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Index acceleration 37-8, 51, Galileo 53 Gauss, C. F. 71 general relativity 38, 48 Newton, Isaac 1-7 null geodesics 58-9, 73 112-15, 144-7, 162-3 geodesics 57-73, 86 particle theory 24-6 anti-matter 30 atom 11 gravitational mass 52 waves 112-27 photoelectric effect 104 physics, problem with 1 O gravity 5-6, 29, 48, 108 Planck's constant 25-6, barrier penetration 27 Guth,A.161, 162 167-8 Big Crunch , the 137 black holes 110-11 see also singularity theorems Hawking, S. 164-5 height and relativity 43 homogeneity 157, 161 Hoyle, Fred 136 configurational space 45 Hubble, Edwin 140 Copernican Principle 130-5 inertial mass 52 Plato 42 positive curvature 86-7 Pythagoras' theorem 61 , 64, 70-2 quantum effect 12, 26, 41 169, 171 Cosmic Microwave inflation phase 161 Riemann , G. F. B. 71-2 Background 148 interference 124-7 cosmological constant 81 intrinsic curvature 93-5 satellite probes 156 curvature see space Schwarzschild, K. 111 curvature Kaluza, T. 170 Kant, Immanuel 3 dark matter 150-3 Kepler, Johannes 4-5 dimensions 40, 44-7, 68 , Klein, 0 . 170 173 Dirac, Paul 30 Landau, Lev 74 E=mc2 16 Leibniz, G.W. 4 light simultaneity 33, 47 singularity theorems 164-7 space curvature 53-70, 75-101 , 159 and time 3-7 spacelike geodesics 58-9 spacetime 31-4, 45-7, 98, 100-1 Eddington, A. 108 Einstein, A. 13, 18-25 bending of 104-7 speed of 19-29, 31 geodesics 70 special relativity 48 static universe 142 years 35 speed of light 31 Einstein 's Constant 162 Lorentz, H.A. 18-19, 72 stars 120 equations, invalidating superstring theory 171-3 168 magnetism 8 electromagnetic wave 112 mass 24, 75 energy 24-7, 75 acceleration of 116 Eotvos, L. Baron von 108 Maxwell, J .C. 8, 170 equations 80-3, 168 metre-stick 122 equivalence principle 50-2 metric, the 62 Euclid 85 Michelson , Albert 31 extrinsic curvature 95 momentum 24, 75 Morley, E.W. 31 telescopes 123 tensors 77-84 time and geodesics 57-9 see also spacetime timelike geodesics 58-9 triangles 90 universal gravitation 4 field equations 80-1, 132 muons 23 universe expanding 46 , five-dimensional world 170 133-73, 144-7, 162-3 flatness problem 160-2 nature and relativity 102-3 size 128-31 FLRW models 133-6, 158 negative curvature 88-9 pressure 148 Neumann, John von 39 Wright brothers 16 176
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Index acceleration 37-8, 51,

Galileo 53

Gauss, C. F. 71

general relativity 38, 48

Newton, Isaac 1-7

null geodesics 58-9, 73

112-15, 144-7, 162-3 geodesics 57-73, 86

particle theory 24-6

anti-matter 30

atom 11

gravitational mass 52

waves 112-27

photoelectric effect 104

physics, problem with 1 O

gravity 5-6, 29, 48, 108 Planck's constant 25-6,

barrier penetration 27

Guth,A.161, 162


Big Crunch , the 137

black holes 110-11

see also singularity theorems

Hawking, S. 164-5

height and relativity 43

homogeneity 157, 161

Hoyle, Fred 136

configurational space 45 Hubble, Edwin 140

Copernican Principle


inertial mass 52

Plato 42

positive curvature 86-7

Pythagoras' theorem 61 ,

64, 70-2

quantum effect 12, 26, 41

169, 171

Cosmic Microwave inflation phase 161

Riemann , G. F. B. 71-2

Background 148

interference 124-7

cosmological constant 81 intrinsic curvature 93-5 satellite probes 156 curvature see space Schwarzschild, K. 111


Kaluza, T. 170

Kant, Immanuel 3

dark matter 150-3

Kepler, Johannes 4-5

dimensions 40, 44-7, 68 , Klein, 0 . 170


Dirac, Paul 30

Landau, Lev 74

E=mc2 16

Leibniz, G.W. 4

light simultaneity 33, 47

singularity theorems 164-7

space curvature 53-70,

75-101 , 159

and time 3-7

spacelike geodesics 58-9

spacetime 31-4, 45-7, 98,


Eddington, A. 108

Einstein, A. 13, 18-25

bending of 104-7

speed of 19-29, 31

geodesics 70

special relativity 48

static universe 142

years 35

speed of light 31

Einstein 's Constant 162 Lorentz, H.A. 18-19, 72 stars 120

equations, invalidating superstring theory 171-3


magnetism 8

electromagnetic wave 112 mass 24, 75

energy 24-7, 75

acceleration of 116

Eotvos, L. Baron von 108 Maxwell, J .C. 8, 170

equations 80-3, 168

metre-stick 122

equivalence principle 50-2 metric, the 62

Euclid 85

Michelson , Albert 31

extrinsic curvature 95

momentum 24, 75 Morley, E.W. 31

telescopes 123

tensors 77-84

time and geodesics 57-9

see also spacetime timelike geodesics 58-9

triangles 90

universal gravitation 4

field equations 80-1, 132 muons 23

universe expanding 46 ,

five-dimensional world 170

133-73, 144-7, 162-3

flatness problem 160-2 nature and relativity 102-3 size 128-31 FLRW models 133-6, 158 negative curvature 88-9

pressure 148

Neumann, John von 39

Wright brothers 16


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