V O L U M E 1 2 I S S U E 3 A P R I L 2 0 1 3
2 LEttErS 3 frOm thE EdItOr whAt’S nEw?
4 Orthodox feminism Arrives in UK manchester - highlights from Limmud day 6 poland remembers 7 Launch of first Art Kibbutz 8 you can’t please all the people... jmI strengthens its team
SCIEnCE In ISrAEL 9 tom Keve finds out the reasons behind the Israeli science boom 11 nobel prize Laureates judith mirzoeff 12 products of Israeli Science judith mirzoeff looks at some of the influential innovations of recent years thE jEwS Of mOntrEAL
14 what is it about montreal? Seymour mayne timeline Barry Lazar 15 putting down roots – the hart family 16 A walk on the main Barry Lazar 17 A diverse community in a divided city janet Levin talks to jack jedwab
18 hip montreal – Socalled Barry Lazar
Le mood jewish radio in montreal 19 View from a Brit judi herman’s interview with Stephen Glass 20 yiddish – alive and well? rebecca margolis on religious and secular yiddish-speaking 21 why are children learning yiddish today?
janet Levin 22 A plethora of poets Seymour mayne 24 Sam Borenstein A daughter’s view from joyce Borenstein 25 A flourish of films 26 Barney’s Version judi herman’s review rEVIEw/prEVIEw
34 judi herman sees the film and talks to the director of Gatekeepers jfest International the Leeds performing arts festival now in London too
jEwS Of mOntrEAL pAGE 16
mUSIC 35 wagner and Israel malcolm miller questions the ban on playing the composer’s music Art 38 modernist Enthusiast of yiddish theatre Sarah macdougall on Ben Uri’s Boris Aronson exhibition 40 Chagall is Coming to Liverpool monica Bohm-duchen sees the exhibition when it is in Zurich 42 herod the Great – the final journey Angela Levine visits the exhibit at the Israel museum 43 who was herod? Agi Erdos puts some flesh on the bones BOOKS 44 Breaking a wall of Silence david Clark attends a book launch with the secret listeners of the m room
46 The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by mordechai richler reviewed by david herman 47 I’m Your Man: Leonard Cohen by Sylvie
Simmons reviewed by judi herman 48 Landscapes from the Metropolis of Death and Helga’s Diary – two holocaust memoirs reviewed by david herman 50 Radical Responsibility reviewed by Agi Erdos 51 Israel has Moved by diana pinto reviewed by diane Lukeman 52 Retrospective by A B yehoshua reviewed by marge Clouts Exposure by Sayed Kashua is reviewed by deborah Brooks 53 Book week for Couch potatoes pOEtry 53 Monastery on the Moon by norbert hirschhorn reviewed by Liz Cashdan 54 poetry Choice Liz Cashdan chooses poems by Stephen wilson and Sue Schraer fOOd 55 delis to die for Bill Brownstein visits three montreal classics 56 LASt wOrdS
Science in hebrew tamar S drukker
C E n t r E S E C t I O n : p A G E S 2 7 - 3 3 t h r E E - m O n t h G U I d E t O E V E n t S I n t h E U K A n d B E y O n d
Cover picture: Boris Aronson, Costume design for 10th Commandment: Two Hassides, 1926, gouache and collage on paper © Archives Galerie Le minotaure