F e n c e Volume 9, N um ber 1 Copyright © 2006 F e n c e Magazine, Inc.
T he O bedient D og’ is from D i e z , copyright 1972, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile. Published here w ith the permission o f Editorial Universitaria.
Cover image by Jo hn Lurie. Courtesy o f th e artist and Roebling Hall / 606 W 2 6 th St / NY, NY 10001. Images on pp. 89-96 by John Lurie. Courtesy o f th e artist and Roebling Hall.
F e n c e is published by F e n c e Magazine, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation. Donations and gifts to F e n c e are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
I f you’d like to help support F e n c e , please contact Rebecca W o lff at fence@angel.net.
T h is publication is made possible in part w ith public funds from th e New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Anonymous Sarah Burnes Thomas Healy & Fred Hochberg Judy and D an Katz Howard and Susan Lederer Amor and Margaret Towles T he Jerome Foundation
Richard Lederer Jean Stein Peter Straub George Loening Jeannette Watson Sanger T im Griffin
A one-year subscription is $17; two-year subscription is $30. A donation o f $200 and over makes th e donor a “Friend o f F e n c e " and is good for a lifetime subscription. Make checks payable to F e n c e M a g a z i n e , I n c .
Many thanks to N ic Wolff, Kathleen Culla, Seth Perlow, Rob Dennis, Alexandra Cahill, Laila Caron, Keegan Finberg, and all the Friends o f F e n c e .
F e n c e is published biannually, in March and September. Send queries and manuscripts to:
F e n c e 303 East E ighth Street, #B 1 NY, NY 10009
All queries and submissions must be sent in the m onths between September 1 and May 31, and accompanied by a SASE i f they are to receive a response. Response tim e is between two and n ine months. Poetry and fiction must be subm itted under separate cover. Repeat publications take place only after four issues or two years have elapsed.
Find us electronically at: http://w ww.fencemag.com or fence@angel.net
F e n c e is p rin ted by U n ited Graphics, Illinois.
F e n c e is d istrib u ted in N o r th America by Bernhard DeBoer, Inc., Nutley, NJ, (973) 667-9300 Ingram D istrib u tio n , LaVergne, T N , (800) 627-6247 and Small Press D istrib u tio n , Berkeley, CA, (510) 524-1668.
ISSN 1097-9980 ISBN 0-9771064-4-6