tpm the philosophers’ magazine
93 98
Pop culture Are Mad Men mad?
Snapshot: Dilthey Father of phenomenology
101 114 116 118
New books Reviews of new comics, novels and more
Author Q&A Gregory Currie narrates
Imagine that The excesses of Avatar
Review of reviews What the critics said
118 127
My philosophy Exposer of bad science, Ben Goldacre
The Skeptic Loving angles instead
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Associate editor
Reviews editor
Julian Baggini (print edition) Jeremy Stangroom (new media)
Ophelia Benson
Nina Power
Production editor Matthew Humphrys Publisher Edward Milford
Editorial Advisory Board Miranda Fricker, Simon Glendinning, Susan James, David Papineau, Nina Power, Anthony Price, Jonathan Rée, Richard Schoch, Barry C Smith, Jonathan Wolff
Paul Cooper
John Perkins
Illustrations/Graphics Felix Bennett (cover), Pipo di Bressana,
Gareth Southwell.
Contributors Laura Biron, Krister Bykvist, Ian Carter, Gary Cox, Mark Dibben, Luciano Floridi, James Garvey, Paul Griseri, Wendy Grossman, Marc A. Hight, Mathew Iredale, William Irwin, Ward Jones, Jean Kazez, Nigel Laurie, Brooke Lewis, Antonia Macaro, Nicholas Smith, Robert Rowland Smith, Frits Schipper, Landon Schurtz, Dominic Scott, Barry C. Smith, Mark Vernon, Emrys Westacott, Thomas I. White.
Contributors’ Notes Contact the editor to submit proposals. Please do not send unsolicited manuscripts.
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© 2009, The Philosophy Press Ltd and contributors ISSN 1354-814X
All views expressed in TPM represent those of the authors of each article and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers.
Cover: Original artwork by Felix Bennett. Design by Paul Cooper.
2ND QUARTER 2010 tpm ■