2 letterS 3 froM the eDitor
What’S NeW 4 Kosher fish Sauce as Served in Pompeii
New Museum for New town 6 Visual treats up North 7 Coming up in JR 8 the JR Survey eDUCatioN 9 Jewish education - is it fit for Purpose?
Clive lawton’s critique of the UK Jewish school scene Who is Going to Jewish Schools?
the JeWS of the heart of italy 12 timeline 13 helping to free italy Susan Kikoler 14 edgardo Mortara – Kidnap italian Style eli abt When italian Jews Get together... Clive lawton 15 in Search of the finzi-Continis lucy raitz 17 emilia romagna april 2013
We Go to Shul in ferrara 18 ferrara to tell italy’s Jewish history
Book festival Brings in the Crowds 20 Musical echoes of the ferrarese Soul enrico fink 21 a treasury of hebrew Manuscripts
Susan Kikoler 22 Deportation remembered 23 Jewish heritage and the italian State
David Clark 24 in Search of Jewish florence with guide Giovanna Bossi rosenfeld 25 florence Synagogue looks outwards the Vogelmanns and la Giuntina 26 from Bronx to Palazzo Janet levin talks to artist Jules Maidoff 28 recalling a Golden age the little Jerusalem Jean-Jacques Wahl visits Pitigliano the free Port of livorno Vesna Domany hardy filM 38 New from israel
Judi herman enjoys the Seret film festival
JeWS of italy PaGe 26
JeWS of italy PaGe 18
MUiZeNBerG MeMorieS PaGe 40
MUSiC 38 My Klezmer Journey Janet Grice interviews frank london of the Klezmatics eXhiBitioN 40 Muizenberg Memories
Sorrel Kerbel’s nostalgic look at a South african beach that was art 42 Seeing the funny Side
David herman on the cartoons of harry Blacker BooKS aND WriterS 43 The Feminine Mystique
Mike Peters revisits Betty friedan’s feminist classic 45 David herman reviews Franz Kafka: The Poet of
Guilt and Shame by Saul friedlander 46 Birth Certificate: The Story of Danilo Kiš
Mark thompson’s book reviewed by Vesna Domany hardy 47 My Mother’s Wars by lillian faderman and
Hiding Places by Diane Wyshogrod reviewed by agi erdos 48 The Making and Unmaking of a Zionist by antony lerman reviewed by Diane lukeman 49 Thank You for Your Business by Derek taylor,
Jewish Lives by Melody amsel-arieli, and Jews in Britain by Michael leventhal and richard
Goldstein reviewed by Judith Mirzoeff 50 ross Bradshaw reviews Moshe Kulbak’s
The Zelmenyaners amos oz: Between Friends Deborah Brooks’s review 51 Synagogues in Lithuania and Jewish
Communities and Their Synagogues in Bulgaria reviewed by Sharman Kadish 52 The Pope’s Jews in Provence reviewed by
Janet levin Danny abse’s Speak Old Parrot reviewed by
Stephen Wilson Poetry ChoiCe 53 liz Cashdan selects poems by louise Green and arnold Wesker fooD 54 a taste of emilia romagna Silvia Nacamulli 55 Dishes to Die for laSt WorDS 56 you can never be a knaker in yiddish helen Beer
CeNtre SeCtioN: PaGeS 29-35 three-MoNth GUiDe to eVeNtS iN the UK aND
BeyoND iNClUDiNG eDiNBUrGh friNGe PreVieW
Cover picture: enrico fink, 12 august 2009, concert of the orchestra Multietnica di arezzo, roman amphitheatre, arezzo; photo by Gabriele Spadini. See page 20