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“Having a Eureka Moment?” EUREKA! Homogeneous Catalysis in Supercritical Fluids Philip G. Jessop,Takao Ikariya and Ryoji Noyori 1999, 99 (2), pp 475-494 January 2011 Volume 1 number 1 EUREKA! Mechanism and Activity of Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Melanie S. Sanford, Jennifer A. Love, and Robert H. Grubbs 2001, 123 (27), pp 6543-6554 NEW IN 2011 Covers homogenous, heterogeneous and bio catalysis ARTiCLES NOW ONLiNE! Access a free sample issue at When a New Discovery Happens in the World of Catalysis, You’ll See It Here First! The American Chemical Society proudly introduces its newest peer-reviewed online journal, ACS Catalysis — dedicated to publishing original research on heterogeneous, homogeneous, and bio-catalysis. Our coverage of critically important discoveries includes work in life sciences, drug discovery and development, household products, polymer discovery and production, environmental protection, and energy/fuels. Now it’s more important than ever to begin leveraging ACS as your primary source for timely “Eureka Moments” inspiring your own catalysis discoveries! ACS CAtAlYSIS EDiTOR-iN-CHiEF Christopher W. Jones Professor and Pirkle Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology FREE BOOKLET! The Top Ten Secrets to Successful Article Submissions Having a “Eureka Moment?” Learn the secrets to successfully submitting your work to ACS Catalysis today! Simply log in at and download your FREE booklet. *2009 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports®
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News: 4–19  Industry ‘disturbed’ at Europe BPA ban  Fees hike could focus the mind  Capping levels of scientific migrants  Vodka taste test controversy  New European lithium source?  US urged to triple energy R&D investment  Glasgow IP giveaway  A European regulation comes of age  Fines, flu and an uncertain future  Business roundup: New pharma bosses take the reins Features IBRARY IENCE PHOTO L / SC IL A TERRY SHE Research: 22–36  Cancers monitored using firefly glow  Enriching the origin of life theory  Arsenic sustains microorganism life  DNA readers ratchet closer  Eco-friendly chromatography  Helping nanodevices to selfheal  Retaining bounce at extreme temperatures  Water takes forbidden form  Breaking news for the CO bond  Mystery of diamond polishing solved?  Lithiation through the lens  No stone left unturned in oil hunt  Micro organ-on-a-chip system  Cutting edge chemistry in 2010 Cover story Elements of inspiration: 42 Marie Curie set a shining example for a generation of scientists. Bill Griffiths explores the life of a chemical heroine Picture perfect pentacene: 46 Advances in microscopy now let us see not just atoms but the chemical bonds in between them. James Mitchell Crow takes a closer look Critical thinking: 50 As our supply of some essential elements dries up, it’s time to start urban mining. Emma Davies reports Faking it: 56 Counterfeit medicines can kill – so shouldn’t we lock up the people producing them? Bea Perks finds out it’s not quite that simple Opinions In the pipeline: 21 Derek Lowe looks at the chemist’s relationship with fluorine Totally Synthetic: 36 Paul Docherty presents an unfinished synthesis The crucible: 37 Philip Ball considers the case against a Nobel laureate – an alleged Nazi collaborator Comment: 39 Alice Bell wonders how science museums will stand funding cuts Last retort: 80 Sparks of illumination Regulars Editorial: 2 Celebrate chemistry Letters: 40 My hero: 41 Harry Kroto on Kappa Cornforth Reviews: 60 Puzzles: 65 Marketplace: 67 Classic kit: 68 Töpler pump Flashback: 80 Black whisky Chemistry World Jobs Educated chemist: 70 Researchers in residence Insider: 71 Celebrity counts Careers clinic: 72 Options Stateside Profile: 73 Teach the teachers Recruitment: 74 Classifieds: 78 Keytosymbols Find extra information about the story online Hear more on the Chemistry World podcast Watch a video about the story online Get all the latest news using the RSS feed on the homepage Read items related to the International Year of Chemistry Cover – Statue of Marie Curie in the Granada Science Park, Granada, Spain Chemistry World | January 2011| 1

“Having a Eureka Moment?”

EUREKA! Homogeneous Catalysis in Supercritical Fluids Philip G. Jessop,Takao Ikariya and Ryoji Noyori 1999, 99 (2), pp 475-494

January 2011 Volume 1 number 1


Mechanism and Activity of Ruthenium

Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Melanie S. Sanford, Jennifer A. Love, and

Robert H. Grubbs 2001, 123 (27), pp 6543-6554

NEW IN 2011 Covers homogenous, heterogeneous and bio catalysis

ARTiCLES NOW ONLiNE! Access a free sample issue at

When a New Discovery Happens in the World of Catalysis, You’ll See It Here First! The American Chemical Society proudly introduces its newest peer-reviewed online journal, ACS Catalysis — dedicated to publishing original research on heterogeneous, homogeneous, and bio-catalysis. Our coverage of critically important discoveries includes work in life sciences, drug discovery and development, household products, polymer discovery and production, environmental protection, and energy/fuels. Now it’s more important than ever to begin leveraging ACS as your primary source for timely “Eureka Moments” inspiring your own catalysis discoveries!

ACS CAtAlYSIS EDiTOR-iN-CHiEF Christopher W. Jones Professor and Pirkle Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology

FREE BOOKLET! The Top Ten Secrets to Successful Article Submissions Having a “Eureka Moment?” Learn the secrets to successfully submitting your work to ACS Catalysis today! Simply log in at and download your FREE booklet.

*2009 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports®

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