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The twenty-first century in the West is – more than any other – thus far a gendered century: occupied and preoccupied with the politics of gender, its inequalities, its collaps- ing binaries and so forth. This is no bad thing: human civilization hitherto has tended to con- sider big questions in this area – such as who should do what and for how much – rather closed. It may be unsettling to some, and cause uncertainty for others, but it seems that the time has come for attention properly to be paid to how our societies should consider the possi- bility of greater equality between the sexes.
To get here, change had to begin much earlier, of course, and this year is the hundredth anniversary of women’s partial suffrage in Britain (awarded to those over the age of thirty who met property qualifications; full enfranchisement came ten years later). A significant date, often overlooked, was the summer of 1913, with the Great Suffrage Pilgrimage, which – according to Jane Robinson – was “an inspiration for Jarrow, for Greenham Common, for every women’s march that’s taken place since Trump arrived”. It was an arduous, even epic, event: pilgrims travelled on six routes from across the length and breadth of the country, some staying the course but for a distance, others continuing all the way to the capital city. It sounds like an extraordinary caravan of the committed: “they were expected to cover up to 20 miles each day, day after day, in rain as well as the full sun, holding meetings morning and evening to explain their mission. Most were on foot (perhaps unused to walking any distance at all)”.
These women (with some men in support) were suffragists, rather than suffragettes, who believed in the “power of peaceful persuasion” rather than militant action. 1913 was also the year in which Emily Davidson died beneath the King’s horse at Epsom, an act of valorous self-sacrifice that has entered more firmly into the popular recollection. Indeed, the fight for suffrage is, perhaps, best seen through individual stories: Victoria Lidiard, jailed for smashing a window in the War Office, who later became the first female optometrist; Muriel Matters, who threw hundreds of leaflets from an airship during the opening of Parliament in 1909; the protester arrested for windowsmashing at Dublin Castle, who – being lefthanded – was able to throw another stone when her right hand was grabbed. Or the grandmother of a woman interviewed by Robinson, who “saved up scraps of her family’s food for a week and then, when the pilgrims passed by her village, offered them a tiny packed lunch to help them on their way. That was how she won the vote”.
3 Timothy Shenk
Julius Krein
Zoe Williams
11 David Pilling
Rebecca L. Spang
Hillary Rodham Clinton What Happened. Bernie Sanders Our Revolution – A future to believe in. George Monbiot Out of the Wreckage – A new politics in the age of crisis. Naomi Klein No Is Not Enough – Defeating the new shock politics. Mark Lilla The Once and Future Liberal – After identity politics Charles J. Sykes How the Right Lost Its Mind. Peter Kivisto The Trump Phenomenon – How the politics of populism won in 2016. Brendan Simms and Charlie Laderman Donald Trump – The making of a world view. Joshua Green Devil’s Bargain – Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the storming of the presidency. Michael Wolff Fire and Fury – Inside the Trump White House Oliver Letwin Hearts and Minds – The battle for the Conservative Party from Thatcher to the present. Gordon Brown My Life, Our Times. Nick Tyrone Apocalypse Delayed – Why the Left is still in trouble. Mark Perryman The Corbyn Effect
General Grant’s risk-taking, Conrad’s politics, Naughty Nineties, etc
Lord of happy – Why economic growth may not be the only goal Lilian Fischer et al, editors Rethinking Economics. Giacomo Corneo Is Capitalism Obsolete? Samuel Bowles The Moral Economy. John Rapley Twilight of the Money Gods. Kate Raworth Doughnut Economics
HISTORY & POLITICS 14 Emelyne Godfrey
Jane Robinson
16 Ella Baron
17 Nicholas Murray
Diane Atkinson Rise Up, Women! – The remarkable lives of the suffragettes. Jane Robinson Hearts and Minds – The untold story of the Great Pilgrimage and how women won the vote. Robert Wainright Miss Muriel Matters – The fearless suffragist who fought for equality. Margaret Ward Hanna Sheehy Skeffington – Suffragette and Sinn Féiner: Her memoirs and political writings. June Purvis Christabel Pankhurst – A biography Pilgrimage of greats – Why the march of the suffragists should be commemorated
Poetry is always upstairs – The bookshops of Hay-on-Wye
18 Stig Abell
Adam Mars-Jones Mika Ross-Southall
Shakespeare Julius Caesar (Bridge Theatre) Phantom Thread (Various cinemas) The Shape of Water (Various cinemas)
21 Cal Revely-Calder
David Wheatley
Bill Knott I Am Flying Into Myself – Selected poems, 1960–2014; Edited By Thomas Lux Tom Pickard Fiends Fell
22 Nat Segnit
Sarah Crown Roz Dineen Lindsay Duguid
Jim Crace The Melody Tim Pears The Wanderers Jon McGregor The Reservoir Tapes Michelle de Kretser The Life To Come
24 Tom Fleming
J. C. Sutcliffe Alex Peake-Tomkinson Justin Warshaw
Graeme Macrae Burnet The Accident on the A35 Sophie Divry Madame Bovary of the Suburbs Leïla Slimani Lullaby Tom Vaughan MacAulay Being Simon Haines
25 Kristen Roupenian
Brian Turner, editor The Kiss – Intimacies from writers
26 Anna Katharina Schaffner Kevin Young Bunk – The rise of hoaxes, humbug, plagiarists, phonies,
post-facts, and fake news
James Raven
29 Michael Kerrigan
Terri Apter
32 John Psaropoulos
Jocelyn Harris Satire, Celebrity and Politics in Jane Austen Juliet Shields Nation and Migration – The making of British Atlantic literature, 1765–1835
Carla Valentine Past Mortems – Life and death behind mortuary doors Stephen Bernard Paper Cuts – A memoir
Michael Rosen So They Call You Pisher! – A memoir, etc
Johanna Hanink The Classical Debt
My Own Story by Emmeline Pankhurst (TLS November 12, 1914); The Suffragette Movement by Sylvia Pankhurst (TLS February 19, 1931)
36 J. C.
This week’s contributors, Crossword
Pop poetry, Criticism, Letters to the Editor
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