaplin , Charles 167
Gibber, Colley 109
cinema 11 9-22
Civil War, English 46
Cleopatra 60-1
as black woman 147
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
19, 63, 90-1, 92-3
Colli er, John Payne 55
Cooper, Duff 11
criticism 65, 130-57
see also Bate; Brandes :
Gilbert. W.S. 164
Globe Theatre manuscripts 54
Marlowe, Christopher 10,
built 39
burnt down 46
30-1 , 165
Marxism 137, 140
replica built 11 8
Memorial Theatre 111
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Meres, Francis 33-4
von 93
Metamorphoses, Ovid 1 O
Gothic, S. as 65, 128
Middleton, Thomas 107
Graves, Robert 46
G real House, the 41
Greenaway, Peter 121
Milton, John 62
modernism 98-9
More, Sir Thomas 20-1
Greene, Robert 29
Guthrie, William 80
Hamlet17, 37-8, 40, 42,
92-101 , 155-6
Morley, Thomas 45
Murray, James 76
myths about S. 50
National Theatre 111