11 . Between Trains 12 . The Land Is Not Settled 13 . The Hope of Finding Something
14 . Winter with Catherine
15 . While You Sleep 16 . Become Water 17 . At Ink Level, the Sea
18 . The Birds’ Cry 19 . Chess, Perfume, the Sea social class in west waterford
20 . I. Shanbally Terrace 21 . II. The Bourgeois Class, 1962
22 . III. Aristocracy
23 . Largesse 24 . Agapanthus 25 . In a Fruit Cage
26 . Vertigo 27 . Jerusalem 28 . The Late Hour in L. A.
30 . Frantic Venice 31 . The Hour Extends Itself
32 . Shaken to Pieces 33 . Coastal Express
34 . Going Back 35 . The Late Wind 36 . A Gloomy Wakefulness
37 . They Have Left 38 . A Gannet Falls 39 . Rock of Ages