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T E E T A B L E T . August 23rd 1952 THE TABLET A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AND REVIEW PRO ECCLESIA DEI, PRO REGINA ET PATRIA VOL. 200, No. 5857 FOUNDED IN 1840 LONDON, AUGUST 23rd, 1952 NINEPENCE PUBLISHED AS A NEWSPAPER DIE KATHOLIKENTAGE Catholic Manifestations in Berlin and Vienna GENERAL NEGUIB AND HIS COLLEAGUES The Men now Holding Power in Egypt. By Charles P . Brown THE TOMB OF ST. PETER The Report on the Excavations Beneath the Vatican Basilica MILITARISM AND COMMUNISM IN GERMANY H : The Embarrassment o f Dr. Schumacher A VISIT TO RHODES By C. Jesman BACK FROM HELSINKI By Victor S . Frank THE FRIENDSHIPS OF WILFRID MEYNELL Cardinal Manning and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. By Viola Meynell OLD SANCTUARIES RESTORED I : Abbeys and Priories. By Linwood Sleigh TAKING LIBERTIES WITH DEFENCE T HE reduction o f the two-year training period in the Belgian Army, which was decided upon after the failure o f the Paris conference to settle this problem on an in te rnational basis, is n o t in itself a serious matter. Disunity in Paris merely helped the Belgian Government to get out o f an internal political difficulty. But the step is nevertheless an illustration o f the scaling down o f the Lisbon programme. The aim was fifty divisions and four thousand planes by the end o f 1952 ; it looks more like forty-three divisions now. Many people th ink th a t seven divisions do no t make all th a t difference, th a t it would in any case be impossible to stop the first drive o f the Soviet war machine with fifty. But it is to be noted th a t the first attem p t a t A tlantic solidarity in this matter o f the period o f m ilitary service has failed. Speculations in this country whether a three-year rearm ament programme is in fact necessary, and the discussions in F rance over the American decision to limit the $625 million additional off-shore orders, planned for three years, to $186 million for one year, are further symptoms. The American Congress will n o t commit itself to financial obligations beyond the current year, and they point ou t th a t F rance receives in any case $900-950 million in the year ending in July 1953. There is some American indignation a t the high rents which they have to pay for their aerodromes in France. “ Soon we shall have to pay,” they say, “ for renting the trenches in which American soldiers will defend the F rench.” A t the last moment the French rearm ament programme for 1952 has been secured, but, o f the twelve divisions which F rance is engaged to supply, only six will be available as long as the war goes on in Indochina. Many hope th a t the Germans will come in to make up these deficiencies, but the German participation has no t yet been ratified, no r is it certain th a t the Parliam ents concerned will ratify it. The Americans themselves, deep in their election preparations, have had to ask for a postponem ent o f the Atlantic Council meeting a t which the NATO Governments will probably demand a revision o f the Lisbon programme. Whether o r no t the Lisbon meeting erred on the side of optim ism , and whether o r n o t national economies were being endangered by this programme, the situation is disquieting. And it is no t so much th a t the danger o f an attack from the Soviet Union is increased by this general relaxation o f effort, but its demoralising effect on European unity and the European will to defend itself. There is a notion in some European military circles, which minimize the danger o f a possible Soviet attack, th a t the USSR can be held in check merely by superior air power, to be organized along bases on the continental periphery. But neither General Eisenhowever, nor Field Marshal Montgomery, no r Marshal Juin, no r any other m ilitary leader who ever held responsible office in the Western defence system, has adm itted th a t such bases suffice. The experience o f the Second World W ar and o f the Korean W a r has proved th a t a ir power can never bring about victory alone, but th a t this depends wholly on a co-ordinated strategy o f land, air and naval forces. And these two experiences have also shown th a t improvisation in an emergency only causes the heaviest losses and gives the enemy th a t initial success which, though no t necessarily decisive, may nevertheless be an im portant advantage. The Rejection of the Price Review Sir Thomas Dugdale’s unexpectedly brusqué rejection o f the request by the N a tio nal Farm ers’ U n ion for a special price review, following on the recent wage increase, will certainly arouse a great deal o f criticism. Farm ers have behind them in this country a long record o f betrayal and there will not be wanting those who say that, while the politicians are paying lip service to the needs o f increased food production, in fact their eyes are on the town voter and they are preparing to sell agriculture as their predecessors did before them. The farmers’ case for a review is simple. I t is th a t the wage increases are likely to cost them about £8 f million a year and therefore they must be recouped by higher prices. The Ministry’s case is th a t o f course the prices will, as ever, be all reviewed next F ebruary but th a t in the meantime, though the farmers have to pay more wages, they

T E E T A B L E T . August 23rd 1952



VOL. 200, No. 5857


LONDON, AUGUST 23rd, 1952



DIE KATHOLIKENTAGE Catholic Manifestations in Berlin and Vienna GENERAL NEGUIB AND HIS COLLEAGUES The Men now Holding Power in Egypt. By Charles P . Brown

THE TOMB OF ST. PETER The Report on the Excavations Beneath the Vatican Basilica MILITARISM AND COMMUNISM IN GERMANY

H : The Embarrassment o f Dr. Schumacher


By C. Jesman


By Victor S . Frank

THE FRIENDSHIPS OF WILFRID MEYNELL Cardinal Manning and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. By Viola Meynell

OLD SANCTUARIES RESTORED I : Abbeys and Priories. By Linwood Sleigh

TAKING LIBERTIES WITH DEFENCE T HE reduction o f the two-year training period in the Belgian Army, which was decided upon after the failure o f the Paris conference to settle this problem on an in te rnational basis, is n o t in itself a serious matter. Disunity in Paris merely helped the Belgian Government to get out o f an internal political difficulty. But the step is nevertheless an illustration o f the scaling down o f the Lisbon programme. The aim was fifty divisions and four thousand planes by the end o f 1952 ; it looks more like forty-three divisions now. Many people th ink th a t seven divisions do no t make all th a t difference, th a t it would in any case be impossible to stop the first drive o f the Soviet war machine with fifty. But it is to be noted th a t the first attem p t a t A tlantic solidarity in this matter o f the period o f m ilitary service has failed.

Speculations in this country whether a three-year rearm ament programme is in fact necessary, and the discussions in F rance over the American decision to limit the $625 million additional off-shore orders, planned for three years, to $186 million for one year, are further symptoms. The American Congress will n o t commit itself to financial obligations beyond the current year, and they point ou t th a t F rance receives in any case $900-950 million in the year ending in July 1953. There is some American indignation a t the high rents which they have to pay for their aerodromes in France. “ Soon we shall have to pay,” they say, “ for renting the trenches in which American soldiers will defend the F rench.” A t the last moment the French rearm ament programme for 1952 has been secured, but, o f the twelve divisions which F rance is engaged to supply, only six will be available as long as the war goes on in Indochina. Many hope th a t the Germans will come in to make up these deficiencies, but the German participation has no t yet been ratified, no r is it certain th a t the Parliam ents concerned will ratify it. The Americans themselves, deep in their election preparations, have had to ask for a postponem ent o f the Atlantic Council meeting a t which the NATO Governments will probably demand a revision o f the Lisbon programme.

Whether o r no t the Lisbon meeting erred on the side of optim ism , and whether o r n o t national economies were being endangered by this programme, the situation is disquieting. And it is no t so much th a t the danger o f an attack from the Soviet Union is increased by this general relaxation o f effort, but its demoralising effect on European unity and the European will to defend itself. There is a notion in some European military circles, which minimize the danger o f a possible Soviet attack, th a t the USSR can be held in check merely by superior air power, to be organized along bases on the continental periphery. But neither General Eisenhowever, nor Field Marshal Montgomery, no r Marshal Juin, no r any other m ilitary leader who ever held responsible office in the Western defence system, has adm itted th a t such bases suffice. The experience o f the Second World W ar and o f the Korean W a r has proved th a t a ir power can never bring about victory alone, but th a t this depends wholly on a co-ordinated strategy o f land, air and naval forces. And these two experiences have also shown th a t improvisation in an emergency only causes the heaviest losses and gives the enemy th a t initial success which, though no t necessarily decisive, may nevertheless be an im portant advantage. The Rejection of the Price Review

Sir Thomas Dugdale’s unexpectedly brusqué rejection o f the request by the N a tio nal Farm ers’ U n ion for a special price review, following on the recent wage increase, will certainly arouse a great deal o f criticism. Farm ers have behind them in this country a long record o f betrayal and there will not be wanting those who say that, while the politicians are paying lip service to the needs o f increased food production, in fact their eyes are on the town voter and they are preparing to sell agriculture as their predecessors did before them. The farmers’ case for a review is simple. I t is th a t the wage increases are likely to cost them about £8 f million a year and therefore they must be recouped by higher prices. The Ministry’s case is th a t o f course the prices will, as ever, be all reviewed next F ebruary but th a t in the meantime, though the farmers have to pay more wages, they

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