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You don't have to read ANIMALS. \Nmcr OF rnm ALL But you ought to. You owe it to yourself to read ANIMALS regularly. Men and animals are so thoroughly interlinked that their fates are interdependent. Ecologically-speaking, that is. Without animals, man would soon become extinct. But more than that, animals are economically valuable (through tourism, as in East Africa), and suppliers of much needed food (in many parts of the world the indigenous wildlife is much more efficient at converting sparse vegetation into protein than are domestic animals). Above all, we believe that animals are delightful creatures to study and observe—or simply to contemplate. Come with us and discover things about wildlife that you never knew before. Keep up to date on one of the most fascinating of all branches of modern science. We are authoritative (our editorial panel includes three Fellows of the Royal Society), and yet we aim for, and reach, a broad popular readership. Perhaps it's the stunningly beautiful colour photographs that attract our subscribers. Or perhaps it's the penetrating, expert articles that examine the world of animals from every angle. A s we said, you don't have to . . . but we think you ought to find out for yourself today. T o ANIMALS (E2), 21/22 Great Castle Street, London W.I . Please send me a FREE introductory copy, and then enter my one-year subscription to ANIMALS, for which I enclose appropriate payment. NAME ... . ADDRES S Subscription rates: UK & Ireland £3 North America $9 Other O'seas £3.25

You don't have to read ANIMALS.

\Nmcr OF rnm ALL

But you ought to. You owe it to yourself to read ANIMALS regularly. Men and animals are so thoroughly interlinked that their fates are interdependent. Ecologically-speaking, that is. Without animals, man would soon become extinct. But more than that, animals are economically valuable (through tourism, as in East Africa), and suppliers of much needed food (in many parts of the world the indigenous wildlife is much more efficient at converting sparse vegetation into protein than are domestic animals). Above all, we believe that animals are delightful creatures to study and observe—or simply to contemplate. Come with us and discover things about wildlife that you never knew before. Keep up to date on one of the most fascinating of all branches of modern science. We are authoritative (our editorial panel includes three Fellows of the Royal Society), and yet we aim for, and reach, a broad popular readership. Perhaps it's the stunningly beautiful colour photographs that attract our subscribers. Or perhaps it's the penetrating, expert articles that examine the world of animals from every angle. A s we said, you don't have to . . . but we think you ought to find out for yourself today.

T o ANIMALS (E2), 21/22 Great Castle Street, London W.I . Please send me a FREE introductory copy, and then enter my one-year subscription to ANIMALS, for which I enclose appropriate payment.


Subscription rates: UK & Ireland £3

North America $9 Other O'seas £3.25

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