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Contents October 2017


Main Features


36 Death of an American myth

For good and ill, the US has always believed that it is an exceptional nation. Not any more 41 Meet the Mastos

A Syrian family moves to Ohio—is there a place for them in Trump’s America? 47 Is this the man to stand up to Trump?

UN Secretary General António Guterres is everything the American president is not


52 The Duel: Should there be another

The Duel: Should there be another

EU referendum? 54 Britain’s new Gaullists

The Brexit bunch would shudder to admit it— but they are following a decidedly French script 58 The winding road to Remain but they are following a decidedly French script

We map out the Brexit bumps in the road

The factor The factor

21 The political is personal

Every election boils down to the character thing— who’s the leader that’s got what it takes? plus 26 Why context trumps character

29 Prospect Portraits

Charm and steel: Amber Rudd 33 Don’t call her baby: Jo Swinson

34 Dropped out, tuned in: Angela Rayner


61 The machine in the ghost

Gottlob Frege’s mind was the most powerful motor in modern philosophy


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