Index magic 123-5
taking for granted 88
Malcolm, Norman 77 tautology 45-6
absolute 55
Marxism 68
therapy 86-90
aspect seeing 152-7 mathematical logic 12-13 of illusion 92
mathematics 130-5 thinking 94-111, 136-43
Carnap, Rudolf 70
causality 50
certainty 166-8
meaning blindness 158-65 third person 146
Moore, G.E. 14, 19, 166 thought 43-4, 48-9
and language 1 04-5
conceptual relations 38 names 38
reporting 106-7
contradiction 45-6
critique 41
non-existential truths 37 time 42
objects 38-9
Tolstoy, Leo 21, 170-3
Tractatus 26ff, 82, 86
Darwin, Charles 120-2 On Certainty 167
depth grammar 92
origins 120-3
truth see reality defined truths, non-existential 37
desires 138-9
pain, feeling 144-5
understanding 150
perception 154-6
ethics 50-7
persona 136ff
Vienna Circle, The 69-70
existence 57
Philosophical visual experience see existential truths 37
Investigations 83
perception philosophy facts 57
and critique 41
War, First World 20-6
definition of 34-6
effect on W.'s work family resemblances 127-9 defined 84
feeling 136-51 , 161
first person 146
form 43
Frege, Gottlob 12
purpose 40
25, 32-3
and science 40-2 War, Second World 75
Pinsent, David 17
pointing 116-18
Wittgenstein bravery awards 25
propositions 38, 42, 46 at Cambridge 13
happiness 52-3
Hitler, Adolf 9
homologous form 43
flaw in 68
see also river-bed propositions psychology 53
childhood 4-9
degree 19, 71
death 78
diary extracts 23, 24, 25
illusion 92
inner/outer persona
reality defined 36
reflection 94
Richards, Ben 74
falls in love 66, 74
father dies 22
first book 12
illness 78
Keynes, J.M. 17, 71
river-bed propositions 169 inherits money 22, 60 rules 134 in Ireland 76
language 34-9
ambiguity 91-3
language games
Russell, Bertrand 13-16 and music 7
Schlick, Moritz 69
in Norway 18-19
personality 79-81
112-25, 128-9, science and philosophy poets, supporting 22 141, 150-1 40-4 prisoner of war 26 and life 85 self 47-9 resigns professorship 76 limits42 sensations 148 student 10-11 and thought 104-5 Skinner, Francis 74 teaching 60-4, 75-6 logic 44-5, 94 solipsism 47-9 methods 72
flawed 68
soul 163-4
mathematical 12-13 space 42
logical picture 43
space 34
love 124-5
Sraffa, Piere 68
states of affairs 41
subconscious mind
in USA 77
war, effect on W.
20-6, 75
words 158
analyzing 126-7
see also language