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UPFRONT 3 EDITOR’S LETTER 6 LETTERS Your comments, complaints, and compliments 8 NEWS Revealing the archaeology of Ramsey Island; Early evidence for St Albans Cathedral emerges; Living at Star Carr in the face of climate change; Meticulous metric survey of the Antonine Wall; Mathematically modelling Bronze Age hoards; Science notes; Medieval ‘suburbs’ of Dublin uncovered; Finds tray 14 COMMENT Joe Flatman excavates the CA archive 16 CONTEXT A fairytale find: St Ouen, Jersey 56 60 66 ISSUE 339 8 CONTENTS CONTENTS 13 13 13 16 CULTURE 56 REVIEWS Britannia Romana: Roman inscriptions and Roman Britain; Protecting the Roman Empire: fortlets, frontiers, and the quest for post-conquest security; Rock, Bone, and Ruin: an optimist’s guide to the historical sciences; Manx Crosses: a handbook of stone sculpture 500-1040 in the Isle of Man; 50 Finds from Warwickshire: objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme; Abandoned Villages 60 EXHIBITION The Square Box on the Hill at Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery 62 CALENDAR Our selection of exhibitions and events 64 SHERDS Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 66 ODD SOCS The Société Jersiaise ON THE COVER A hengiform enclosure uncovered near the A14. CREDIT: Highways England, courtesy of MOLA Headland Infrastructure I s s u e 3 3 9 ❙ J u n e 2 0 1 8 THE UK’S BEST-SELLING ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE A 1 4 r o a d s c h e m e ❙ R o m a n f u n e r a r y p r a c t i c e s ❙ R a t I s l a n d ❙ P e t e r W a d e - M a r t i n s ❙ R a i s i n g a s t o n e a t S t o n e h e n g e Excavating t he A14 Excavating t he A14 Exploring 6,000 years on a landscape scale Exploring 6,000 years on a landscape scale PLUS The Roman way of death ❙ Experimental archaeology at Stonehenge ❙ Investigating the prisoners of Rat Island Issue 339 ❙ June 2018 ❙ £4.95 Issue 339 ❙ £4.95 001_CA339_Cover_FINAL_MESC.indd 1 19/04/2018 16:22 5


Your comments, complaints, and compliments 8 NEWS

Revealing the archaeology of Ramsey Island; Early evidence for St Albans Cathedral emerges; Living at Star Carr in the face of climate change; Meticulous metric survey of the Antonine Wall; Mathematically modelling Bronze Age hoards; Science notes; Medieval ‘suburbs’ of Dublin uncovered; Finds tray 14 COMMENT

Joe Flatman excavates the CA archive 16 CONTEXT

A fairytale find: St Ouen, Jersey














Britannia Romana: Roman inscriptions and Roman Britain; Protecting the Roman Empire: fortlets, frontiers, and the quest for post-conquest security; Rock, Bone, and Ruin: an optimist’s guide to the historical sciences; Manx Crosses: a handbook of stone sculpture 500-1040 in the Isle of Man; 50 Finds from Warwickshire: objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme; Abandoned Villages


The Square Box on the Hill at Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery 62 CALENDAR

Our selection of exhibitions and events 64 SHERDS

Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 66 ODD SOCS

The Société Jersiaise


A hengiform enclosure uncovered near the A14.

CREDIT: Highways England, courtesy of MOLA Headland Infrastructure

I s s u e

3 3 9 ❙

J u n e

2 0 1 8


A 1 4 r o a d s c h e m e ❙

R o m a n f u n e r a r y p r a c t i c e s ❙

R a t I s l a n d ❙

P e t e r

W a d e -

M a r t i n s ❙

R a i s i n g a s t o n e a t

S t o n e h e n g e

Excavating t he A14 Excavating t he A14

Exploring 6,000 years on a landscape scale Exploring 6,000 years on a landscape scale


The Roman way of death ❙

Experimental archaeology at Stonehenge

Investigating the prisoners of Rat Island

Issue 339 ❙ June 2018 ❙ £4.95

Issue 339 ❙ £4.95

001_CA339_Cover_FINAL_MESC.indd 1

19/04/2018 16:22


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