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1 Editorial 4 The next issue of MPT 5 James Kirkup, a tanka version of Rimbaud’s ‘Bannièmes de mai’ 8 Martin Bennett, In Memoriam James Kirkup 1918–2009,

translations via Italian from the Japanese 13 Alexander Barash, five poems, translated by Alex Cigale 17 Yaroslav Mogutin, four poems, translated by Alex Cigale 22 Gábor T. Szántó, ‘whose tongue?’, translated by Dániel Dányi 24 Hubert Moore and Nasrin Parvaz, four translations from

Farsi 29 John E. Smelcer, poems from the Ahtna Athabaskan language of Alaska 36 Maurice Riordan, three translations from Irish 44 Arthur McHugh, three translations from French 48 François Villon, two extracts from The Testament, translated by W.D. Jackson 55 Maureen Duffy, from a translation of Sir Orfeo 66 ‘Ajkuna’s Lament’, from the Epic of the Knights, translated by

Robert Wilton 69 Chrétien de Troyes, Le Conte du Graal, extracts from an

English version by Rowan Middleton 77 Carole Satyamurti, ‘Retelling the Mahabharata’, with an extract from the poem 81 Timothy Allen, from Nguyên Du’s Ðoan Truròng Tân Thanh 86 Siriol Troup, ‘After Goethe’, versions of Goethe’s ‘Wandrers


Nachtlied’ 89 Oliver Reynolds, poems from Ludwig Uhland

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