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Book Society Recommendation for Summer 2006 and shortlisted for the 2006 T.S. Eliot Prize. ‘The Law of Primogeniture’ was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, November 2008; sections 3, 4, 13 and 19 of ‘The Storm House’ were nominated for a Pushcart Prize, November 2009. Priest Skear was the Poetry Book Society Pamphlet Choice for Winter 2010. The World Before Snow was shortlisted for the 2015 T.S. Eliot Prize. ‘The World’s First Photograph’ was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, November 2017.

Thirty of the poems included in this book can be heard on the National Poetry Archive,

Thank you to Jennifer Militello for shaking up all my preconceptions into a new order.


Arcimboldo’s Bulldog

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