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page 190
Troy, Trojan (64, 65, 68b). The far northwest of Asia Minor, close by the Dardanelles, and the setting for the Trojan Wars. Umbria/n (39). Region of central Italy, north of Rome. Urania (61). One of the nine Muses, and mother of Hymenaeus. Urii (36). Place of veneration for Venus, now unknown. Varus (10, 22). Friend of Catullus. Vatinius (14, 52, 53). Unappealing social and political climber, whose behaviour landed him in the courts on several occasions. Vibennius (33). Unknown frequenter of public baths. Venus (3, 13, 36, 45, 55, 61, 62, 66, 68a, 86). Roman goddess of Love and physical passions. Mother of Cupid, mistress of Mars. Veranius (9, 12, 28, 47). Close friend of Catullus and Fabullus. Verona (67, 68a, 100). Catullus’s birthplace, close to Lake Garda. Victius (98). Unknown. Victor (80). Connoisseur of oral sex, otherwise unknown. Virgo (66). Sign of the zodiac, to the left of Berenice’s Lock in the Firmament. Volusius (36, 95). Unknown amateur and windbag. Zephrion, Zephyritis (66). Outcrop of land at the meeting of the Nile with the Mediterranean. Zephyrus (64). The West Wind. Zmyrna (95). Epyllion penned by Cinna. 172   .  catullus
page 191
Acknowledgements I thank the following editors, where some of these translations first appeared: Fire, fragmente, Free Verse: a Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics , PN Review, Poetry Review, Poetry Wales, Snow, Stand, and Vanitas. I thank also Kelvin Corcoran and Ian Davidson for publishing Twenty-Five Carmina at Gratton Street Irregulars, and Alec Newman for publishing Carmen LXIV at Knives Forks and Spoons. I also want to thank all the people who work at Hawthornden Castle, where I completed my version of ‘Poem 64’ as part of a residency there in 2009. I want to thank the authors with whom I spent my time during July of that year at breakfast and dinner, and about the grounds of Hawthornden, walking and in conversation. Special thanks go to Michael Schmidt for all his enthusiasm and encouragement over the years. I completed this manuscript as a PhD under his supervision at the University of Glasgow. acknowledgements .   173

Troy, Trojan (64, 65, 68b). The far northwest of Asia Minor, close by the Dardanelles, and the setting for the Trojan Wars. Umbria/n (39). Region of central Italy, north of Rome. Urania (61). One of the nine Muses, and mother of Hymenaeus. Urii (36). Place of veneration for Venus, now unknown. Varus (10, 22). Friend of Catullus. Vatinius (14, 52, 53). Unappealing social and political climber, whose behaviour landed him in the courts on several occasions. Vibennius (33). Unknown frequenter of public baths. Venus (3, 13, 36, 45, 55, 61, 62, 66, 68a, 86). Roman goddess of Love and physical passions. Mother of Cupid, mistress of Mars. Veranius (9, 12, 28, 47). Close friend of Catullus and Fabullus. Verona (67, 68a, 100). Catullus’s birthplace, close to Lake Garda. Victius (98). Unknown. Victor (80). Connoisseur of oral sex, otherwise unknown. Virgo (66). Sign of the zodiac, to the left of Berenice’s Lock in the Firmament. Volusius (36, 95). Unknown amateur and windbag. Zephrion, Zephyritis (66). Outcrop of land at the meeting of the Nile with the Mediterranean. Zephyrus (64). The West Wind. Zmyrna (95). Epyllion penned by Cinna.

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