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CONTENTS When Saturday Comes No 368 October 2017 Deepdale gets some early season sun REGULARS 5 Editorial Football could do so much good in the world, if only the industry showed the same attitude towards social responsibility as Juan Mata 6 Sidelines P SG at t empt t o acqu i r e g r e at ne s s ; Rya n At k i n becomes a role model for LGBT+ community; making matches a family friendly experience; Fringe benefits; Bray warning for FAI 12 Shot! Scottish FA Cup first preliminary round action as Burntisland Shipyard take on Colville Park at the Recreation Ground 17 Harry Pearson column There seems to be no end to the amount of football shown on television, but surely we do not have enough commentators to cope Aldershot often fielded six or seven internationals because of their proximity to the army training centre Football in the Second World War p36 24 Focus on Gordon West, Everton’s League- and Cup- winning goalkeeper who spent his career struggling with anxiety and weight issues 34 Euro view A small club from Ferrara have returned after a long break to put a Spal on Serie A 35 World view Forget China, Indonesia is the place to go for a final payday – unless you are Carlton Cole 40 Books Newcastle buy their Rafa ticket; billionaires take over; Burnley’s groundsman is no grass; the world’s most qualified manager 42 Letters Reading about goalscoring goalkeepers got me thinking about the time… 46 Season in brief Belgium’s convoluted play-off systems creates a memorable finale FEATURES 14 Going mainstream Holland’s Euro 2017 success wins the women’s game even more fans, while England find themselves with new problems to overcome 16 Relevant experience S cot l a nd ’s i ng r a i ned d i s t r u s t of “ l ap t op” coaches is hurting the country’s progress COLIN McPHERSON/WSC PHOTOS With so many clubs in the north-west, one might ponder whether PNE could grow with a Premier League spell Preston North End v Reading p20 20 Match of the month Preston, previously a model of consistency, a r e enjoy i ng l i f e under t he i r new manager 26 Striking back Diego Costa’s recent antics suggest he has been taking lessons from Pierre van Hooijdonk; SaidoBerahino’stransferwoe 28 Middle order With abuse so common, grassroots referees need to develop a coping mechanism; a word of caution on going back to the old days 32 Ox tales A heart-warming story of co-operation in Oxford; fan-owned Banbury United look to w i n ove r a f ew of t he lo c a l s 36 Life during wartime The Second World War posed a number of challenges for the football authorities and exposed some deep regional resentment

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