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Gorgeous knitting, crochet & embroidery supplies Stylist: Bryony Toogood, Model: Sophie Velming. Photographer: Carl Bengtsson / Brides © The Condé Nast Publications Ltd. Selvedge Magazine Editorial Office 162 Archway Road, London N6 5BB T: +44 (0)20 8341 9721 Publisher: Selvedge Ltd Founder: Polly Leonard Subeditor: Niamh McCooey Copy Editor: Peter Shaw Head of Communications: Clare Bungey Events Director: Penny Gray Head of Special Projects: Ronja Brown Workshop Assistant: Jessica Edney Intern: Ruby Wilson WWW.LOOPKNITTING.COM 15 CAMDEN PASSAGE, ISLINGTON, LONDON, ENGLAND SELVEDGE (ISSN: 1742-254X) is published bi-monthly six times a year in January, March, May, July, September and November by Selvedge Ltd. Registered Office 14 Milton Park, Highgate, London, N6 5QA. Copyright © Selvedge Ltd 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. The editor reserves the right to edit, shorten or modify any material submitted. The editor’s decision on all printed material is final. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Selvedge magazine, Selvedge Ltd or the editor. Unsolicited material will be considered but cannot be returned. Printing: Westdale Press Ltd UK. Colour Origination: PH Media. Web Design: datadial. Distribution: Spatial Mail. Postmaster send address corrections to Selvedge Magazine, Spatial House, Willow Farm Business Park, Castle Donnington, Derby, DE74 2TW. Subscription rates for one year (6 issues): Paper Magazine, UK £60.00; Europe £90.00; USA & Rest of World £120.00
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BIAS CONTRIBUTORS We asked our contributors: What skill would you most like to develop? arie Taillefer M What a thrill to be invited to the House of Lords. Amid high security, I witness the unveiling of the Radcliffe Red list, sponsored by the Heritage Craft Association and the Radcliffe Trust (of Oxford’s Radcliffe Camera). The list identifies which crafts are viable, endangered, critically endangered and extinct in the UK, listing hand stitched cricket ball manufacturing and wooden lacrosse stick making as extinct. As someone who spends most Saturday afternoons shivering on the side-line of a lacrosse pitch I can vouch for the game being very much alive. The list begs the questions; should we artificially keep alive crafts that are no longer economically viable? And is intangible heritage as valuable as tangible heritage? PTOLEMY MANN P84 Unlike cricket balls and lacrosse sticks, basketry is categorised as viable – and I wonder if that is because it has evolved with the changing times. Hilary Burns introduces us to the suprising role basket making played in World War One: not only in the mass production of shell baskets, but also in the development of occupational therapy for the rehabilitation of wounded and shell-shocked soldiers. Today the link between health and craft skills is powering a resurgence of interest in skill acquisition: and judging by the number of courses around – a phenomenon investigated in this issue by Amelia Thorpe – the trend is just going to run and run. There is a flip side to this too: it has in a way devalued the very skills we acknowledge as important. My daughter who plays lacrosse also studies art, and commented on the lack of skills amongst her peers compared to those studying music, where their proficiency is demonstrated by the aquisition of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music grade qualification (part of the UCAS tarif). This requires half an hour of one to one tuition once a week and half an hour a day practice at home. By venturing to Iceland where craft is ingrained into the eduction systems, and as a result a vital part of the culture, we can imagaine what would be possible if we had something like this for craft in the UK. BETSAN CORKHILL P57 Polly Leonard, Founder . GRETA BERTRUM P36 SELVEDGE 3 SELVEDGE 3 The starting point for everything in my work is colour, and with colour comes dyeing… This skill has become the most precious and unique thing for me. Complex and time consuming, it’s such an important and often somewhat underrated skill. I am always amazed at how many textile designers don’t have basic dyeing skills – I think anyone working in the textile field should set foot in a dye lab once in a while. I live in Bath, home to The American Museum and its fabulous quilt collection. Quilting is a skill I’d love to master. It requires such a complex combination of creativity and precision that I find more than a little daunting. For someone who finds it hard to cut out a perfect square when making a cushion cover, it’s a big ask, so I’ve put off learning. But I’ve taken the first step and bought a sewing machine to play with. Who knows, I may one day surprise myself. I love traditional crafts in all of their many forms, but I’m a basket maker at heart. I’ve been working with makers and basket collections for several years, yet I have only made four baskets myself in all that time, so the skill I’d really like to learn is traditional English willow basketmaking. I would love to gain some more experience working with both willow and rush, and would like to have the chance to practise on a more regular basis. I’m sincerely hoping that 2018 will finally be the year…



We asked our contributors: What skill would you most like to develop?

arie Taillefer


What a thrill to be invited to the House of Lords. Amid high security, I witness the unveiling of the Radcliffe Red list, sponsored by the Heritage Craft Association and the Radcliffe Trust (of Oxford’s Radcliffe Camera). The list identifies which crafts are viable, endangered, critically endangered and extinct in the UK, listing hand stitched cricket ball manufacturing and wooden lacrosse stick making as extinct. As someone who spends most Saturday afternoons shivering on the side-line of a lacrosse pitch I can vouch for the game being very much alive. The list begs the questions; should we artificially keep alive crafts that are no longer economically viable? And is intangible heritage as valuable as tangible heritage?


Unlike cricket balls and lacrosse sticks, basketry is categorised as viable – and I wonder if that is because it has evolved with the changing times. Hilary Burns introduces us to the suprising role basket making played in World War One: not only in the mass production of shell baskets, but also in the development of occupational therapy for the rehabilitation of wounded and shell-shocked soldiers. Today the link between health and craft skills is powering a resurgence of interest in skill acquisition: and judging by the number of courses around – a phenomenon investigated in this issue by Amelia Thorpe – the trend is just going to run and run.

There is a flip side to this too: it has in a way devalued the very skills we acknowledge as important. My daughter who plays lacrosse also studies art, and commented on the lack of skills amongst her peers compared to those studying music, where their proficiency is demonstrated by the aquisition of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music grade qualification (part of the UCAS tarif). This requires half an hour of one to one tuition once a week and half an hour a day practice at home. By venturing to Iceland where craft is ingrained into the eduction systems, and as a result a vital part of the culture, we can imagaine what would be possible if we had something like this for craft in the UK.


Polly Leonard, Founder




The starting point for everything in my work is colour, and with colour comes dyeing… This skill has become the most precious and unique thing for me. Complex and time consuming, it’s such an important and often somewhat underrated skill. I am always amazed at how many textile designers don’t have basic dyeing skills – I think anyone working in the textile field should set foot in a dye lab once in a while.

I live in Bath, home to The American Museum and its fabulous quilt collection. Quilting is a skill I’d love to master. It requires such a complex combination of creativity and precision that I find more than a little daunting. For someone who finds it hard to cut out a perfect square when making a cushion cover, it’s a big ask, so I’ve put off learning. But I’ve taken the first step and bought a sewing machine to play with. Who knows, I may one day surprise myself.

I love traditional crafts in all of their many forms, but I’m a basket maker at heart. I’ve been working with makers and basket collections for several years, yet I have only made four baskets myself in all that time, so the skill I’d really like to learn is traditional English willow basketmaking. I would love to gain some more experience working with both willow and rush, and would like to have the chance to practise on a more regular basis. I’m sincerely hoping that 2018 will finally be the year…

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