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THE TABLET A Weekly Newspaper and Review DUM V O B IS GRATULAMUR ANIM OS E T IA M ADDIMUS UT IN IN C C E PT IS V E S T R IS CONSTANTER MANE AT I S From the Brief of His Holiness Phis IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870. Vol. 158. No. 4,757. London, July i i , 1931. Sixpence. Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper Page News and No t e s ................ 33 A L e tte r from the Holy F a th e r ............................ 37 The M arty rs of the “ Popish P lo t ” 39 F rom The Tablet of Ninety Y ears A g o ............................ 39 R eview s : B u lw er and H is Enemies 40 A Gourmet’s Guide . . . 40 B ack to Moses ................ 41 Books Received ................ 42 New Books and Music . . . 42 CONT The C rusade of Rescue . . . Page 43 Catholic E ducation Notes 44 W il ls ............................ 45 Coming Events ................ 45 Et Ch e t e r à ............................ 46 Catholic P ro g re ss a t North- fields ............................ 47 Society of St. Augustine of C anterbury ................ 48 Seventy-five Years a t R am s­ gate ......................................... 48 Chess ......................................... 48 ENTS Page Correspondence : Rome (O u r Own Correspondent’s Weekly L e tte r from ) ................ . . . 51 Encyclical L e tte r . . . 52 Orb i s Terrarum : England, Scotland and Wales ................ . . . 59 I r e la n d ................ . . . 60 Canada ................ . . . 60 C h ina ................ . . . 60 Czechoslovakia . . . 60 Page Or b is Terrarum F rance H u n g a ry N orth A frica Poland R oum ania . . . Spain Sw itzerland Turkey U.S.A. Yugoslavia ( Contd.) : 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 64 64 A Central Church House . . . 64 Social and P ersonal . . . 64 NOTANDA A Letter from the Holy Father. The text in full of the Encyclical Non abbiamo bisogno; and some reasoned comments by a Tablet leader-writer (pp. 37, 52-9). How soon will the population of England and Wales begin to decline? Their birth-rate falls almost to Sweden’s level (p. 35). Spain. The Socialist Party’s fear of office and responsibility. Some humours of the General Election; and a strange speech by the new Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s (pp. 34-5). More effulgence from “ the Splendour of the Church of England.” The Protestant “ Sacrist of Durham Cathedral ” backs up Dr. Major (p. 36). “ Erastian ” on Conservative Evangelicalism and on the Conservatism of Evangelicals (p. 36). The victims of Titus Oates. An article in which Mr. J. G. Muddiman draws attention to a forgotten bibliography on the “ Popish Plot ” (p. 39). NEWS AND NOTES RAWING to a postal delay, which may or may not ' be normally explained, the Italian text of the Sovereign Pontiff’s Encyclical on the troubles of the Church in Italy did not reach these offices until Wednesday morning. Therefore, the translation of the document which we publish on later pages of The Tablet’s current issue has not all been made direct from the Italian, but has been collated from a carefully executed French version and from an English translation made in Rome last week-end. To the best of our ability we have corrected our English rendering by the Italian original which arrived so tardily ; but in fairness both to the Holy See and to ourselves, we hereby state th a t our version may not be faithful in every detail. We New Series. Vol. CXXVI. No. 4,156. believe, however, th a t it is free from errors of importance and that it may be safely read as an expression of our Holy Father’s mind. In the event of our discovering any mis-translation of a point requiring exactitude we shall do what is necessary ; but we think that such discoveries are unlikely, and it is only out of punctilious respect for accuracy that we print these few lines of caution. One result of the Encyclical’s wide circulation among the faithful of Rome (for which the Vatican deemed it necessary to make exceptional arrangements) has been a partial drawing of the curtain which has long darkened Italian journalism. With the Pope’s version of recent events in the hands of thousands of citizens, it has no longer been possible for the Government to stifle discussion. The first exclamations of the Fascist newspapers prove that His Holiness has not exaggerated the neo-pagan danger. For instance, the Lavoro Fascista, a paper which was publishing coarse cartoons last month, roundly declares th a t “ Fascismo cannot do otherwise than persist in the thorough-going intransigence of its domination ” ; which means that “ the Party ” claims to direct the whole lives of Italians and to mould every boy or girl into a little Totalitarian and Fascist. Outside Italy, the balance of opinion appears to be ponderably in the Sovereign Pontiff’s favour. I t is felt th a t Mussolinismo is exceeding the limits of a salutary Dictatorship and is becoming a Cæsarian tyranny. By itself, the Hoover Moratorium, which has been mutually arranged after nearly three weeks of anxious negotiations, cannot restore prosperity to Britain. Unemployment still increases; and the dismal weekly figures under th a t heading do not disclose the misery which is growing among our middle classes. I t will be the depth of folly to bank on more than negative results from the Moratorium, such as the avoidance by Germany of bankruptcy. We must rely on our own hard work and sacrifices.

THE TABLET A Weekly Newspaper and Review


From the Brief of His Holiness Phis IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 158. No. 4,757. London, July i i , 1931.


Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper


News and No t e s ................ 33 A L e tte r from the Holy

F a th e r ............................ 37 The M arty rs of the “ Popish

P lo t ”


F rom The Tablet of Ninety

Y ears A g o ............................ 39 R eview s :

B u lw er and H is Enemies 40 A Gourmet’s Guide . . . 40 B ack to Moses ................ 41 Books Received ................ 42 New Books and Music . . . 42


The C rusade of Rescue . . . Page 43 Catholic E ducation Notes 44 W il ls ............................ 45 Coming Events ................ 45 Et Ch e t e r à ............................ 46 Catholic P ro g re ss a t North-

fields ............................ 47 Society of St. Augustine of

C anterbury ................ 48 Seventy-five Years a t R am s­

gate ......................................... 48 Chess ......................................... 48



Correspondence :

Rome (O u r Own Correspondent’s Weekly L e tte r from ) ................ . . . 51 Encyclical L e tte r . . . 52 Orb i s Terrarum :

England, Scotland and Wales ................ . . . 59 I r e la n d ................ . . . 60 Canada ................ . . . 60 C h ina ................ . . . 60 Czechoslovakia . . . 60


Or b is Terrarum

F rance

H u n g a ry

N orth A frica


R oum ania . . .


Sw itzerland




( Contd.) :











A Central Church House . . . 64 Social and P ersonal . . . 64


A Letter from the Holy Father. The text in full of the Encyclical Non abbiamo bisogno; and some reasoned comments by a Tablet leader-writer (pp. 37, 52-9).

How soon will the population of England and Wales begin to decline? Their birth-rate falls almost to Sweden’s level (p. 35).

Spain. The Socialist Party’s fear of office and responsibility. Some humours of the General Election; and a strange speech by the new Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s (pp. 34-5).

More effulgence from “ the Splendour of the Church of England.” The Protestant “ Sacrist of Durham Cathedral ” backs up Dr. Major (p. 36).

“ Erastian ” on Conservative Evangelicalism and on the Conservatism of Evangelicals (p. 36).

The victims of Titus Oates. An article in which Mr. J. G. Muddiman draws attention to a forgotten bibliography on the “ Popish Plot ” (p. 39).


RAWING to a postal delay, which may or may not

' be normally explained, the Italian text of the Sovereign Pontiff’s Encyclical on the troubles of the Church in Italy did not reach these offices until Wednesday morning. Therefore, the translation of the document which we publish on later pages of The Tablet’s current issue has not all been made direct from the Italian, but has been collated from a carefully executed French version and from an English translation made in Rome last week-end. To the best of our ability we have corrected our English rendering by the Italian original which arrived so tardily ; but in fairness both to the Holy See and to ourselves, we hereby state th a t our version may not be faithful in every detail. We

New Series. Vol. CXXVI. No. 4,156.

believe, however, th a t it is free from errors of importance and that it may be safely read as an expression of our Holy Father’s mind. In the event of our discovering any mis-translation of a point requiring exactitude we shall do what is necessary ; but we think that such discoveries are unlikely, and it is only out of punctilious respect for accuracy that we print these few lines of caution.

One result of the Encyclical’s wide circulation among the faithful of Rome (for which the Vatican deemed it necessary to make exceptional arrangements) has been a partial drawing of the curtain which has long darkened Italian journalism. With the Pope’s version of recent events in the hands of thousands of citizens, it has no longer been possible for the Government to stifle discussion. The first exclamations of the Fascist newspapers prove that His Holiness has not exaggerated the neo-pagan danger. For instance, the Lavoro Fascista, a paper which was publishing coarse cartoons last month, roundly declares th a t “ Fascismo cannot do otherwise than persist in the thorough-going intransigence of its domination ” ; which means that “ the Party ” claims to direct the whole lives of Italians and to mould every boy or girl into a little Totalitarian and Fascist. Outside Italy, the balance of opinion appears to be ponderably in the Sovereign Pontiff’s favour. I t is felt th a t Mussolinismo is exceeding the limits of a salutary Dictatorship and is becoming a Cæsarian tyranny.

By itself, the Hoover Moratorium, which has been mutually arranged after nearly three weeks of anxious negotiations, cannot restore prosperity to Britain. Unemployment still increases; and the dismal weekly figures under th a t heading do not disclose the misery which is growing among our middle classes. I t will be the depth of folly to bank on more than negative results from the Moratorium, such as the avoidance by Germany of bankruptcy. We must rely on our own hard work and sacrifices.

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